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  • Pff all my apps are gone and getting an alert in my Zones & devices saying "Not Ready"  Console:*********** 500 (Internal Server Error) Also missing the update section in setti…
  • Fire69 said: BramSloot said: No temp or humidity as of yet. I've been googling around but can't find anywhere that the new version supports humidity. You sure? True, my mistake! only the Aeotec Multisensor has humidity.
  • Today i moved Homey from the living room to my office, and speech is 1000% better!! Before with the question " what is the time" it would only get "s t e". now it recognizes the whole sentence, but indeed sometimes times-out after the white ring. I…
  • Phuturist said: Is there already someone out there that has succesfully paired the 2nd gen Fibaro multisensor with zwave plus (Fibaro FGMS-001 ZW5)? I'm planning on buying one but would be nice to know if it pairs. Yes, Motion+ Alarm+ Lu…
  • Somethimes there is a redirect to  (see the point at the  end!) remove this point from the url and then it's ok.
  • MarcoWijk said: MarcoWijk said: I found that the RF signal dies after one (any) command. Only a restart gives me one command, and then is seems to die again. I tried reinstalling the CoCo and Elro app. It doesn't fix the problem.   …
  • BasVanDenBosch said: @fuzzybear I don't think anyone minds more people having their Homey's shipped but if people are expecting a finished / matured product it will be a disappointment... As a geek you know what to expect and don't mind it's …
  • wvanderspek said: Ok so now i have something strange, i had to reset my home because of some z-wave problems. But after the reset, homey responds to hey homey... than i say turn all the lights off. the ring becomes white. and then turns to the …
  • HansSchenkelaars said: Hi BramSloot, I tried the HTTP Get but it doesn't work.. which is strange because in a browser it works and this is a http "get" as well. True i see the problem. There is something wrong with the encoding of the &…
  • @ErikVanDongen ; I have just updated your app with my own app i created earlier. This can trigger flows or send values to hmey by sending a http get request to homey on port 9090 eg: http://iphomey:9090/triggerflow http://iphomey:9090/updatevalue/va…
  • Use this: in a "get" flow card.
  • Same problem here. 1. OK Homey sometimes is not available for 30 seconds. 2. When the speech has been processed ( white ring stops) nothing is happening, doesn't start flows, turn on lights etc. It's a problem i guess everybody is experiencing.
  • Fire69 said: Yes, your pc records what you're saying. But it's sent to the same voice recognition service as when Homey listens to you (I guess/hope). @Emile, can you confirm this? According to the code in the page it is using the webkit…
  • MarcoWijk said: BasVanDenBosch said: Or English class It helps if you pronounce all words separately, not in one flow. BTW, how does one pronounce wikipedia because I can't get the app to work whatever I do... @BasVanDenBosch…
  • Does pressing the "image" of the socket on the left not toggle the state?
  • Jesper said: I have the same problem as Fire69. I also do not see a the speech line. And because of that I'm not able to use voice control in the app. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S6 and OK Google is working on my phone. I read that you are using…
  • ThieuStultiens said: wever said: Perhaps this can be a temperary fix I don't know which  usb connecter is needed but they have different kinds so that sho…
  • Using postman you can get the list. As descripted in the REST api docs:   http://*ip-homey*/api/manager/speech-input/agents *EDIT*
  • tunf said: 2. great idea but there are 5 buttons so i basicly look fa a z-wave 5 io unit? Or just 2; 1.On/Off & 2.High speed.
  • 1. When there is a fire you should not turn on anything! This creates an airflow increasing the fire! 2. I would open the "Push button panel" en use a potential free contact parallel to the existing buttons.
  • jorden said: There is a lot of complaining here. Makes it kinda irritating to follow the forum. Why not just stay patience, and be happy that they are solving the bugs before you get it? In my opinion, it is better to wait a couple of weeks lo…
  • What they have released now is a working product and what they are doing now is upgrading it. If you've read the forum it's nowhere near retail. So you will get a product with bugs and everything 1. Nothing is released in my opinion. 2. I…
  • We are using the extra time wisely to create a better Out-of-the-box experience for everyone who is to receive their Homey next, of course :-) I think this is the part where i feel there is a misconception. We are "Geek Backers" who believed …
  • Athomey said: BramSloot said: You know what they say...Pic's or it didn't happen So you try to trigger me into proving I've slept with Homey?  ;-)  Normally I don't kiss and tell. But I'll make an exception for you @BramSloot ,…
  • You know what they say...Pic's or it didn't happen
  • Should it be possible to create a simple "ask" condition card for the flow?: Homey.manager('flow').on('condition.ask', function( args, callback ){ Homey.manager('speech-input').ask(args.question), function( err, result, callback ){ …
  • I created an "app" that lets you ask info about movies. It uses the website for the information. Some examples: Q;"Hey homey, who was the actor in the movie hitman?" A;"The actors are Timothy Olyphant, Dougray Scott, Olga Kuryl…
  • Fire69 said: How did you only pay 99€? 2 bulbs would be more than that already. I am talking about the mi-light products that i bought.
    in mi light Comment by BramSloot July 2015
  • ThijsVanUlden said: You are right Bram, I agree. But there is no such thing as "pay a little extra", it's more than 400%. Running Mi Light with 5 bulps and the base station is 75 euro's and the Philips Hue has a starter pack of E200,- (3 lights)…
    in mi light Comment by BramSloot July 2015