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Connect Google home to homey?
As we all know the homey speech recognition is bad. I had the chance to borrow a Google home for a few days and the speech recognition is really nice. But the support to connect to different hardware sucks. So it would be great to speech to the Google home device and send the certain commands to homey..
Would that be possible?
Better would of course that homey makes the speech recognition much better but I don't see this happening. There is no improvement at all since months.
As we all know the homey speech recognition is bad. I had the chance to borrow a Google home for a few days and the speech recognition is really nice. But the support to connect to different hardware sucks. So it would be great to speech to the Google home device and send the certain commands to homey..
Would that be possible?
Better would of course that homey makes the speech recognition much better but I don't see this happening. There is no improvement at all since months.
I haven't looked into Home's API, but I think it'll be difficult with Alexa's API. Still; I would love it.
Simply being able to send everything Google Home or Alexa hears to homey (perhaps even to a better logic variable) so it can be parsed would be awesome.
Google Home will have IFTTT aswell so you can connect it to Homey anyway.
The two (Home and Homey) really compliment each other very well, since Home will probably never support the vast amount of hardware interfaces Homey has, as well as the easy Flow building interface, and Homey would probably never have the Voice recognition, search experience and massive amount of data google has (on us :P) It really made my Homey worth so much more.
I have a few scenes ('cooking', 'eating', 'watching tv', 'going to bed', 'normal lighting') which for each I made an IFTTT trigger, running on a few sentences. It would have been better if it was possible to just do trigger words, instead of sentences that have to match exactly.
That said.... The convenience of saying "Hey Google" followed by either: "We are off to bed / I am off to bed / We will go to bed now", and it having the TV, lights and heating turned off plus bathroom light with the bedroom nightstand on is for me already quite satisfying
Another thing I would have like to have, is more control over Home... like sending it commands from Homey for instance, since it does not have any proper presence system, and does not do things without being manually triggered. Unlike Homey that can tell my girlfriend when I left work (Using Tasker).
EDIT: I briefly looked at Google Actions yesterday, it looks promising, but I would have to spend more time on it to see if we can use it do integrate Home and Homey better
It is meant more for mobile/web-app developers, so not sure if we can use it directly like that, or if we would have to make a dummy app to run on the phone, which we would then have to tell Google Home "Hey google, let me talk to Dummy App"... which would be a pity.
@Peao: 8 Chromecasts!!! Get Home and you would have 9
I got mine via a friend that was in the US, at the moment I think that is the only reasonably priced way
If some developer has access to a dot/echo, there should be a way to get Alexa set up in a way so that the following works: "Alexa, tell Homey to turn on the lights", where "turn on the lights" is send as a string to homey via HTTP commands (i.e. via betterLogic).
To help a developer a bit on the way, this is what I found till now: --> An Alexa-Wolfram app which works similarly, in that you say "Alexa, ask Wolfram Alpha what the value of pi is", where "what the value of pi is" is send to wolfram-alpha, and the response is returned.
Appearantly, it comes down to the following code:
query = intent['slots']['response'].get('value')
query = query.replace(' ', '%20')
url = "" + app_id +"&input="+query
However, a big downside is that this works via the LITERAL slot type reference. If I understand Alexa's documentation correctly (, the LITERAL slot type reference is planned to stop working in roughly a month's time. I do not know if this will actually make all the LITERAL slot types stop working, or that the skill using the LITERAL slot type will not get accepted by Amazon.
If it's the latter, a Homey app can technically still be made, but just for personal use.
I use this already for a long time now: (Okay Homey .. i ga slapen) and preforms very well (very rarely I have to say it twice, (and mostly at times the screensaver has been switched off (every night at 22?:00) (switched on at 07:00) ...
Did you try Dutch ?
I'm a new user (really new, new - using Homey since yesterday). I definitely love the ease-of-use and polished interace. The product look promising but I'm really disappointed about voice accuracy. I've mostly fitted my house with zwave components and Homey's voice was one of the reasons to buy Homey versus a combination between e.g. Alexa & Smartthings.
Regarding the below par voice experience - I already created a support ticket and they actually made me aware of this forums so I've just been browsing around to learn more. One of the scenarios I'm thinking of is using Alexa / Google Home through IFTTT to combine best of both worlds like other users in this topic already have been doing.
However - I'm not sure if I'll get to a great product experience because I'm kinda scared for an extensive delay between IFTTT&Alexa/GHome and Homey triggering a flow. Could some folks in this topic with either a Google Home/Alexa share their experiences with IFTTT in combination with Homey? I'm especially interested about the responsiveness.
Thank you very much!
Also, with the better voice app you can improve Homey understanding you.
I don't use IFTTT but I understand it's really slow...
Then again, the mic in my smartphone is (almost) failproof which is absolutely fabulous. Using your phone, you really experience the power of Homey's concept. However, I didn't buy a Homey to then take out my phone every time when I have a request, haha.
Now I wish that I would have discovered the forum before buying; maybe I'm the one to blame for making the wrong assumption that Homey is production ready because it's available at MediaMarkt (and other online retailers).. I don't know
On one hand, yes, it will be a significant investment, but on the other hand, we're talking about one of the major features of Homey here... if this doesn't work well (especially for the retail customer, at which stage Homey is now), it can well be Athom's downfall. And even for the people who already have a Homey... we already see a lot of people adding (or considering) alternatives for voice recognition... those setups can easily turn into situations where Homey is completely obsolete.
In short: I believe that the investment to implement Google's voice recognition software in Homey, would probably solve the problem and thus earn itself back over time.
[Edit] on top of that, apparently Google's speech recognition already supports 80 languages, meaning it could give Athom's language support a huge boost, and save them significant money (and time) in the multi-language support field.
I severely dislike both options.
Now they already did a costly speech implementation for Dutch/English languages, that still isn't working very well. Fixing that will also cost a significant amount of time and money, and adding other languages will cost even more.
So while using Google would add some costs, it would reduce some others...
If you can't get it to work and you lack the resources, get your act together and change your strategy. You will probably piss off people but I'm convinced that this type of honesty will get you more customers.. How can you expect me to recommend Homey to less tech-savy friends and colleagues? I would love to though!
Homey's voice recognition is not only very bad in english, its very very slow as to be unusable.
- Create new agent on (following the sample of google) called Homey with a default intent:
- Made one entity (Command) don't know if this is really needed, probably not but it is working and you can enter as much command as you want to be understood by Google Home (This way you get immediately feedback of Google Home if something is said that shouldn't be understood, meaning that it has no defined flow on Homey)
- Use the Google Assistant integration:
- Made a IFTTT applet responding on Google assistant triggered by the word Homey followed by a command
- IFTTT triggers the flow GoogleSays
- Flow GoogleSays will execute emulate speech as if you are talking to Homey:
And it works perfectly. Now I have to find me a Google Home for a nice price!
Happy connecting Google Home and Homey
Add fulfillment:
Speech will contain any command you want to give (only english is understood well by Google Home currently, but you can simulate with Dutch text as if it is correctly understood)
In homey you need to install http and the following two flows, first one to extract the command:
The JSONPath looked for is $.result.fulfillment.messages[0].speech which will be sent to the trigger GoogleSays (HTTP trigger)
The trigger will start the next flow:
which in turn will emulate the command that comes with the trigger. By emulating the command it is as if Homey is hearing the command itself and will start ALL your other already existing flows triggered by Ok Homey.
This works much faster (almost instantaneous) than ifttt. Skipping ifttt will also make many people happy (I hope).
Good luck, if you need extra help just send me an pm.
I mean this would work as "Google, turn on the lights", rather than "Google, ask Homey to turn on the lights".
Can you confirm/deny this?