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New shipment date for Homey?
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We're still waiting on the injection mold. Expect 1.5 to 2 months for the first batch backers!
Oops, that's a bit of a delay
Was hoping on any day in June but alas.
Trust that it's all worth the wait...!
Hm, too bad, apparently more delays than you anticipated.
That's a long time to way just for those cases
I know! We wish it'd go faster as well, but that's just how long it takes them..
Can we that made "normal" orders expect delivery right after backers ? , keep up the good work!
So 1,5 month has passed, so just wondering when kickstart backers AND pre-orders (I was just a bit late) can start sitting at home expecting homey
Time flies when you're having fun (on the Athom forum
@Emile, what's the current status or are you guys busy on packing the first batch then you can ignore these messages
I'm also curious when i can get my hands on Homey hehe! Can't wait to see how far we can go with this little helpfull friend!
Mid July for the first batch is going to be a little optimistic, but it does not seem to be far off. An exact date is hard to predict, a lot is coming together right now!
set trollmode = high
I got mine yesterday!
Arhg.. Emile beat me to it..
Then we will wait a few more weeks, already adjusted my avatar to an Homey version
. It feels like i have a little part of Homey with me already hehe.. Keep us updated Emile 
how's it going emile, truckloads of boxes on theyr way to your office yet?
I dont think allot has changed over the weekend..
The two months are almost over, what is the status?
In an other discussion you posted:
here you said
So what will be the new estimates? I am going to move in august so i need to know when i get my geek edition homey. Current date is old adres, new date can possibly be new adres.
Yes, we've got some delay. I hope to make the end of this month for the first batch!
@Emile is everyone getting the choice before shipment where it should be shipped to? I'm not sure if i want to ship it to my home address or to my work address. I really don't want to miss the delivery of Homey so on workdays i'd like to get it shipped to my work address and saturday on my home address hehe..
Yes, before we ship you'll get an e-mail where you can change your address!
@Emile , is it safe to assume any delay will have it's effect on the entire schedule. So a 2 weeks delay on the first batch will also mean 2 weeks delay on the batches for pre-orders?
@Emile, I think what Phuturist and we all want to know is that the current delay your having is due to development or production issues?
+1 for more info (about the reason of the delay)!
5 weeks ago we had the last 1 million euro update, so money couldn't be the issue.
We're having some troubles with the flashing process.. we cóuld ship, but that'd mean that a Homey could never be re-flashed at home, which I don't want to risk. For example, when we ship a bad update, and it bricks your Homey, it would be dead currently. We want everyone to be able to fix a Homey by just plugging it in a PC.
So we're working on that 24/7 right now. Next to that, we had some small problems, we'll post about that probably next Friday through Kickstarter! I think we're delayed for a month right now since the last update (where I said half July), but it's hard to say if it's going to be earlier or later!
i guess no one likes a delay, but really no one likes bricks...
thank u for the update @emile
So the first batch of Homey's will be send out at earliest at the end of this month?
Emile said they are delayed for a month since half july, so the first shipment would be half probably be august then
Ok, thanks.
Any update on fixing the issue?
The are working 24/7 on fixing the problem....
Maybe next friday an (kickstarter) update....