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Homey Plex application - main discussion thread



  • Qx5Qx5 Member
    MikeOne said:
    Watch out it's a jedi mind trick!
  • Qx5 said:
    MikeOne said:
    phb said:
    But you really like your homey -plex project and soon you have time to repair  the application   ;)
    Watch out it's a jedi mind trick!
    "I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks don't work on me. Only money. No money, no parts, no deal! "

  • phbphb Member
  • DD Member
    Any chance the Apple tvOS version of Plex will be supported soon?
  • So, installed the plex app, followed instructionsEXACTLY as stated. Clicking on "Start PIN process" --> nothing happens. Does it freeze, because it does not state anything after "tries:" either?
  • oVRDose said:
    So, installed the plex app, followed instructionsEXACTLY as stated. Clicking on "Start PIN process" --> nothing happens. Does it freeze, because it does not state anything after "tries:" either?
    I've never seen that to be honest. Does the app still run after that or does it show as crashed?
    also, do you see any output in the javascript console in the browser?
  • D said:
    Any chance the Apple tvOS version of Plex will be supported soon?
    It depends what kind of support you mean. Voice control is probably not going to work (the atv doesn't allow remote control afaik). However, the plex notifier app (it will come eventually) will work I expect, so you will be able to have flows triggering when you start, stop or pause movies on your atv..
  • Eventually... :-(
  • MarkSwift said:
    Eventually... :-(
    Sorry man. Working 60h/w at the moment..
  • I'll forgive you :smile: 
  • MarkSwift said:
    I'll forgive you :smile: 
    You're such a sweetheart..
  • MikeOne said:
    I've never seen that to be honest. Does the app still run after that or does it show as crashed?
    also, do you see any output in the javascript console in the browser?
    The browser does not crash. However, the button 'Cancel PIN process' does not work either.

    So, new to the community and 'the average user' that will start to use homey. Guess i'm a perfect crash test dummy for this ;) . With the Homey app i do not see any devices in my house either, i do not get any push notifications and  cloud is not connected to homey constantly. Guess the problem is somewhere in the network? Router settings faulty?
  • That sounds like a Homey issue, rather then a Plex app issue..
  • MikeOne said:
    That sounds like a Homey issue, rather then a Plex app issue..
    Well, seem to have fixed the issues other than that of Plex. Unfortunately, the Plex issue remains. Only response when I click 'start PIN process' is that the text "Tries:" pops up. No action in the developer console - Browser still responds - Homey manager still responds.

  • @oVRDose You could try to install the CLI (see here), download the plex app from the source (here) and run it with "athom project --run" to see if there's any messages.
  • Installed V1.2.0 using node i.s.o. installing from the app store. Pinning process was successfull at first try!
  • oVRDose said:
    Installed V1.2.0 using node i.s.o. installing from the app store. Pinning process was successfull at first try!
    Strange.. but okay?
  • @MikeOne, how goes it ;)
  • MarkSwift said:
    @MikeOne, how goes it ;)
    Thanks for asking :-)

    It goes... but not your way unfortunately. I simply do not have any available time to spend on this, at least not in the next few weeks. 
  • ***finds a quiet corner to sit and cry in***
  • DD Member
    MikeOne said:
    It depends what kind of support you mean. Voice control is probably not going to work (the atv doesn't allow remote control afaik). However, the plex notifier app (it will come eventually) will work I expect, so you will be able to have flows triggering when you start, stop or pause movies on your atv..
    Thanks, notifier will be great. Let's hope sometime in the future remote control will be possible as well!
  • Perhaps I need to look at the current app and see if I can piece together a really bad notifier... Not sure where to start. I think a simple notifier that picks up player activities and perhaps allows cards for user / media name / IP etc that will allow some logic to be used.
  • Maybe we could fix this app first  before piece together a notifier 
  • The overhead of the app isn't necessary for a notifier, it makes sense ti separate them out, or at least allow functions to be turned off...
  • phb said:
    Maybe we could fix this app first  before piece together a notifier 
    Many users are using this app successfully, without issues. The issues I know about with the current app are mostly due to Homey physical (mem) limitations due to huge libraries. The notifier app will basically be a 'plex light app' so people with those huge libs can still use the functionality in flows. Or are you seeing other issues?
  • @MikeOne  I'm going to install the app tonight  and try it 
  • Install the app all went well, but when i asked homey "ok homey ik wil een film kijken",  then an 
    exclamation point appears next to the app !

    Stack trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at Object.self.init.self.processConversation (/app.js:1167:36)
    at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
    at Object.emit (events.js:172:7)
    at /homey-app/manager/speech-input.js:1:291
    at /homey-app/helpers/client.js:1:951
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at process.<anonymous> (/homey-app/helpers/client.js:1:920)
    at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)
    at process.emit (events.js:172:7)
    at process.emit (/node_modules/longjohn/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:387:21)
  • Hmmm.. I actually saw this one coming in (stack trace email). It's pretty unique. Do you have any players installed? Do you actually have any movies in your lib? What does the settings page look like? Does it show a connected server and does it have indexed media?
  • Currently installed players:

    Huiskamer (:) - Type: chromecast

    I have 60 movies 


    Available connections: - PORT: 32400 - using SSL: NO - LOCAL: true

    Movies: 60
    Episodes: 10

    Latest added movies


    Everything installed successfully connected to

  • ...mmm... Does that Chromecast device have the same name as the Zone it is in? It seems the code is breaking on either of these two lines (seriously, never saw that before):

    var zone = (speechResults.zones.length > 0) ? speechResults.zones[0] : 'default'; // Not used yet.
    var device = (speechResults.devices.length > 0) ? speechResults.devices[0] : null; 

    So either speechResults.zones or speechResults.devices is NOT an array in the speech result.

    The weird thing is, there should always be a zones and devices arrays in the speech result (they might be empty, but they should always be there I believe). That is why I didn't even bother putting a type check there.

    Is there any way you can post back the result of 'speechObject' when you ask "I wil een film kijken"? You should see this output in your browser console when you have the Plex Settings page open en ask that question. 

    You might be onto an (unknown) bug, possibly even a bug in Homey.
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