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New shipment date for Homey?
This discussion has been closed.
Indeed, a status update would be welcome.
Yes, indeed a status report would be very much welcomed. Particularly about the first batch.
Before you tell people off not to talk about this and that, please keep it in mind that this a forum. A place of user discussions.
@JeroenKleijn Yes you are right. All these protocols need a lot of initial investment of time (consequently money) to make them work. But this is a one-off thing, you don’t multiply this cost per product. The more product is sold the more insignificant this cost is.
The first batch will hopefully be shipped next week. We're ironing out some bugs, but mostly, we're good to go!
And first batch is for? ( hard to keep up whats first :-))
Br Niklas
@Emile: You mentioned the possibility to supply a shipping address that is different from home address. With the holiday season coming up, I suggest to add a timeframe the different address is valid. I mean that during my holiday I do not like it to be delivered to my home but to neighbors or so that are able to sign for delivery.
People that have permanently moved after ordering can leave the end date open.
Hi @ReneBoeije. Thanks for the suggestion. Often, this kind of system often is prone to errors, both on the users' side as well as ours. That is why we decided to leave it at a single address - fill in the address that suits you best at this time, and when it changes, change it along. It may not be ideal in your case, but this prevents confusion for everyone
Next to that, we will send out an email to verify your shipping address before shipping your Homey, so we don't expect too much to go wrong. You can always edit your shipping address until we start the actual shipping, via Kickstarter (for Kickstarters like you) or by email.
@djesko, the first batch are the 'first batch backers' from Kickstarter
I agree to close this topic. I suggest a announcement part which only can edit by emile or someone else from athom. This topic Contains more complains and nugging about hardware prices. Homey is more then a piece of hardware. This concept is state of the art home automation, even the big boys doesn't have this piece of inovative product. That being said, please stop nagging and have faith in their product!
+1 !!
The first batch are 10 backers (correct me if I'm wrong) , after that the geeks are next in line (and again correct me if I'm wrong), is there an estimate for that batch?
Maybe better you not read this topic anymore then
Becasue there are people who have very diffirent thoughts about it... advantage of a forum.
It's nonsense to close this topic, if these topics can't be discussed its beter to shutdown the complete forum.
A way to counter complaints is to address them, communication is vital!
Haha, we won't close this topic, it's way too much fun to see everyone wants to receive Homey: motivation++
+10 for Danee
-5 for people that complain only to complain
-10 for Emile that is taking the mickey out of customers that are not happy that promises and expectations shift time after time. It is not funny at all. While I hate complaining, I can understand backers (more or less investors but not shareholders that took the risk to loose their money) get impatient. Zano also kept on telling all problems are solved and they will ship soon.
So -5 for you?
If you like, but I did not complain to complain. You have the freedom to interpret this differently of course:). I made a remark about the attitude of Emile to his investors. I do not see reading complaints as fun. I hope he does not need complaints to increase his motivation. (And I do not expect so, honestly. I guess it was a slip of the pen. ) I am patiently waiting until it arrives.
"Pre-order Homey
Homey will ship around January 2016" Around can be untill feb - mar.. pff
Emile just likes the fact that people are very eager to receive Homey and that also motivates him in a good way. Did not perceive that as a negative attitude towards the backers at all.
Instead he could have just given some extra info. 3 posts above him, somebody asked for an estimate, which is completely ignored.
Is the first batch shipped now? It was supposed to ship some weeks ago.
I am sorry, but the same questions get asked over and over again. I do answer those questions, if you read a few pages back.
No we haven't shipped the first batch yet, we will hopefully next week.
Emile, don't apologize, concentrate on delivery of a nice product.
All, Stay on topic or open an other tread.
This one is called New shipment date for Homey
Yes we stick to the topic. We always ask about the new shipment date and always get a new one.

How about opening a new topic titled Final delivery date? Maybe we will have more luck.
How more on topic can we stay than when asking 'when will it be shipped?' !? :-?
The same question gets asked over and over because an estimate is given, it is passed by some weeks without announcing it and so we need to ask for the info ourselves again.
Don't think you can really blame us for that.
Just overshoot your estimate then, and when it does get shipped before your estimated date, everybody will be happy :-P
Nice video on Facbook!
Thanks ! cant wait to replace my f*** bad update every time box!
have a nice weekend.
Small change for the hungry beggars. How about a proper meal: A video update showing the android app in action, adding Z-wave devices and configuring them, IR database, learning infra codes, blinds, etc.
This time of the year people have mercy for the beggars. I think we really deserve it.
Weal already have an infrared video planned! We definitely could make a Z-Wave and android app as well, but it's crazy busy so I'll see what I can do
I think it's all about keeping a good balance between shooting out updates, small comments like this one, and working working working!
Nice video, shows how fast and easy everything seems to works! :-)
@Emile. Keep up the good work. Don't be tricked into hurrying the last stage of manufacturing and your last chance to kill those last bugs before it gets shipped, reviewed and judged.
It must have been one hell of a ride for the athom team, dont make complaints and non-constrictive critisism make you try and take that last corner just an bit to fast..
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