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  • @stefanp the code is completely open and can be modified as you see fit.  @RobinVanKekem I'll happily merge pull requests from anyone. I've been contacted by Athom due to the complaints, and they have offered to take over the development of the Ta…
  • Btw, thanks for the donations guys, really appreciate it. Hopefully the summer holidays will release some pressure from my work stuff, so I can make some decent time for the Tado app!
  • @tweaqer as far as I know, not really. They just changed the way how they handle authentication and authorization. Tado have still not made a public API, so it's basically guessing and looking at the official web & mobile app data. A good rundo…
  • @Tim_Brass still working on it.. beside the authentication, Tado also changed the authorization (token). So it's a little more work as I had hoped. This means I have to change every function call to Tado.
  • @2Be Forgot to copy the log4js module to the beta branch. Working on it now.
  • Hi, as you sure all have noticed, Tado has slightly changed their API, which breaks the Homey Tado App. I've committed the fix based on information from @2Be (thanks!) and my own observations to the Beta channel. However, this still needs approval …
  • New version (0.5.6) has been approved by Athom, and is available in the app store. Please update, since the previous versions won't work with the new Tado API.
  • Hey guys, yes, there are issues with Tado. They seem to be updating their web API, which the Tado app for Homey uses.  This is causing issues with getting an access token (authenticating), so fscked Tado app I've made the necessary changes to the…
  • First of all, best wishes for the new year Additionally, thanks to all who donated to keep the project going! I've been working on rewriting the Tado app, to streamline the code, and make it more readable and modular. I should have an initial ve…
  • @phil_s well, currently the only way to get a backtrace is to run the developer console tool for as long the application is running. (requires nodejs & npm) Do you have an idea when it happens, is it always when a c…
  • Tado has finally delivered all products last week (whoooo!). Have installed them all this week. I was amazed at how easy it was to install the Tado Valves, quite nice! Only downside is that my old Thermostat (v1) cannot be used in the same account …
  • @phil_s can you provide the backtrace, since I apparently do not get those crash reports. Normally, Athom sends me mails when a crash happens. But don't see any reports for crashes. Any info is helpful
  • @phil_s Nope, doubt it will happen for 2016 unfortunately. But hoping for december/christmas. Last message I received was that a lot of people are ordering the new Tado products, and they can't keep up. Saying "Our production is now running at full…
  • Version 0.5.5 of the Tado app has just been released to the Homey app store. This should solve the problem with the continuously rotating icon when adding the device.
  • I looked at Smappee, while browsing for some power meters, and initially it seems nice. Lots of similar devices exist, like Neurio, Curb, Aeon Labs Power Meter, Zipato Power Meter. However, the Smappee also has gas & water meter devices, which m…
  • @2Be: thanks for the suggestion, but I don't want you all to start spamming Tado, they'll start sending when they can The only 'problem' I can think of, is that I ordered 'everything', including. Smart AC, Smart Radiator and of course the new (v3) …
  • Honey, if you are using the Athom developer tools, could you paste the crash report that you are getting ? If needed, you can enable debug in drivers/tado/driver.js (line7), by changing var debug = false;   to var debug = true; Based on this I …
  • Just published the app, 0.5.3 is a minor bugfix update. So it won't fix the bigger issues, that will only be possible when I receive the new Tado hardware.
  • When I receive my new Tado thermostat I'll rework the code, based on Athom's NetAtmo app. Hopefully this fixes most problems.
  • For those with setup/initialization problems with the Tado Homey app, can you please answer the following questions, - what is your Homey version - what is your Tado Homey app version - what is your Tado version: available in the mobile Tado app,…
  • @RobinVanKekem Thanks, avoided the pain of a reinstall @ZperX This means the app has crashed or killed for a reason. First, remove the app from Homey's Devices. Check your Tado login and password under Homey Settings > Tado. Try the login an…
  • Hi all, below some info of what's going on with the Tado app. I've ordered both the Tado Cooling and the Valves product, and should hopefully arrive somewhere in October. By then I hope most of the issues with Homey (0.10) will be fixed, and more s…
  • Hi Tim, Philips Hue uses the ZigBee wireless protocol for bridges and Taps, since the ZigBee driver/chip/software is currently not activated on Homey, you won't be able to use it as a remote via Homey, however this is not a guarantee it'll work eve…
  • @AvdHF64 Al gekeken naar de Tado producten ? ( Deze bevatten, * Thermostat, meerdere (multi-room) zijn mogelijk indien uw woning dit al voorziet * Radiator Valves, beheer de temperatuur in elke kamer (met radiator)  * AC control, cont…
  • @0burner0 update has been approved by Athom, and now available in the app store.
  • @JurgenHuijbregts concerning official Athom / Homey support for Tado products, this depends completely on Tado. Currently, Tado does not offer companies an official API for integrating with Tado. As Athom can legally not be using unofficial API's,…
  • @JurgenHuijbregts Hi, from what I can see, it appears the Homey app driver insights (based on capabilities) are not added anymore. This used to work, and just checked my Homey NetAtmo app, and it also does not provide any insights anymore. I need to…
  • Hi guys, haven't had a lot of time to work on the Tado code yet, busy with work related stuff. However, all your input is greatly appreciated, and will make it in the app eventually, when possible @Tim_Brass: Humidity bug will be checked. For the…
  • @mauriceb Ah, did not notice that Tado is also releasing valves in Q3 2016, nice! @Tim_Brass added to the todo @mauriceb commented on the github issue
  • mauriceb said: I just ordered 3 Smart Radiator Valves in order to create separate zones (Living room/Bathroom). You can order them now with a 20% reduction using the code Multizone20 On which site ?