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[POSITIVE] Flows that work!



  • captkiwicaptkiwi Member
    edited March 2018
    I have created an refrigerator/freezer "Door Left Open" alarm with timer loop and 5x repeating notifications.
    • Save money on your energy-bill by preventing cold air escaping your fridge. 
    • Preventing your freezer from frost buildup when the door is  left open,  frost buildup can cause a large waste of energy.
    • It also reminds you 5 times before keeping quiet, so you, neighbours or roommates don't get annoyed of the door alarm reminder constantly.  
    • When door is closed before the timer reaches zero or during an alarm the counter and timer is reset and alarm notification stops.

    Things you need to make this happen: 
    1x Better Logic Number variable (Better logic app needs to be installed)
    1x countdown timer (Countdown app needs to be installed)
    1x Zigbee Xiaomi  Door/window sensor or other sensor ( sensor needs to be added to Devices)
    2x Flows needs te be created

    Create a Number variable:
    1. Goto "Variable management" this can be found under the Menu "Settings"
    2. Give you variable a "Variable name" like "FridgeNotificationCounter"
    3. Select for the "Variable type" the NUMBER value type
    4. Add variable

    Create a Countdown timer:
    1. Goto "CountDown timer management" this can be found under the Menu "Settings"
    2. Give you "CountDown timer name" like "FridgeDoorAlarmTimer"
    3. For the "Value" set it to10
    4. Add Timer

    Flow 1 - CheckRefrigeratorSensor:

    WHEN Column:
    Add the Contact alarm sensor of the refrigerator door 

    This is where the actual sensor detection starts

    AND Column:

    Add Countdown card - set timer card on (Timer not running) select the Countdown timer which you created in the "Countdown timer management"

    Function explanation:

     It will check if the timer is not already running and moves to the THAN column, if timer is "already running, it will NOT run the THEN Column in the flow.

    THEN Column:

    Add an "Better Logic card" and select card for "Set number variable"
    1. Clickon the Name field and select the Variable "FridgeNotificationCounter" which you have created previously in the "Variable management" menu
    2. Set value to "0"

    Add an "CounDown card" and select card for "Start countdown timer"
    1. Clickon the Name field and select the Timer "FridgeDoorAlarmTimer" which you have created previously in the "CountDown timer management" menu
    2. Set value to 10 seconds

    Function explanation:
     To make sure Counter is set correctly we reset it to "0" and we start the countdown timer on 10 seconds

    Result of flow 1 looks like this: 

    Flow 2 - CheckRefrigeratorSensor:

    WHEN Column:

    Add Countdown card - set timer card on 'Timer reaches zero (0)"
    1. select the Countdown timer "FridgeDoorAlarmTimer" which you created in the "Countdown timer management"
    Function explanation:
    It will check if the coundown timer which you set on 10 seconds in flow 1 has reached  Zero (0) but when timer hasn't reached zero it will not run the AND & THEN Columns in the flow.

    AND Column:
    Add your Sensor card - set sensor card (The contact alarm is on) 
    Add an "Better Logic card" and set the card for "Less than" clickon the Name field and select the Variable "FridgeNotificationCounter" Set value to5

    It will check if the sensors is still activated ( fridge door still open) and if the counter variable is still smaller than the value of 5.
    If sensor is not active it stops running the THEN column.
    If counter is equal to 5 it also stops running  the THEN column

    THEN Column:
    Add an "Voice card' or a soundboard card and type the notifcation you desire or select the sound which needs to be played

    Add an "CounDown card" and select card for "Start countdown timer"
    1. Clickon the Name field and select the Timer "FridgeDoorAlarmTimer" set value to 6 seconds

    Add an "Better Logic card" and select card for "Increment number variable"
    1. Clickon the Name field and select the Variable "FridgeNotificationCounter" Set value to 5

    Function explanation:
    It will play the voice card or sound after the first 10 seconds timer which  you set in flow 1
    Next it will loop 5 times the voice/sound card but now after 6 seconds, when it reaches the 5th notifiction it stops. 
    This is handy if you are out of the house so the neighbours/roommates dont get crazy hearing the voice card every 6 seconds the whole day.

    Result of flow 2 looks like this: 

    Hope you can use it ! 

    Any suggestions or improvements on this flow please let me know !
  • Hi there, i'm new to the scene, worked with HW and Domoticz.
    Now day 3 with homey.

    I'm trying to make a flow ;

    Light 1 is off, sensor 1 detects motion, turns on light 1.
    When motion is off for +10 min, and light 1 is on, turn of light 1.

    The idea : i walk in to room 1, i want light, i walk out, in, out, in, stay still for some minutes.. i dont want the light to go out in that room, no flickering, just stay on, until i leave the room for 10+ min.

    i'm stil feeling n00b with the flow editor. ( took some time with domoticz 2 )

  • RocodamelsheRocodamelshe Member
    edited March 2018
    Here is ur answer.
  • RexRex Member
    MichaelD said:

    Yes that part works. But the idle watt is not constant, so it every few seconds it changes from 0.3 to 0.4 etc. so i keep getting notifications every time the watt changes between 0.4 and 0.3. These are my flows:

    I can't find this option. When I look I have only Is switched in or is switched out.
  • Then u most lightly added it as a light?
    Only option is to remove the socket from Homey and re-add it and choose "other"
  • RexRex Member
    Yes that was the problem,  Thanks
  • cbhcbh Member
    Flows for controlling a fan in the bathroom based on the humidity.

    - Aeotec Multisensor 6 (mounted in the ceiling in the shower niche)
    - Fibaro Double Switch 2 (controlling a "stupid" fan).

    Variables & flows:

    Every time the MultiSensor sends an update on the humidity, this is saved to the BetterLogic variable "Humidity"

    The fan is turned on when the humidity increases using the BetterLogic flow card "A number variable changed".
    The limit is based on inspecting Insights to find a balance between not triggering the fan when humidity fluctuates during the day, but still have it turned on soon after a bath begins, in this case 5 seems to fit. A lower limit and a time limit has been set as well.

    The fan is turned off when the humidity falls.
    Based on inspecting how humidity changes in Insights, it is reasonable to cut the ventilation when the humidity is below 55% in this case ("natural" ventilation takes care of the remaining within a reasonable timeframe).
    The MultiSensor has been set to send only threshold dependent updates about humidity (with a limit of 5%) making sure the "jump" in value will always be enough to trigger the flows.
    The motion alarm condition card is included to avoid turning off the fan if the humidity falls abruptly while someone is still in the bath.
  • I would like to make a flow with several sensors, but couldn't get it done right... I have a devolo thermostaat and a xiaomi temp/humidity sensor.
    For example:
    If the temp changed below 20c than set temp with devolo to 20c
    Is it clear what i wanna do? Is there someone wo can give me some advice? Thank you guys
  • angrangr Member
    Micha1980 said:
    I would like to make a flow with several sensors, but couldn't get it done right... I have a devolo thermostaat and a xiaomi temp/humidity sensor.
    For example:
    If the temp changed below 20c than set temp with devolo to 20c
    Is it clear what i wanna do? Is there someone wo can give me some advice? Thank you guys
    How about this;

  • angr said:
    How about this;

    I give it a try, thnx for helping me!

  • I'm coming from a Raspberry Pi with Domoticz running for about 2 years and bought a Homey one week ago.
    Having a lot of Z-Wave devices to configure on the Homey, I've been starting (re)building the flows I had.
    I'm currently discovering the possibilities of Homey Flows and I'm very pleased and amuses. I like to share one of my flows.

    Neo Coolcam Door Sensor -> After activating the contact, It sends a notification to my iPhone, turns around an hourglass (CountDown), set a string with variable Backdoor (or Frontdoor) and set a Counter to 3. The last 3 items are needed for Flow 2.

    Flow 2 is created, because I like to know if the Backdoor is open longer then 5 minutes (yes, children....)
    When the HourGlass is empty (Set to 300 sec. in Flow 1), the Sensor is stil activated, send a message to my iphone. Then I set the HourGlass again on 60 sec. and decrement the counter Teller with 1. This is done, so I don't get a never-ending-loop of messages when the door stays open.

  • EternityEternity Member
    edited April 2018
    Thanks for sharing your flows!

    I have a similar set of flows. In my case I have used two countdown times instead of your 3 trigger states. Also, I have added the condition 'somebody home' and 'nobody home'. 

    Flow 1 - door opened, nobody home:

    Flow 2 - door opened, somebody home:

    Flow 3: - door opened too long:

    Flow 4 - Alarm because door is still opened, otherwise reset times:

    Your solution seems easier :-)

    The Telegram receiver is left blank for privacy reasons
  • I’ve got similair flows but I also evalute the temperature outside so I only get a message when it’s cold outside.
    And now that we got a new Toon app again I’ve added a card to change the program.
  • I’ve got similair flows but I also evalute the temperature outside so I only get a message when it’s cold outside.
    And now that we got a new Toon app again I’ve added a card to change the program.
    I've often thought about somehow incorporating outdoor temperature but I always come back to the thought that surely outdoor temperature doesn't matter? I mean, if your house is cold, heat it, if it's not, don't- how does knowing the outside temp help?
  • vaderag said:
    I've often thought about somehow incorporating outdoor temperature but I always come back to the thought that surely outdoor temperature doesn't matter? I mean, if your house is cold, heat it, if it's not, don't- how does knowing the outside temp help?
    Not for a simple flow to warm your house, but my Thermosmart learns how much % the cv must be heating to keep the temperature constant.
    Without that info  the temperature must go below the setpoint to switch heating on and it would heat to much ( shoot through )  after the temperature is OK at the thermostat.
    Keeping the heating on  ~ 10% for 60 % of the time when fe the outside temperature is ~ 15 degrees below inside setpoint  is far more comfortable then  switching on when  19.5 and switching  off at 20 degrees. 
    When outside is 18 degrees  it only starts heating at fe 20 % and stops already some minutes before the setpoint is reached.
    A good thermostat will learn the heatresistance / heat loss off your house

  • @GeurtDijker
    On a side note, , the ThermoSmart App does not have the tag card 'outside temperature'. That's a pity!

  • Eternity said:
    On a side note, , the ThermoSmart App does not have the tag card 'outside temperature'. That's a pity!

    Correct @Eternity
    I didn't realize as I have an NetAtmo account Connected to the ThermoSmart account for optimal Temperature processing. and my NetAtmo is also Homey Connected. If you don't have NetAtmo the ThermoSmart uses a Location based temperature from a weather service. 
    at the time ThermoSmart didn't update the outside Temperature from NetAtmo (API integration problems)  I used Homey to SET the outside temperature from my NetAtmo ;-) 
    But I guess you can get almost the "same" outside temperature at your location from any other weather service if you don't have your own sensors.
  • Yes, getting the temperature from another service is not a problem. It only requires installing a weather App. But it seems a bit over the top to install an extra App for just that simple need, also because it is part of the Thermosmart setup.

    I will create a request via Github. Athom is the developer :-)

  • Can anyone suggest a way to take advantage of knowing the external temperature to create my own predictive heating with Homey?

    I have Hive thermostat which doesn't seem to use it
  • Micha1980 said:
    I give it a try, thnx for helping me!

    Thnx angr it works
  • yemoHyemoH Member
    The kettle in my kitchen is a potential fire hazard. For example when I leave the lid open when turning on the kettle, the kettle continuous to boil the water and doesn't stop. Until now I used a power plug with a manual switch, but that doesn't prevent a fire hazard when the kettle is heating unattended. Therefore I decided to connected the kettle to the power socket with a Fibaro wall plug. You might say: "Isn't is less expensive to buy a new kettle?", but that isn't as much fun as tinkering about how to fix this with Homey.

    I created two flows. The first flow starts the kettle-counter for five minutes, when the power usage is over 1W. The assumption is that the kettle stops boiling within five minutes. When the kettle has a power consumption of less than 1W after five minutes, the kettle works properly and I probably enjoy a cup of tea. I decided to use the threshold of 1W since the kettle doesn't use any power in the off position and a small power consumption is also a fire hazard.  
    You might wonder why I used the app Sets, since there is only one trigger, but I already had this app installed and I don't want to go overboard with apps installed on Homey. 

    The second flow is for the situation when the kettle continuous to use more than 1W power consumption after five minutes. Maybe the lid is open, the automatic switch doesn't work, or there is another electrical problem. Therefore after five minutes the wall plug is turned off and a warning message is sent to my smart phone, when there is still power usage. 

    Please let me know when you have any ideas of suggestions.  
  • [Dutch] - English below
    Ik heb een Google wekker gemaakt. Dit is een dynamische wekker die alleen afgaat als ik moet werken. 
    Dus in het weekend, feestdagen of bij verlofdagen, gaat hij niet af. Ik heb gebruik gemaakt van de volgende apps:

    iCalendar to Voice

    Oke, wat gebeurt er.
    iCalendar to Voice kijkt in mijn Google agenda of ik over een uur een afspraak heb met de titel: Werk
    alleen als ik thuis ben en het is vroeger dan 9 uur dan gaat hij verder. 
    Ik laat dan een andere flow starten om het licht aan te doen als het voor zonsopkomst is.
    Vervolgens past hij de Sonos volume aan.
    Via internet heb ik een een mp3 gedownload en op de webserver gezet van mijn synology NAS server.
    Met de Radio app heb ik een radio stream aangemaakt en als http het adres van mijn nas naar het betreffende mp3-tje

    10 seconde later wordt het geluid nog een keer herhaald (rooster = haan ;))
    Daarna wordt radio 538 aangezet

    uiteraard voer ik mijn werkrooster (nu is het geen haan) in in Google agenda.

    En dit alles werkt feilloos. 

    i have created a Google wakeup alarm. This is fully automated alarm which only wakes me when i have to work. So 
    it skippes in the weekends, holidays and when i have a day off. I have used the following apps:

    oke, what happens.
    iCalendar to Voice checks my Google agenda if i have an appointment in an hour with the title: Werk
    Only when i am at home and it is earlier then 9 am, it will continue.
    then i will let an other flow check if the light should turn on. Then it will activate my Sonos speaker and adjusts the volume.
    Via internet i have downloaded a mp3 file and put it on the webserver of my synology nas-server. In the Radio app
    i have added a new radiostream to that mp3 file.
    It will play it twice with a 10 sec. delay between. and after that it will play a preferred radio station.

    off course, i add my work schedule in Google agenda. 

    This all works perfectly.
  • k1sk1s Member
    cbh said:
    Flows for controlling a fan in the bathroom based on the humidity.

    - Aeotec Multisensor 6 (mounted in the ceiling in the shower niche)
    - Fibaro Double Switch 2 (controlling a "stupid" fan).

    Variables & flows:

    Every time the MultiSensor sends an update on the humidity, this is saved to the BetterLogic variable "Humidity"...

    The fan is turned off when the humidity falls.
    Hi - can you explain why you need the BetterLogic variable?  i.e. why wouldn't it work with just the Aeotec sensor reporting the humidity change?

  • cbhcbh Member
    The size (and direction) of the change will not be detected in the flow you have made.
    Therefore, the fan will be triggered with any change in humidity reported, also in case the humidity falls from e.g. 30% to 29%
    (It would not be needed if there was a flow card for relative change in humidity, but there isn't)
  • k1sk1s Member
    @cbh Thanks for the explanation.  I guess in my case (I just want to switch it off if it's below a certain threshold, and the room is unoccupied so I homey doesn't need to know about the direction.  I believe the the magnitude of change that triggers a report from the sensor back to homey can be set in percentage increments to avoid the 30%-29% example.
  • Emile said:
    My music in the bathroom starts playing when my shower's water touches the Fibaro water sensor, and stops automatically as well <3
    Does this really work? I thought the Fibaro water sensor will start buzzing...
  • There is a lot of info in this section, but it's not easy to read through, isn't it possible to make a sticky index page?
  • cbh said:
    The size (and direction) of the change will not be detected in the flow you have made.
    Therefore, the fan will be triggered with any change in humidity reported, also in case the humidity falls from e.g. 30% to 29%
    (It would not be needed if there was a flow card for relative change in humidity, but there isn't)
     I let the fan start at 80% humidity, it goes up quick when taking a shower and let it stop at 70% or after 15 min, because the 70% isn't always reached.
  • I've added a cheap second Zigbee humidity sensor at another floor. Start high ventilation when difference is higher than 9% and reduce when difference is lower than 7%
    (first humidity tag is taken from first card, second from tag list and sensor on the other floor) 

  • What cheap did you use?, I was thinking about a weather station but if it can be done cheaper ??
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