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New shipment date for Homey?
This discussion has been closed.
Stop being a child, it was never said pre-orders would arrive before Christmas*. First the Kickstarter backers will receive a unit.
Everyone will get it till Christmas! 13 Months must be adequate.

The guys long enough in the queue, know how to view the expected delivery dates. I havent seen the old veterans like MarcoF and others on the forum for a while.
Prime example is the first batch. More than 2 weeks ago it has been promised that the folks will have it in 1-2 weeks. However it will be at least 4 weeks. The best thing is that Athom physically has the first batch. Now guess how much more delay you will have on on the product what is not even on the assembly line and the 500pcs/week is a wild guess based on nothing.
The delays has its usual cycle. The week after the deadline folks starts to ask about the delivery, than others go against them "let them work on the homey, be patient", after a bit of silence Athom comes with the new date: 1.5-2 months. Than everyone: +1, cool, looking forward. Everyone is pacified till the next cycle.
Well, I think this is because most of the people who are longer around here read almost every post and have just a little more questions left.
I also can't wait to receive Homey but by putting 'pressure' on the Athom guys they wont get Homey ready a bit sooner. Especially at this point where they have no influence any more on the production process. For them it is also just waiting till the supplier is ready. In the meantime they can spend their time on creating nice apps
Exactly! They need to catch up with the software side. Without that it would be just a nice white ball. I guess thats the reason why the first batch is on hold.
So with a little bit of luck, I won't be home alone at Christmas ;-)
Let's just wait and see what Santa will bring !
kickstarter update
i am amazed by the people's lack of patience, ur backing or pre-ordering a product that have NEVER been in mass-production as of now, its completely new, and u dont have to post every thought of ur self, write it down but dont bother people with ur ignorant behaviour.
have a little patience it will come when its ready complaining doesnt bring it to you any faster, infact every silly post is more time reading for the guys at athom and less time programming, think about it.
+1 MarcelKuijper
The journey is the gift.
+1 MarcelKuijper
I totally agree with that. It takes loads of time and effort to create something like this. Time and effort people who are complaining about it probably not (or not yet) come close to...
So, can we all make a deal and give Emiel and all the others the proper time to create an awesome product? And, as dev's, spent time to create apps or ideas to start with? These are topics I rather see on this forum instead of these shipment complains or the discussions that start because of them...
Maybe, we can even close this topic all together
(Sorry, don't want to step on anyones toes, but it's tiresome to see all the complains...)
Maybe you should all stop complaining about the people who complain (ask)??? An idea?
Since sept 1-st readers of this post are probably getting used to "delivery in 4 weeks". Upcoming manufacturer's Christmasbreak will likely make this promise come around once more... Oh well, nothing else to do but wait. Which will get so much harder once I see the first youtube of an EarlyBird unpacking his new toy... So jealous ... meanwhile , what domotica gift shall give my wife?
Atom realy dousn't have a clue when the product is ready. please stop asking about it. @emile. If you have a date and you are sure of it! post it! Stop speculating. Good luck finnishing all the hard work!
So we should stop nagging about the new shipment date for Homey in this "new shipment date for Homey"-topic?
I think recently this topic is more about the delivery of the first batch, which Athom has in their office. And I believe we will be all excited to see the first reviews, screenshots, videos a bit more insight of the software. And not to beg anymore for Kickstarter update to get a bit more crumble of info.

With a bit of manufacturing experience I am certain that I wont get my Homey before end January or February. Of course some still believes in santa and no one should blame them.
This topic has been opened on 20th May
Homey's delays are in my benefit, it give me time to find the right hardware and if needed develop software by myself. When Homey arive im totally ready for it
From my side no complains
My hands are itching to play around with Homeys software and maybe try to create some apps, so with that in mind, this is taking way too long.
On the other hand, I ordered through the website long after the Kickstarter project ended, so I will be in one of the last batches I guess. And that kinda feels safe; if some other people find problems with the Homey, it might be fixed before I get mine
Athoms whole future depends on that first product,
just like the Tesla: electric car , Athom wants to create a name for themselves by making their first product 'exceed customer expectations' and not rush to any malfunctioning solution.
If the Homey device would, for some reason fail one week after launch due to some unforeseen errors, Athom can close office and all will be wasted. Get this thing right and investors will come almost instantly.
:> Athoms whole future depends on that first product,
partly true, you foget companys like smartthings alllready have their product on the market, i bought it from the uk and amazed how good it works and its half the price of homey.
by homey you have to wait, there is no real review or anything, only delays. is there even a ios app out yet?
is there any news? anyone received their homey yet ?
i see comments about complaining isnt right and things, give athom time and so on, maybe for the most its like that but i ordered it as pre order and it says shipment was in de fall/ think even september and for spending 300 euros i would like to know when i receive a working homey.
i heard in some interview homey would also be sold by a big shop, personaly if i look how far it is, i dont believe it will be in the shops in 2016 or 2017, but thats me
its like the longer the wait the further homey gets behind on the market, now everyone can shoot me, only sharing my thoughts as this is the shipment date topic
SmartThings is from Samsung which is a huge multibillion company that has years of experience in producing hardware and software. Athom is a startup by two Dutch guys with a successfully funded kickstarter project called Homey. This is their first product which also is a product that doesn't exist anywhere yet! This and many other reasons (for example, getting all the different hardware right) makes it a lot harder to get their product ready for mass production. I believe the main reason for the price difference is thats SmartThings supports Z-Wave (there are cheaper products that just support Z-Wave) while Homey controls Z-Wave, ZigBee, RF, IR, BT, WiFi and NFC out of the box. I think that a Athom controller that only controls Z-Wave, would never cost €299,-. Also Homey will be able control about anything I could think of
Personally I would like a 100% working and bug free Homey instead of a product that doesn't work correctly that frustrates me every single day. So for this reason I prefer waiting even 6 more months for delivery instead of a not proper working device
The 433Mhz, Infrared, Zigbee, Z-wave chips are really not expensive when you order couple of 1000 pieces. The price difference is not coming from that. The price difference is coming from Athoms market research-price positioning and the manufactured quantities, Samsung has the ultimate bargaining position, highly efficient production lines.
But of course the added value and market position is coming from the wide range of supported protocols.
When you have a hardware chip for $2. you are not there yet. There needs to be software development for all transmitters, receiver and transceivers. Connect to it, control it, make code so a app can control it......... and a lot more
i have a homewizard now. That is about €170 for only 433MHz and 868MHz
Long story short guys and girls : if you want a product instantly, without any development bottum up, possible delays etc ec, go for mainstream hardware from a well known brand and buy via any retailer nearby and don't be on kickstarter. It's always a risk products can be delayed longer as expected, especially for starts ups.
If you take the risks of extra delays, have understanding for the development of a entirely new product then Kickstarter is the place to be at!
Stop nagging about price, costs of chips, transmitters and such, compaired to well known retailbrands in the market . Based on their marketshare and volumes they can lower their purchase pricing of components etc.
Better it would be to close this thread and athom just post a regular update...
My two cents..