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  • Is it worth getting the Xiaomi gateway at all? Are there any extra benefits/advantages in control you gain with it? I have searched the forums and cannot really find a complete answer. Thank for any tips
  • @EvertorN, you can take a look at it here: It is meant more for mobile/web-app developers, so not sure if we can use it directly like that, or if we would have to make a dummy app to run on the phone, which we…
  • KoenMartens said: @Weezul Thanks for sharing your experience. Do you need to set up each trigger word you want with IFTTT, or did you find a more elegant solution? No, unfortunately you have to set up each flow seperately. In IFTTT you h…
  • Received Google Home yesterday, and the voice recognition is better than on the Google Pixel (Which also runs the new Google Assistant). I linked up Google Assistant to Homey with IFTTT, before I got the Home, to be able to use Assistant to trigger …
  • MarkSwift said: @Qx5 asked me a question, I responded. I'll open a new thread... And I for one, am glad you did, else I would have missed it completely... notification on PLAYER level is all I really need, and the other app has been broken…
  • No I did not I am so stupid... I just assumed that the "Trigger this flow" card would be enough... did not even look at IFTTT cards... thanks!
  • Also having problems. I don't see any of my trigger-able flows in the Homey dropdown
  • Since the last update this (Tasker RESTTasker calling Homey API) is not working for me anymore... I get a result back, but Homey does not register me as "Present"... anyone else have this? I also changed phones, so it could be that, but thought I …
  • I logged out of the app, and logged back in, my phone is now visible again on "My Athom" but still not receiving any notifications EDIT: Also, my girlfriends phone now dont receive notifications anymore, which was still happening this morning AFAIK
  • glijie said: here also notifications stopped working yesterday on mine and wifes phone.  in the past deleting cash settings and the app and then reinstallation was a way to get things working again. Now is doesn't work anymore :-/ Y…
  • Phuturist said: Weezul said: FrankM said: Try going to and remove any unwanted phones... Thanks, did not know this pages existed even. I still have the problem though, after removing all pho…
  • FrankM said: Try going to and remove any unwanted phones... Thanks, did not know this pages existed even. I still have the problem though, after removing all phones except my girlfriends phone (which works), …
  • I recently got a new phone, but all my notifications still get sent to my old device. I have reinstalled, uninstalled, signed in, logged out, still no luck. In the drop down I see both Nexus and Pixel devices listed, however, no matter which I selec…
  • Also having problems... also, I cannot even re-add the items, as pairing wont work. It just keeps telling me to press the button on the remote (for instance) with no effect My whole house is fitted with KaKu... It is homey's primary job
  • Since the last stable Homey updat,e and KaKu app update, none of my KaKu devices are working anymore? I repaired everything a few weeks ago, after they dissapear during a KaKu update (Which was expected, as stated in the release notes). However, af…
  • Just updated firmware to 0.9.3 from 0.8.39, and now my KaKu devices cant be added anymore either
  • I assume this has been given up on? Hope that there is someone with time could pick the app up again!
  • tim1990 said: Just to make sure before doing a lot of work for nothing!  Mij kaku doesn 't work since the update. If i read emile news post right i Just have to readd them to make it works again?  If thats the case i know what i' 'm doing on …
  • No, there are indeed more important things to focus on... will let you know if .39 does not fix it. Thanks
  • I am still having the problem that only a small portion of the screen is used to show devices. I see that some users had this, but don't have it anymore. I have tried resetting app settings / rights... I have also re-installed the Homey app. Any adv…
  • KoenMartens said: MariusBrand said: Just did a test at echosim which was quite impressive. With your PC microphone, where you were seated 15 cm away from? Great, thats comparable to speaking through Homey via the Android App, wh…
    in Competition? Comment by Weezul June 2016
  • Sommo said: Weezul said: Another big announcement at the IO was Google opening their natural speech API. Not sure if this is something Athom can use? More info: (As good voice recognition is the only bi…
    in Google Home Comment by Weezul May 2016
  • KoenMartens said: Bumblez said: I think the main advantage of Google vs Athom, is the large amount of money, resources and advertising they can throw at it. So Athom will have to do their best to keep up the development... And …
    in Google Home Comment by Weezul May 2016
  • I am having trouble accessing Could this mean an update is happening? EDIT: Problem appears to be limited to so I guess that does not smell like an update
  • superice said: MarcoF said: No devices, no notifications and the app keeps crashing... The last 2 days already sent 30(?)+ crash reports. Tried to clear the App data; no results Tried to clear the App data, uninstall and do a clean in…
  • Not sure if this would help you solve the probelm, but I see all my devices, however, only one at a time, at the top of the view... I can scroll down and they are all there, however, only about a fifth of the screen is used to show devices. I initia…
  • Another big announcement at the IO was Google opening their natural speech API. Not sure if this is something Athom can use? More info: (As good voice recognition is the only big missing thing in homey for me). 
    in Google Home Comment by Weezul May 2016
  • Thanks, will check it out again!