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Hi all,
My current setup uses a Rapberry Pi with domoticz with a mysensors serial gateway plugged in there. I already have a few sensors running on this (easy to use) DIY platform.
Does homey support mysensors? or is this something the community could add later?
What a coincidence! I was just looking this weekend for my sensors, I'm about to make a DIY temperature sensor with 2 waterproof DS18B20 sensors for my Intex swimming pool with Solar heating. I want to measure the input and output temp. I don't wan't to buy 2 separate temp sensors for this and is fun to make yourself!
It is fun. I made a few movement/temp/humidity/movement/lux sensors and got it working with my (very) basic coding skills and it's cheap
+1 that Homey needs this!
Indeed, Id love to see MySensors beeing supported (Serial/ethernet gateway.)
Its an easy way to get your arduino's to work.
Small suggestion for if mysensors is not supported, try using a 433 mhz receiver and the KAKU (klikaanklikuit) library.
KAKU is supported by default..
I see 2 options to support MySensor.
1) Connect to the gateway via the UI or web services it provides.
2) Create a driver in Homey which replaces the MySensor gateway altogether.
Connecting through the gateway will be relatively easy I expect.
You probably don't need any code to do so.
To have full integration will take a bit more work and I'm not sure it can be done in Homey but it would be awesome to have it build in as an app/driver.
There are many projects like this. I'm sure the community will build support for a few good ones.
Id love to help setting up the driver, but Im such a novice programmer that it would be nearly impossible for me to get it going on my own.
I really hope someone can develop an interface, mysensors is awesome and is a very cheap way of deploying sensors!
Any more news about mysensors support ?
Any news about to support mysensors ?
Would be really nice !
We're not going to support it, this seems like the perfect community app!
if there is any way i can help just give me a heads up. If you live near Utrecht i would mind lending you a gateway, a few sensors, battery's, transceivers etc. Just dont solder it together
Or i could share some logs. Just ask and i'll see what i can do.
has anyone already started developing ?
Unfortunately only 2.4 GHz wifi, but works fine! Did not test the wifi range yet.
BTW, please pay attention to the acknowledge function, ensure that you can check for responses when commands are sent, essential to avoid missing messages.
I think that would be the perfect interface to homey.
Edit: I'm new to MQTT, does it handle acknowledgements, so we can ensure message is sent / received? I Plan to try the MySensors MQTT client connected to Mosquito. ***Update: Got it working***.
Edit 2: Seems to work great, I have a number of flows that use better logic and variables, my plan is to pipe the MQTT messages into the variables.
It looks like he is using MQTT to send messages to Homey using the new Mosquito MQTT client app
which MQTT client of MySensors are you using? I tried the ESPMQTTClient but, for some reason it does not work