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[App] Fibaro by Athom (v1.5.18)



  • I have a FGS-223 Double Switch 2, added a few months back to Homey.
    What could be the reason that I have no Left/Right Switch-triggers for S1/S2 (like the FGS-213) for either of the 2 channels?
    I only have 'Turned on' and 'Turned off' for both.

  • casedacaseda Member
    edited December 2017
    @Huipri are you sure you have the switch 2, and not the relay 2 (FGS222)?
  • I have one shutter relay installed .. button .. wall plug .. door sensor 2 .. and one dimmer 2 .. that dimmer 2 has timeouts sometimes .. i would say often .. it is connected to mesh with many connections .. but when I send dimming from mobile beta or homey mac app .. request times out .. and sometimes .. it completes all the comand in sequence .. after some delay .. I dont have that with other fibaro devices .. homey is 1.5.3 ..
  • @Huipri - Have the same issue, a FGS-223 that only get turned on/off in the flow-card. No 2-click, 3-click or hold options like I do with the FGD-212 dimmer.
    The FGS-223 has momentary switches, also changed to that in the setting, still don't get any more options.

  • Had the same on my first install of the FGS-223. Remove device and re-added it with Homey close by (power bank). Now workshop as expected. 
  • Tried it several times now with Homey up close to the switch. Before I gave up for tonight I removed it, rebooted Homey,  added up close as possible, changed switchtype to momentarly. Still cant get any other than on/off as options on the flow-card.
  • LesleyLesley Member
    edited January 2018
    Having loads of Fibaro issues since an hour or 2...

    Just added a couple of Fibaro devices but before I had installed:
    Dimmer 2, firmware v3.5 - 5x
    Motion Sensor (z-wave plus), firmware v3.2 - 2x

    Tonight I added:
    Dimmer 2, firmware v3.5 - 3x
    Motion Sensor (z-wave plus), firmware v3.2 - 1x

    Fibaro devices are not responding constantly. All the other devices (e.g. NEO Coolcam, Greenwave, etc.) are working just fine. Rebooting the Fibaro app doesn't change a thing but when I reboot Homey, FIbaro devices are working again for a bit less than 5 minutes. After that, it stops working until I reboot Homey again and so on.

    I have a box with unpacked Fibaro devices. Including the previous installs I'm going to instal 52 Fibaro modules but it has lost stability after having less than 10 devices connected to Homey.

    Homey is running in firmware version v1.5.3 and Fibaro devices are not responding trough the Desktop app, mobile app, mobile beta app, homeydash,, Home Kit and S2 switches. So I've tried everything :)

    Also the Homey Bèta app (v1.1.105) is unable to reach Homey quite often (as well before and after the Fibaro issues) but when the app is connected and I want to switch/dim Fibaro devices since these issues, I receive ''Something went wrong addressing device ''....'' (Network request failed'. 

    Anyone else experiencing similar issues or does anyone know what's going on?

    I don't mind reinstalling the FIbaro app but I probably have to add every single device again, don't I?

    Really hope someone can help me out since I cannot control anything in my house right now and the misses is getting upset too ;)

    Removed all devices and flows I added tonight but still the same issues and Homey goed offline all the time...?

  • canedjecanedje Member
    edited January 2018
    Lesley said:
    Having loads of Fibaro issues since an hour or 2...

    Just added a couple of Fibaro devices but before I had installed:
    Dimmer 2, firmware v3.5 - 5x
    Motion Sensor (z-wave plus), firmware v3.2 - 2x

    Tonight I added:
    Dimmer 2, firmware v3.5 - 3x
    Motion Sensor (z-wave plus), firmware v3.2 - 1x

    Fibaro devices are not responding constantly. All the other devices (e.g. NEO Coolcam, Greenwave, etc.) are working just fine. Rebooting the Fibaro app doesn't change a thing but when I reboot Homey, FIbaro devices are working again for a bit less than 5 minutes. After that, it stops working until I reboot Homey again and so on.

    I have a box with unpacked Fibaro devices. Including the previous installs I'm going to instal 52 Fibaro modules but it has lost stability after having less than 10 devices connected to Homey.

    Homey is running in firmware version v1.5.3 and Fibaro devices are not responding trough the Desktop app, mobile app, mobile beta app, homeydash,, Home Kit and S2 switches. So I've tried everything :)

    Also the Homey Bèta app (v1.1.105) is unable to reach Homey quite often (as well before and after the Fibaro issues) but when the app is connected and I want to switch/dim Fibaro devices since these issues, I receive ''Something went wrong addressing device ''....'' (Network request failed'. 

    Anyone else experiencing similar issues or does anyone know what's going on?

    I don't mind reinstalling the FIbaro app but I probably have to add every single device again, don't I?

    Really hope someone can help me out since I cannot control anything in my house right now and the misses is getting upset too ;)

    Removed all devices and flows I added tonight but still the same issues and Homey goed offline all the time...?

    I had also a lot of issues with Fibaro running under 1.5.3. like you mentioned. Suddenly Fibaro devices didn't work anymore without changing anything. After a PtP it was back running again for less then an hour. Because of that I decided to go to experimental. Now running 1.5.6rc8
    Zwave (Including Fibaro) is now running stable.

    Zigbee is not running stable.I need to reset my Homey by Candy every night to keep Zigbee running.
    So if you only running Z-wave devices, it is maybe an idea to go over to experimental. (Be carefull you can not go back to stable anymore!!!!)

  • Thanks Canedje,

    Sounds like a perfect tip but really don't want to go experimental.

    I deleted every app accept for Fibaro and a few other apps I can't work without. After deleting HomeyKit and HomeKit, everything looked stable again but that only lasted for a couple of hours.

    So now I need to reboot Homey every 1 to 5 hours to keep everything working. Very very enjoying.

    I'll contact Athom to see if they can help me.

  • I also had problems with my motion sensor (z-wave plus). Once the motion alarm was triggered it did not cancel anymore.

    But since I have deleted and re added my device and deleted and re installed the Fibaro app v 1.5.17 (this is a stable version) the motion sensor is working again. At least for the past 24 hours now.
  • Clutch said:
    Tried it several times now with Homey up close to the switch. Before I gave up for tonight I removed it, rebooted Homey,  added up close as possible, changed switchtype to momentarly. Still cant get any other than on/off as options on the flow-card.
    In case someone else get the same problem, found the solution for the above trouble on the github forum.
    Then adding it to homey, (FGS-223 Double Switch 2) do not select it as a light switch. Let it stay as undefined or whatever the default is. Then the 2-click etc works OK.

  • Another question now then the double-click works....

    Have it set up now so the FGS-223 controls ceiling (S1) and a window (S2) light, double-click on the S2 also activates a flow that shuts down all lights in the house that should so during the night, also pauses SONOS etc.

    Then you double-click on a FGS-223, the light that is connected to that particular switch is also reacting. Is there a way to configure it, so it does not react to this? Probably with a small delay then for normal operation for it to see if there's a normal click or 2/3-click or hold before it changes state.

    Tripple-click or hold on the FGS-223 is even worse because then you also reverse the previously state of the light.
    This could be fixed with a couple and/or statements so it goes back to as it was. But the light still blinks or shuts off momentarily. Should be a more elegant solution.
  • One question; with the dimmer 2, the FGD-212, can i use both switch inputs in flow cards? I now have a qubino but with the qubino app this is not supported. Is this supported in the fibaro app with a dimmer 2?
  • Lesley said:
    Thanks Canedje,

    Sounds like a perfect tip but really don't want to go experimental.

    I deleted every app accept for Fibaro and a few other apps I can't work without. After deleting HomeyKit and HomeKit, everything looked stable again but that only lasted for a couple of hours.

    So now I need to reboot Homey every 1 to 5 hours to keep everything working. Very very enjoying.

    I'll contact Athom to see if they can help me.

    I have the same problem with fibaro. seems to have stared with the latest Fibaro app version. All other Zwave devices work fine. Did you get an answer from Athom?
  • I added the Dimmer 2 with pulseswitches connected from Sx to S1 and S2. Scene activation is on. Allready removed/added the device several times but S1 and S2 does not trigger a flow. Any ideas?
  • casedacaseda Member
    edited January 2018
    right now there is a bug in homey itself that sometimes settings (not default for the device, but for workings in homey) during pairing are not send (which happend in your case), so you need to de-activate the setting "scene activation", save, then activate it again and save.
  • caseda said:
    right now there is a bug in homey itself that sometimes settings (not default for the device, but for workings in homey) during pairing are not send (which happend in your case), so you need to de-activate the setting "scene activation", save, then activate it again and save.
    Hi Caseda,

    is the bug i mentioned known? I see on the forum here and on the Dutch tweakers forum I am not the only one.
  • @MichaelD
    It is know, and should "already" be fixed in the upcoming experimental update 1.5.6 RC9
  • caseda said:
    It is know, and should "already" be fixed in the upcoming experimental update 1.5.6 RC9

    Ok but this only helps if i go the experimental route.... it WAS working on 1.5.3 so the new app version broke it and now normal users have no other option to wait (for how long??) or go to an unstable experimental release path.. Does not seem the way for a company who wants to attract normal users and not "tweakers". 
  • frustrating it is and understandble, but bugs can happen with every software update..... with every company. 
  • casedacaseda Member
    edited January 2018
    it is not caused by the app update, it was already there way before the app updated (as in 1.5.3 has it... way before last app's update), as i said before, it is an homey issue, and not an app issue.
    it is just in certain situations, and also not all devices (that need to have a setting send during inclusion (not that many)) have it, so it just won't happen every time, also the reason why it took about 5-6 weeks to even discover the issue.

    and tell me how many times do you think those "non tweakers" will pair a z-wave device that needs to send a setting during inclusion (fibaro only has 3).
    this is only the 6th or 7th message i see, both github and forum taken into account, that have a device with this, (which is easy fixable manually btw, even for the non tweakers) in the time that 1.5.3 is out until now, which is 2,5 months.

    BTW, hope you don't put all bugs under the same thing, as there are multiple issues regarding zwave, not just this one.
  • caseda said:
    right now there is a bug in homey itself that sometimes settings (not default for the device, but for workings in homey) during pairing are not send (which happend in your case), so you need to de-activate the setting "scene activation", save, then activate it again and save.

    Hi Caseda,

    Thanks for your reply. I tried it, but no effect. I checked the associations, but there was only 1 group which had value. So I added my homey's node number to all the other groups (2 till 5), and now it works. 
  • Oy1974 said:
    frustrating it is and understandble, but bugs can happen with every software update..... with every company. 
    True but FIbaro is one of the main company's for home automation. A bug which renders multiple devices useless and is not fixed until the next major release is not really acceptable.

    caseda said:
    it is not caused by the app update, it was already there way before the app updated (as in 1.5.3 has it... way before last app's update), as i said before, it is an homey issue, and not an app issue.
    it is just in certain situations, and also not all devices (that need to have a setting send during inclusion (not that many)) have it, so it just won't happen every time, also the reason why it took about 5-6 weeks to even discover the issue.

    and tell me how many times do you think those "non tweakers" will pair a z-wave device that needs to send a setting during inclusion (fibaro only has 3).
    this is only the 6th or 7th message i see, both github and forum taken into account, that have a device with this, (which is easy fixable manually btw, even for the non tweakers) in the time that 1.5.3 is out until now, which is 2,5 months.

    BTW, hope you don't put all bugs under the same thing, as there are multiple issues regarding zwave, not just this one.
    Ok I linked it to the last app update as it started after i updated, and I've seen more reports lately. Good that the solution has been found. The device i have is a simple double switch, not something uncommon for a home automation system, even for people who are not "tweakers". 

    This is the first issue i have encountered. Of course i will try to identify the separate issues. The tone of your message seems hostile. It was not my intention to be negative about the work the Athom team already has done..

    Offtopic question. If i go experimental now. Does it keep all my devices and settings? And is it possible to upgrade to 1.5.6 stable with settings when its available? Thank you.

  • MichaelD said:

    Offtopic question. If i go experimental now. Does it keep all my devices and settings? And is it possible to upgrade to 1.5.6 stable with settings when its available? Thank you.

    Don't do it!

  • Hi Caseda,

    Thanks for your reply. I tried it, but no effect. I checked the associations, but there was only 1 group which had value. So I added my homey's node number to all the other groups (2 till 5), and now it works. 
    Great, works for me as wel now. (had the same issues.)

  • Count_BCount_B Member
    edited March 2018
    I have a Fibaro motion sensor and single switch. The ID of the single switch is 12 and have added that to group 2 in the assocations section. I have waked up the motion sensor several times but the assocation doesn't work. What else can I try?

    Edit: After re-adding the motion sensor everything is working fine.
  • Anyone had problems with the Fibaro Window / Door sensors since the update to Homey 1.5.8? My (v1) sensors seem to work 1 out of every 10 times; and the (v2) are a bit more reliable with maybe 6 out of 10... still worse than before though... they used to both work 9.99 times out of 10.
  • JPeJPe Member
    edited May 2018
    @caseda ; Hi, I have a couple of Fibaro FGS221 (2-relay switch) but the problem is that Homey doesn't show the status ON/OFF in Devices and doesn't react on the status changes in flows when they are switched by the connected push-buttons. I looked at the logging in Athom Developer while switching via the inputs S1 and S2, and I see that messages are transmitted, why does Homey not react on that messages?
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x03ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":255}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d01012003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0202200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x03ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":255}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d01012003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d02022003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x0300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"Value":0}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0101200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d02022003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x0300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"Value":0}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0101200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0202200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300

    After pairing with Homey the Association with Group 1 was not filled in, so I changed it to 1,
    Group 3 was already at 1.

  • canedjecanedje Member
    JPe said:
    @caseda ; Hi, I have a couple of Fibaro FGS221 (2-relay switch) but the problem is that Homey doesn't show the status ON/OFF in Devices and doesn't react on the status changes in flows when they are switched by the connected push-buttons. I looked at the logging in Athom Developer while switching via the inputs S1 and S2, and I see that messages are transmitted, why does Homey not react on that messages?
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x03ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":255}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d01012003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0202200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x03ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]},"Value":255}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d01012003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d02022003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x0300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"Value":0}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0101200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d02022003ff
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[255]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x03ff
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data: 0x0300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC] {"Value (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]},"Value":0}
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0101200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":1,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[1]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":1,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300
    Node[91]: Received application command for COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data: 0x0d0202200300
    Node[91]: [COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL] {"Properties1 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties1":{"Source End Point":2,"Res":false},"Properties2 (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[2]},"Properties2":{"Destination End Point":2,"Bit address":false},"Command Class (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[32]},"Command Class":32,"Command (Raw)":{"type":"Buffer","data":[3]},"Command":3,"Parameter":{"type":"Buffer","data":[0]}}
    Node[91]: Decapsulated frame from COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL to COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC, data 0x0300

    After pairing with Homey the Association with Group 1 was not filled in, so I changed it to 1,
    Group 3 was already at 1.

    It is an error for a long time.
    I did register it at github again:

    It is anoing.
  • JPeJPe Member
    edited May 2018
    Does it have to do with COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL, data:    ?
This discussion has been closed.