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Mobile first discussion and questions regarding the software update from 23-06-17

Question @Emile / @athom,
I was reading the software update and red the following:
Or will there be another way to controll homey without having to buy an android or Apple device?
Hope you can answer my question,
I was reading the software update and red the following:
Mobile FirstDoes that mean, that I, with my windows 10 pc and tablet, am doomed?
Most of our development power has been allocated to work on the new Homey Smartphone App. The new app will be mostly native, and a lot easier to use for both existing users and newcomers. It will make it much easier to add new features as well for us, because currently we're working with a front-end codebase of over 3 years old.
Our focus shift to mobile means that the Homey Desktop App (and all web-interfaces) will eventually be removed as of Homey v2.0. The new Homey Smartphone App will also work on tablets (Android & iPad), whereas for developers a simulator will be available in the browser.
This is a big change, but we can't stay behind. Homey should be even more easy to use than it already is, and moving to mobile is a great opportunity to do just that.

Hope you can answer my question,
I'm not promising that we will support Windows 10 on Desktop, but the framework we use for our Smartphone and Tablet app (React Native) has a Windows 10 port, so maybe one day..
Until then, upgrading to Homey v2.0.0 can always be disabled.
But the amount of Windows Desktop users definitely isn't "almost non-existent", and imho this should always remain an option for those people who don't have an iPhone or Android phone, or who simply prefer not to use their phone for this kind of apps. Me, I really don't like the switch to mobile-only. I spend a large part of my day behind the computer, I use my mobile phone very little... so being able to continue using either the Homey desktop app, or the web interface in Chrome, would be a big plus for me.
On a sidenote, what are the plans for app support for Android TV boxes such as the Nvidia SHIELD ? Because once Google Assistant becomes available for the Nvidia Shield, it may well be that the Shield responds better to my voice than Homey does, so by that time a Homey app on the Shield may turn out to be very useful...
The number of smartphone users worldwide is currently around 2.3 billion, out of a roughly 7 billion population. That's less than 33%. The Netherlands may be an exception here, with 86% of its inhabitants owning a smartphone, but with Homey's international market, Athom will definitely have to take into account that this isn't the same in all countries (for example in Germany and in the UK, it's only around 70%).
what blows my mind is that you say "Until then, upgrading to Homey v2.0.0 can always be disabled"...
If this is true, and this is the best you can come up with, Ill be very disapointed..
Dunno how other people use there devices but i only use my phone or tablet mainly when i am not at home.
Also when i look at my flows i really cannot see myself creating them on a tablet (or phone), they are much to complicated for this.
A tablet and phone screen is to small, it lacks a (decent) keyboard etc..
So dunno who thinks that configuring homey on tablet and phone only is a good idea, i am sure it is not and it will scare a lot of users (current and new) away from the product.
A decent web interface (usable on all platforms) should be present!
Thats what Im afraid of, creating flows, setting up apps and using insights on my smartphone which has a 4"screen.
First the webinterface, now the windows client... Im not gonna replace my tablet just to handle homey ..
Well, lets hope they take it into consideration. Glad they dropped the bomb early. Now hope that they are open for discussion.
I seriously would like to ask Athom to allow the users to test this out and give their opinion before dropping the support for a webinterface. This can be a serious deal breaker.
That said, I am a big supporter of better tablet (particulair iPad) support. I can see a lot of people see creating flows on a tablet as a problem, but who knows what great UX Athom can present. But at least all other functions, checking devices, system status and specifically Insights is a must have on a tablet imo.
I don't really care in what way the UI is presented, either a native app or a web interface, as long as it gives the same experience on any platform.
I own several PC's and a notebook. I never have found any use for a tablet until recently the homey Dashboard was introduced
Please @athom RECONSIDER! take a serious look at the above comments and +1 additions. Don't be like Microsoft; learn from their mistakes.
Please rethink removing the desktop app.
As others have mentioned, designed complex flows on a small touch screen will be cumbersome unless you make a seriously cool ui - however, I doubt it is possible to make something that can compete with managing complex flows without a mouse...
Further, I can't imagine myself sitting a whole day experimenting with flows and tweaking details on a small touchscreen - my shoulder, neck, arms and eyes would kill me before lunch...
If you want to have a platform allowing both newbies and power users you should definitely leave a possibility for working on an ordinary people!
Leaving people with the opportunity to "not upgrade" kind of betrays the whole z-wave backwards compatibility spirit - and, of course, leave the existing users who've supported and helped in sharing experiences and input for new features behind; so long and thanks for all the fish!!!
This is really a bad idea, I'm not gonna use my tablet or phone to create or manage flows.
The current app is great!
This would be enough reason for me to move to another brand.
Please reconsider!
BUT i do think they should continue to provide a desktop solution.
I just hope the tablet interface is extra.
During yesterday's developers meet-up, Athom (@Emile) shared his vision (no screenshots shown) on this. Specifically to enable users to setup their Homey without the use of a desktop PC / laptop...
Flows from a logic perspective (WHEN, AND, THEN...) will remain the same, but the user interface will be completely optimized for mobile usage. The new interface will first be tested in parallel to the current interface / desktop app.
Specifically the example he mentioned, on pairing a device at your electricity meter, keeping a MacBook in one hand and controlling the device in the second, triggered a recognition from my side that also the current desktop app / interface has it's limitations....
they only reaction we got so far is:
To ease the sentiment, give us some feetback, counter our worries.. get the conversation going, dont be silent.
If they got suggestions, sure let us give feetback, if we suggestions, tell us what you think about it.
that would be nice..
here we go again:
that's nothing? thats what all the fuzz is about. Not that they got nothing to show, there was a statement made.
People have worries. Thats the thing we're pointing out here.
Is that so hard to believe?