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New shipment date for Homey?
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I'm gonna post a Kickstarter update tomorrow with a wrap-up and some more info :-)
nice update on kickstarter, before christmas, good to hear, that would be really nice.
keep up the good work
Thanks Emile. Bugs are a fact of life in hardware and software design and like myself, I'm sure the majority of others really appreciate the efforts you and your team are taking to squash them all before shipping.
Thanks so much for the support guys, couldn't have done it without y'all ❤
I really appreciate the tremendous amount of work that you guys put into Homey!
g'work guys! it's funny and make me happy see your face when you get out from ir problem, resolve a troubleshooting for a technician is amazing
it happen to know that feeling 
That video was taken after one of the first succesful tests, i'm looking way too happy at the last shot xD
Thanks for the update @emile!
Wow, Homey keeps getting better and better.
You guys are doing a great job, keep it up!
This was the first (and so far only..) Kickstarter project i backed, and I'm very happy to see it being so successful. Delays have only made the product more mature, as far as I can tell. And I really admire the constant focus on quality of both hardware and software.
Good job done to all @Athom..
Well.. great news! Just curious, I've pre-ordered my Homey just two months ago, and now that you guys say 500 units a week, how much Homey's did you sell? So I can calculate my chances ;-)
@jimmy_zeropm - Close to 2000 orders in total (backers + pre-orders) as of the start of september, if these numbers are correct:
Will you guys still send geeks after super/first batch backers?
In other words, are geek backers expected to be send first from the big order of pcb's?
The number of orders will be about 3500 according to Emile on 5 Oktober.
i've read before that geek pre-orders are not send first, the pro-orders will be send on order-date.
Yes. I meant geek-backers.
Orders are sent in order of paid price, so Geek backers are the first after the first batch, and after all Kickstarter backers have their Homey, then the pre-orders are shipped.
Hope to have homey under the christmas' tree
@Sommo, does not seem like a logical place. Does it have line of sight with the iR devices?
(lol, just kidding)
my christmas' tree is a big antenna
The Homeyupdate of 25 october said: "The 2nd of November: receive new PCB's with the Inrared change. If tests show they are indeed as good as our soldered version you saw above: ship to Super & First batch backers, and order all of the rest."
And? Did you receive the new PCB's? Love to hear if the test went/are going ok and if the first batch has been/will get shipped!
We'll receive them today, according to our manufacturer.
they in yet ?
Maybe now?
They're delayed for 1 day, argh
/me kicks transporter's ass
Largely offtopic: ROFL LMFAO LOL @ irc command in the forum software!!!
To bad about the delay though....
/me feels like it's almost Sinterklaas
I hope you have received the new PCBs. When you have fully assembled (with the cover on the top), could you please update us on the vertical range of the IR transmitters?