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Homey v1.5.X - Experimental



  • very bad update. Zigbee almost does not work anymore, zwave has big problems with the Fibaro components.
    I will soon be tired.

    Not only Fibaro-Devices, also Philio Motion Sensors (Reported on Git).
  • Still the same problem with milight... not working after one day
  • After the 1.5.6 rc8 update, all zigbee devices are still working. When rc6 was installed, zigbee was instable and also with rc9. But after some time, the zigbee network became more stable. Zigbee needs a learning curve?
    At this moment, my zigbee network is stable since weeks.
  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited January 2018
    At all above, you all know it's an EXPERIMENTAL version/update that you all did/are running, Ifyou all want to get it to stable please make an issue at Github so Athom can take a look into the problems and make 1.5.6 stable. Only complaining will not help getting 1.5.6 stable if Athom doesn't know what kind of problems people have. So if you want to run an experimental version stop complaining and contribute at Github your issues (please search first of the issue doesn't exist, when it exist add a comment with your log and your description of the problem, your use case).

    Why Github, that we all know because that's the issue/feature tracker Athom uses and this is a community forum.
  • canedjecanedje Member
    edited January 2018
    I told over here something about experimental. I do understand the risks. BUT if even stable (1.5.3) didn't work at all! 
    I think it is not complaining but telling what happens. 
    I did invest around €1000,-- last month in domotica. Then you expect at least the basics will work.
    I do agree to use github more. I will from now on

    I do also see progression. For me after a month struckeling I do see Z-wave, KaKu, and NFC stable. These where also not stable before. Zigbee is still not. If Zigbee will be stable  I'm happy. And I do still believe that Athom will solve this ;) 

    My solution so far is to reset Homey every night by Candy. After every update I will stop this reset and try again.

  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited January 2018
    canedje said:
    I told over here something about experimental. I do understand the risks. BUT if even stable (1.5.3) didn't work at all! 
    I think it is not complaining but telling what happens. 
    I did invest around €1000,-- last month in domotica. Then you expect at least the basics will work.
    I do agree to use github more. I will from now on

    I do also see progression. For me after a month struckeling I do see Z-wave, KaKu, and NFC stable. These where also not stable before. Zigbee is still not. If Zigbee will be stable  I'm happy. And I do still believe that Athom will solve this ;) 

    My solution so far is to reset Homey every night by Candy. After every update I will stop this reset and try again.

    Posting how much you have invested is not really needed, many people here have invested much more into home domotica after they bought Homey or even before Homey, but that doesn't change anything to Homey or the stable/experimental release because you bought Homey for 300 and not for 1000 or more. 

    This topic is about the 1.5.6RC.X experimental releases wich are labeled experimental for a reason and where everyone has accepted the warning when activating it. 

    Telling and discussing about problems  is good but i see lot's of posts with only complains above and that's why i posted my above message. Complaining about things don't work is one thing but when nobody makes a Github issue Athom will never know about it because this is a community forum wich is not monitored for issues/feature requests. 
  • At all above, you all know it's an EXPERIMENTAL version/update that you all did/are running, Ifyou all want to get it to stable please make an issue at Github so Athom can take a look into the problems and make 1.5.6 stable. Only complaining will not help getting 1.5.6 stable if Athom doesn't know what kind of problems people have. So if you want to run an experimental version stop complaining and contribute at Github your issues (please search first of the issue doesn't exist, when it exist add a comment with your log and your description of the problem, your use case).

    Why Github, that we all know because that's the issue/feature tracker Athom uses and this is a community forum.
    See issue:
    I am not complaining. I try to give some information, also on Github. 
  • NewTon said:
    See issue:
    I am not complaining. I try to give some information, also on Github. 
    cautje said:
    Mostly the people who feel are talked to do it the right way ;) Keep it up and lets bring 1.5.6 to stable as soon as possible with all our input :) 
  • OK

    I have resolved ALL of my ZWAVE issues. I will say.. WITHOUT ANY help from Athom Support. All I got back from them is that it must be the app developers fault - @Bram

    Anyway.. heres what I did and I hope this helps someone else.

    With the new tools page -

    I identified which devices were getting the highest error rates. I then took the highest error-ing device and removed it from my network. I did the reset of the device and then re-added it. I waited 24 hours and moved on the next one. Until I have zero error devices. I had to do 6 devices in total.

    I can't say waiting 24 hours between devices makes any difference. But since all of my devices are tied to flows, I didn;t want to have to fix every flow in one go. So this meant fix device/fix flows/wait 24 hours.

    I am now back to ZERO delays in my triggers and flows for the last 48 hours

    I am still on 1.5.6 rc7. I am not updating until I hear more feedback on the latest versions.
  • canedjecanedje Member
    edited January 2018

    I have resolved ALL of my ZWAVE issues. I will say.. WITHOUT ANY help from Athom Support. All I got back from them is that it must be the app developers fault - @Bram

    Anyway.. heres what I did and I hope this helps someone else.

    With the new tools page -

    I identified which devices were getting the highest error rates. I then took the highest error-ing device and removed it from my network. I did the reset of the device and then re-added it. I waited 24 hours and moved on the next one. Until I have zero error devices. I had to do 6 devices in total.

    I can't say waiting 24 hours between devices makes any difference. But since all of my devices are tied to flows, I didn;t want to have to fix every flow in one go. So this meant fix device/fix flows/wait 24 hours.

    I am now back to ZERO delays in my triggers and flows for the last 48 hours

    I am still on 1.5.6 rc7. I am not updating until I hear more feedback on the latest versions.
    Funny. I did about the same with my Neo devices, not by reinstall but swop them with good working ones. I swopped two not working ones with good working ones and vica versa. Now they work all without error rates. Also the bad ones
  • At all above, you all know it's an EXPERIMENTAL version/update that you all did/are running, Ifyou all want to get it to stable please make an issue at Github so Athom can take a look into the problems and make 1.5.6 stable. Only complaining will not help getting 1.5.6 stable if Athom doesn't know what kind of problems people have. So if you want to run an experimental version stop complaining and contribute at Github your issues (please search first of the issue doesn't exist, when it exist add a comment with your log and your description of the problem, your use case).

    Why Github, that we all know because that's the issue/feature tracker Athom uses and this is a community forum.

    Experimental does not mean: not to use !
    Athom should quickly accept customer dissatisfaction. Every update makes Homey unusable. Your comments will surely make us all happier. Thanks for nothing. :-(
  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited January 2018
    At all above, you all know it's an EXPERIMENTAL version/update that you all did/are running, Ifyou all want to get it to stable please make an issue at Github so Athom can take a look into the problems and make 1.5.6 stable. Only complaining will not help getting 1.5.6 stable if Athom doesn't know what kind of problems people have. So if you want to run an experimental version stop complaining and contribute at Github your issues (please search first of the issue doesn't exist, when it exist add a comment with your log and your description of the problem, your use case).

    Why Github, that we all know because that's the issue/feature tracker Athom uses and this is a community forum.

    Experimental does not mean: not to use !
    Athom should quickly accept customer dissatisfaction. Every update makes Homey unusable. Your comments will surely make us all happier. Thanks for nothing. :-(
    You are wrong in this, experimental is meant for developers to adjust their apps and for people who want to help Athom or have multiple Homey's to test on, not just for everyone. Why do you think the checkbox to activate experimental is moved to a different place( where the address says everything) then under your Homey settings where it was before.

    That's because too many people use experimental as a stable release and then only start complaining about it or expect that it can be resolved in an instant. Experimental falls out of the normal support and ofcourse Athom will support you but when running experimental you know the risk you are taking when you have only one production Homey at home running experimental, that's what you accepted when activating it (the pop-up you did read and accepted).

  • You are wrong in this, experimental is meant for developers to adjust their apps and for people who want to help Athom or have multiple Homey's to test on, not just for everyone. Why do you think the checkbox to activate experimental is moved to a different place( where the address says everything) then under your Homey settings where it was before.

    That's because too many people use experimental as a stable release and then only start complaining about it or expect that it can be resolved in an instant. Experimental falls out of the normal support and ofcourse Athom will support you but when running experimental you know the risk you are taking when you have only one production Homey at home running experimental, that's what you accepted when activating it (the pop-up you did read and accepted).
    People know what Experimental means. The majority of home automation users are smart enough to know that. What winds them up is when you say its there fault for wanting the latest. 

    I dont think anyone is demanding .. I think its frustration to be told its their fault.
    Its when Athom introduce a problem with experimental and then say... 'no, not us.. must be you'.

    I for one, would have no problem with Athom turning around and saying.. 'oh, yes, there were unintended consequences to our latest firmware. it wont be fixed until 3 weeks time.'
  • People know what Experimental means. The majority of home automation users are smart enough to know that. What winds them up is when you say its there fault for wanting the latest. 

    I dont think anyone is demanding .. I think its frustration to be told its their fault.
    Its when Athom introduce a problem with experimental and then say... 'no, not us.. must be you'.

    I for one, would have no problem with Athom turning around and saying.. 'oh, yes, there were unintended consequences to our latest firmware. it wont be fixed until 3 weeks time.'
    People know what Experimental means. The majority of home automation users are smart enough to know that. What winds them up is when you say its there fault for wanting the latest. 

    I dont think anyone is demanding .. I think its frustration to be told its their fault.
    Its when Athom introduce a problem with experimental and then say... 'no, not us.. must be you'.

    I for one, would have no problem with Athom turning around and saying.. 'oh, yes, there were unintended consequences to our latest firmware. it wont be fixed until 3 weeks time.'
    Indeed. We just like to be threated as a cliënt and not like an enemy or idiot

  • OK

    I have resolved ALL of my ZWAVE issues. I will say.. WITHOUT ANY help from Athom Support. All I got back from them is that it must be the app developers fault - @Bram

    Anyway.. heres what I did and I hope this helps someone else.

    With the new tools page -

    I identified which devices were getting the highest error rates. I then took the highest error-ing device and removed it from my network. I did the reset of the device and then re-added it. I waited 24 hours and moved on the next one. Until I have zero error devices. I had to do 6 devices in total.

    I can't say waiting 24 hours between devices makes any difference. But since all of my devices are tied to flows, I didn;t want to have to fix every flow in one go. So this meant fix device/fix flows/wait 24 hours.

    I am now back to ZERO delays in my triggers and flows for the last 48 hours

    I am still on 1.5.6 rc7. I am not updating until I hear more feedback on the latest versions.

    I did the same, works like a charm
  • ingmar said:

    I did the same, works like a charm
    Did you upgrade to the newest firmware yet?

  • BramBram Member
    edited January 2018
    Thanks for all the feedback, much appreciated! As @lubbertkramer stated, the best way for us to be notified about issues is when you post them on Github. This way we can keep track on all the issues and start solving them asap. Right now I am working on a list to check what still needs to be fixed before we can release a new stable update.
  • @Bram Great! Keep up the good work and THX!!!

  • I love my Homey and it gives a lot of fun.
    When you want upgrades, don’t get frustrated and act like spoiled kids. Buy a kaku with a receiver and shut up.
  • rickw said:
    I love my Homey and it gives a lot of fun.
    When you want upgrades, don’t get frustrated and act like spoiled kids. Buy a kaku with a receiver and shut up.
    Thanks for that useless post
  • JPeJPe Member
    Thanks for that useless post
    Thanks @konradwalsh, this is realy usefull

    Please guys, stop this kind of time wasting, let's find and post real and new items, thanks.
  • Followed all the contributions the last few days about 1.5.6 rc8.
    Did not experience any problem with Zigbee (Ikea bulbs) and several Zwave plus devices since last experimental update. So, am I just a lucky user or does the difference in Homey-behaviour has something to do with combination of devices or maybe the local situation?
  • JanH said:
    Followed all the contributions the last few days about 1.5.6 rc8.
    Did not experience any problem with Zigbee (Ikea bulbs) and several Zwave plus devices since last experimental update. So, am I just a lucky user or does the difference in Homey-behaviour has something to do with combination of devices or maybe the local situation?
    Here also on 1.5.6rc8 and running fine, no problems with several Zigbee, KAKU and Hue devices. All seems to work quite stable to me.
  • ingmar said:

    I have resolved ALL of my ZWAVE issues. I will say.. WITHOUT ANY help from Athom Support. All I got back from them is that it must be the app developers fault - @Bram

    I did the same, works like a charm
    Did you upgrade to the newest firmware yet?

    yes sir, on rc8, but I did this "trick" once the new Zwave diagram was introduced. That was on 1.5.6 rc something.
    It gave me insight about the zwave routes between the devices and helped me to solve the faling devices

  • Just my 2 cents: I had similar issues with rc8 (slow/non-responsive Zigbee.) PTP or reboot did not help. What did help was removing some lesser used apps. Whether it was a coincidence, a specific app, or a general lack or resources I don't know.
  • I'm also in the process of removing devices and apps which might be causing trouble. Removing apps helps as this frees resources. Right now I've limited the number of apps to the bare minimum but still have to reboot Homey once or twice a day...
  • canedjecanedje Member
    edited January 2018
    longkai said:
    Just my 2 cents: I had similar issues with rc8 (slow/non-responsive Zigbee.) PTP or reboot did not help. What did help was removing some lesser used apps. Whether it was a coincidence, a specific app, or a general lack or resources I don't know.
    What apps did you remove?
    And how many apps do you have running?
    I had to restart Homey every day, now Homey is up and running for 5 days without restarting. :o I don't know what changed exactly to achive the new behaviour . It looks like Zigbee network is running a self learning curve to improve itsefs?
  • canedje said:
    What apps did you remove?
    And how many apps do you have running?
    I had to restart Homey every day, now Homey is up and running for 5 days without restarting. :o I don't know what changed exactly to achive the new behaviour . It looks like Zigbee network is running a self learning curve to improve itsefs?
    The apps I removed:
    • Denon AVR
    • Samsung Smart TV
    • Bosch-Siemens Home Connect
    • Google Chromecast
    • Spotify
    • Wake On Lan
    • Pushover
    Currently running 15 apps, so I guess 22 at the time.

    Unfortunately I did not make a screenshot of the Zigbee links when the problem occurred, so I can't check if it somehow changed.
  • OGSOGS Member
    edited January 2018
    I have the problem that z-wave is switching on its own.
    For example 1 light should switch on at 7 and off at 21 and that seems to be working (the flow is working).
    But after 21 the light switches on again and there is no flow for it.
    When I look at the z-wave messages I see my off message and after a while some enable message (at the time it goes on).
    Switching off is no problem using the app but it switches on again after a couple of minutes.

    Is this a known problem?
    If not I will make a github issue for it, I could not find similar issue at github but maybe it somewhere in an other issue already.

    This is what I see in the z-wave log:
    Node[2]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY, data: 0x03ff
    Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":"on/enable"}
    Node[2]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY, data: 0x03ff
    Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":"on/enable"}
    Node[2]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY, data: 0x03ff
    Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":"on/enable"}
    Node[2]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY, data: 0x03ff
    Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":"on/enable"}
    Node[2]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY, data: 0x03ff
    Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":"on/enable"}
    Node[2]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY, data: 0x03ff
    Node[2]: [COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":"on/enable"}

    It is a fibaro plug

This discussion has been closed.