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though choice to make... but I think it's yours to make as it is you who invests the time in building and maintaining the app.
And good job on the Athom team to get the update pushed as fast as they did.
In below flow, I'm calculating the 3 point average of my light intensity; to be used as trigger for my lights.
1) I'm able to use the global tags in the BL cards, yet not in the variable fields itself. Is it possible to implement this to make it even more user friendly?
2) Would it be possible to add an array type of variable... to be used for these type of n-point average, but also to store the previous dim level of a device.
This could be a feature, but currently there are other features more needed. Best thing you can do is prefix the names and use the filter.
I finally found some time to experiment with this (I also updated this evening to Homey 1.1.2).
I created 2 number-variables in Better Logic.
I'm trying to create a basic flow like this:
I get an error when setting the number-variable.
But when I do this
I don't get an error, but 'hours' is now a string-variable.
What can be wrong ?
I have 2 variables (#uren and #minuten). By mistake I thought these were your build-in variables. But they were mine, that I created some time ago.
So now I found out that #year, #month, #day, #seconds, #minutes, #hours are simply not available under Tags. Is there something I have to do to make them visible?
I created the Time-variables, I still get an error on TimeHH in the mathjs expression.
That solved a part of the problem.
Now I get this:
TimeMM is always 1
There is one huge issue with date notation... see the following string YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS
Thus in the releasenotes is written:
Thus, in your minute field you now get the month (1)... Hope this helps
I do have to make four variables with true, false?
06:00 morning
12:00 afternoon
18:00 evening
00:00 night
You can read out in that var the time of day. You can also use it in speech cards e.g. "Good #stringvarname" that will result into good morning etc. depending on the time of day.
13 hours, homey says 1 o'clock
You can use this mathjs expression: $#HH$ > 12 ? $#HH$ - 12 : $#HH$
- Trigger variable with a nice pushbutton card
- Cards that can show the current value of a boolean, string or number
I have a flow, that starts when a variable is set to true, this flow sets the thermostat to 21o. And a flow that sets it to 18o when the var is false. I can use a BL Bitflip to turn on/off the heating quickly. That works great!
But now, the thermostat has a shedule himself and of course buttons. I want to update the BL variable state (true/false) when the thermostat changes the temperature. I have the Atag One thermostat, that works great with Homey. I can make a flow 'if the set temp is 21 or higher, then change variable to True'. But, at that moment, the flow will start too, and I don't want that.
For example, it's 18o and someone sets the temp manualy to 22o, I want the variable change to True, but I don't want it to run the flow (becouse then it sets the temp back to 21o).
Anyone an idea how I can do this?
What you could do is create a flow that sets the HeatingOn to true when changed manually but also set a second variable to true.( ManualTempAdjust). Furthermore set the same variable to false after 30 seconds oid (with the timer icon in the right corner).
Then in the flow that now is triggered to often, check if the manual temp adjust is not true and it is working I guess.
Hope it helps!
Your suggestion sounds logical. I'm going to try that!
I've greated a few bitflips for my favorite tv channels let say channel3, channel5, channel20, etc
What I do now is great a flow to:
if= channel3 on then channel5, 6, 20 off + harmony sets my tv to channel3 (this is working great but maybe not the best way to do it)
In the HomeyDash dashboard I see what channel is selected/on and which are off when I controle the bitflips from the dashboard.
Now what I'm trying to achieve is that when I use my remote controle (harmony) and select channel5 that this will also change on the dashboard.
Is something like this possible??? and how can I achieve this???
I'm trying to do the following: connecting Google Home/Assistant with Homey through API.AI. I created a Homey agent for Google Assistant which I can ask for help. I can have a discussion with the assistant and the end result is a http post using a webhook. The request includes JSON. Within the JSON results, there's a speech string that we can use to emulate speech within Homey ((I'm assuming
All good so far. I've hooked up Homey to the Google Assistant, it sends a POST to Homey, Homey receives the POST. Then I extract a string that I want to save to a BetterLogic variable. And here I run into an issue. When I manually test the flow and provide the JSON input, it works smoothly. When I try to do the same through the Google Assistant, the BL variable doesn't seem to be updated. I took a look at the logs and this error stands out to me: "["HTTP Log",{"datetime":"2017-01-15T14:30:52.980Z","message":" --> error: result is an array"}]". But I can't really find any clear explanation on these type of errors..
I'm probably doing something wrong so sorry in case my question / problem is plain stupid. I also don't know if this is a 'BL' or a 'HTTP request' issue. Yet I do users using both so I thought; let's post it here. Any thoughts? Would really appreciate some help here. If I get this to work, I'll write a detailed post on this proof of concept for integrating two really great systems!