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New shipment date for Homey?
This discussion has been closed.
I wonder if waiting for them to come in store is faster than the pre-order? Its the same when you pre-order apple stuff from their resellers, its faster to buy in store instead.
Kickstarter page stated:
Kickstarter Soon you’ll also be able to buy Homey in a real store. To be continued… ;-)
Pre-ordering is definitely faster :-)
Damn I am so jealous of everybody who ordered via Kickstarter and has the shipment on its way... (I just bought it after I bought my new house, kickstarter was already ended by then so I preordered via the website)
Shipment on its way?!
I expect my homey in November 2015.....
@MarcoF I thought I read it somewhere but looking now I cannot find it... so I guess I misread it. Sorry!
Cannot wait for a shipment update. I'm getting twitchy now that Smart Things have just launched in the UK too! Come on Athom, let's get this done!
Oh, and that reminds me, the forum certainly needs an update, the Smart things forum etc are a much better and more dynamic place to be...
Well , there is a lot unclear about the shipmant dates , that is not a good business sign. i havent received anything yet , i live in the netherlands, shipping costs here 1 day from holland to holland
We're still waiting for the pcb's to arrive!
what's the most recent ETA of the PCB ?
still waiting for the original 40 'test' PCB's or the 'real' shipment?
The forum part will be updated, see my discussion:
Dont think so, nothing happend there in over 3 months . ill stick to this threat
I dreamt about Homey last night. Really excited, even though it will take some time. I have every confidence in a good product.
The PCB's arrive this Friday, so next week is thorough testing, and if they pass, ship the first Homeys to the First Batch backers, and order the remaining PCB's!
How many PCB's will you be ordering if all goes well at the end of next week?
All Kickstarter (~850) + pre-orders + a few thousand more for the Homeys yet to be sold
OMG! that's a lot! haha.
Just out of curiosity, how many pre-orders are there?
Will it be a partial delivery or all in one time?
As they are not shipped with trucks to retailer but posted individually, it will be dispatched in batches.
Is the assembly done in the Netherlands or China?
@gvanrenkum Netherlands
If it would be made in China it would not be ready by Easter (if the ship is not hijacked by Somalian pirates). Also there is a serious quality issue there, it is not easy to find a good Chinese manufacturer. Also think of our planet. Hope athom will keep the production in Europe in the future.
If it would be made in China it would not be ready by Easter (if the ship is not hijacked by Somalian pirates). Also there is a serious quality issue there, it is not easy to find a good Chinese manufacturer. Not to mention the environmental impact. Hope Athom will keep the production in Europe in the future too.
when it's made in China with good holland management the Homey should arrive all ready. Problems happend with items like (color) of feet etc. will be solved much faster there. Second production capacity in China is much higher and have more people to test everything for you instead of doing all by yourself.
So you will have more time to update your current clients instead of your clients has to ask every time for new delivery date. and you also focus on new homey 2.0 or other homey products. Because as you can see from Smart home living competition is high!!
And items like these will shipped by air so no Somalian pirates in the air. ;-)
I think that there are good points to be made to produce the homey completely abroad, but I can understand that the first round you would like to do it yourself! It feels better, you can ensure the quality more easily, and (at least the first 100) its fun to finalize your own product before shipping it!
When the first round is completely done it could make more sense to ship production abroad (or find a more scalable solution in NL).
ps. you should somehow set a gopro (or something) on the production line and see the product being build from a to z
Yes so we can see of they work hard enough
Manufacturing abroad is not equal manufacturing in china. I was talking about keeping the manufacturing in Europe, there are plenty of options.
Of course in this case when you need to fulfil the orders quickly and you have a relatively small package and quantity transporting by ship is not an option. Even air transport can hold surprised. Last month one of the product took 2 weeks to get to London from China with air transport. Took some days to get to Shanghai, than it went to Korea than Kazakhstan than Poland than Germany than UK. The way how Athom keeps us updated has nothing do where the product is manufactured.
You would be surprised how many things are actually transported by ships. Anyway that bit was a joke. Actually working at a market leader lighting company it really happened that we had a product coming from china and the ship has been attacked by the pirates. Our customers could not believe us saying this is the worst explanation they have ever heard.
At may2014 this was the expectation: it will take a year, fair enough.
GEEK EDITION: You will receive Homey, plus two wireless transceivers, enough jumper cables to hook it up and early access to the SDK including sample code for your Arduino projects!
May 2015
And at 12 june 2015: only six weeks or so to go...
The injection mold is being made as we speak, and we expect the first Homey cases within 2 or 3 weeks. We expect/hope to deliver on the following times:
• Super backer + First batch: Mid July
• Geek: Beginning of august
• Regular: Mid august
• (Very) Early birds: End august
Update on 7 september: only 4 weeks to go...
Of those 40 PCB's, about 20 will be sent to the Super backers and Early Batch backers. Everyone else can then expect a Homey in the mail as well, as fast as we can produce them. So for Geek backers, this will be beginning October.
Closing in on the enddate, expectations are rising, curiousity is hardly controlable, ... will it realy get assembled and shipped... will it really arrive at my doorstep?