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New shipment date for Homey?
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ontopic please! ;-)
I have bookmarked this topic and every time I see an update I'm getting excited that there is news with repaired Homey's and shipment announcements.
mine was on topic
Well there is news! They made a decission yesterday but they didn't shared that information yet with us
Pure speculation! ;-) We didn't make a descision yet, but we definitely prefer the option to change the LEDs and adjust the casing a little bit. I'm currently contacting our manufacturers to see what the possibilities are.
And you just changed the speculation to news for us! Whoho
If new PCB's/casings are ordered, I suggest that the 'wrong' ones are distributed as a gesture to the geek backers. Non-geeks don't know what to do with it and for geeks it is always nice to have a development version, where a limited IR function is no issue. Doing experiments on a development version will at least increase the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) of Homey over testing on the 'live' system.
It would be a waste to trash the 'less functioning' versions.
[Decide for yourself if this should be taken seriously:)]
If may, I want to make a reservation on one of the WAF Homey's
+1, with the incentive to have a lot more available in the app store coming from the geeks
(and I support the statement from Rene, me as non-geek wouldn't have a clue what to do with a dev version
I like the idea. Eventhough it makes athom as kind of Santa claus.
I think there are more options. 1) They could replace irs and adjust casings. Reusing parts means no throwing away and less costs.
2) if needed replace PCB and casing. Then maybe sell the old parts at cost level to geeks. Means no/limited costs and happy geeks.
3) the Santa scenario: give them away. Everybody loves Santa. But he's not a startup with limited funds. Athom is....
I could live with all options. If scenario 2 would be the case I'd buy one.
I am loving the Santa idea.. but I would distribute it between geeks that actually made an app (probably not me).. makes for a nice incentive for developers.
On the other hand.. athom might need some spare parts for the first defective devices.
They wouldn't have to GIVE them away... those homeys are fully functional, apparently just with a limited IR range. They could sell them at a significant discount, then dev backers who want one, could purchase those.
And the money would help Athom with all the additional costs they're incurring from this whole process...
Oh yes I'd love to have a slightly 'broken' Homey next to a proper production one. But I don't think there will be many and Athom might put them to good use themselves. Good to hear they have a fix though. Wondering about the current shipping date estimate...
also a great idea.. but I think athom needs community development harder than $$. They are going to the stores soon. A large selection of apps sells more homeys and would make more $$$ than selling these at a discount..
Long term vs short term
i think that the top of the cases will only be changed, not the entire device, so a WAF is kinda out of the question.
also the pcb board work fine, its just the case where the iR transmitter is is wrong.
so the iR module, pcb and bottem case is ok.
That doesn't stop it from becoming Christmas soon ; )
So, we've made some changes... :-)
After I've got all repsonses from the manufacturers I'll update about the shipment delay. Worst case 4 weeks, better case earlier, so be prepared. But hey, it's for a good cause!
Nice @Emile, thanks for the update. A question though, is this after the adjustments of the casing for infrared?
And of course, what are the adjustments?
But what are the adjustments then?
Replacement Infrared LEDs, and the removal of 6 crenels (dutch: kantelen).
We then bypass the diffuse LED ring completely and emit directly to the outside.
Haven been reading your first sentence like 5 times but can't make anything out of it.
Ok, thanks. :-)
The first part I get but the 2nd part: removal of 6 crenels (kantelen): I guess you have to know how Homey is build to get that? :-)
Short answer: yes
Long answer:
You can compare it to making 6 tiny U shaped holes of about 1mm just below the joint of the lower casing with the led ring. The ledring itself has a slightly increased diameter, which covers up the largest area of these holes. The leds themselves have been replaced by side looking leds, causing them to line up and get a clear line-of-sight with the target.
A clear line-of-sight with the target? I'm probably misinterpreting this, but does that mean that it matters which side of the Homey is pointing towards the target? In other words, does the 10m IR range apply in ANY direction, or only in one specific direction?
I am reading "6 tiny U shaped holes" so i guess there are 6 IR led's that point in 6 directions.
Yeah, that would make sense... I really hope those 6 holes provide a full 360 degrees coverage.
Now I am worried again. If you will place it below the ring (which slightly projects out from the body) than that can limit the vertical upward distribution. If the homey is right below the wall mounted TV (in my case the distance would be 1 meter) than I am afraid that the TV would not receive any IR signal from homey. Have you tested the vertical IR transmission?
Perhaps they can switch the TV and Homey as shown in the test video? Then Homey 'fires' downward while the tv is way up?