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but you might find it in the device list as 0X0064. This is hexadecimal. (same value as 100 in decimal value)
The diveces might need a better name in the app, so you dont see Duwi in all the devices name. Also the Logo's for blind control might need to be different from the dimmer.
Right now I am using my own build of the app, so Blind control and Lights are split in the app.
But as soon as the Class "Windowcoverings" is back in the official app, I'd like to go back to the official release. I can have a look at the names and Images than.
Did you find any response on that @Icarus ?
I Added the WALLC-S controller, It indeed looked exactly the same as the Develo MT2652, so I just copied it and changed the nessecary thing.
I did not Compile or test anything, so please forgive me if it does not work out of the box.
As soon as these changes are accepted in GitHub, I will test to see if this WALLC-2 switch is also compatible with it.
Same as adding it as a default Z-wave device.
Unfortunately can't test it. Switch is used on daily basis, so have to be sure inclusion works
@Menno I've been looking into your problem but I cant seem to find any cause. Unfortunately I don't have the device so I cant test it myself. Could you run the app using the developer command line 'athom project --run'? This will run the app in debug mode. Maybe that will tell you or us more about the cause of the issue.
info under Geek Stuff
{"zw_state":{"ver":5,"capabilities":{"api":"controller","timerSupported":false,"controllerType":"primary"},"nodes":[1,7,8,11,12,20,22,23,26],"chip_type":5,"chip_version":0,"homeId":4097722561,"nodeId":1,"nvr":[1,7,0,21,13,27,120,32,1,0,32,0,64,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,21,17,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,4,53],"CONTROLLER_IS_SECONDARY":false,"CONTROLLER_ON_OTHER_NETWORK":false,"CONTROLLER_NODEID_SERVER_PRESENT":true,"CONTROLLER_IS_REAL_PRIMARY":true,"CONTROLLER_IS_SUC":true,"NO_NODES_INCUDED":false,"sucId":1,"powerLevel":0,"version":"Z-Wave 3.99","networkKey":"8dbfa625246008ec8c03455637734d03","methodsAsync":["factoryReset","addNodeAbort","removeNodeAbort","replaceFailedNodeAbort","sendData","isFailedNode","getFailedNodes"]},"zw_ready":true}
In the attachment is the result from the console in Chrome. Is there another log?
did you add the debug tag (`'debug': true`) in the driver you are debugging?
if you ask why would you want it that way, look at how a debug would look like with 10+ devices
I run the app like this: athom project --run E:\Stack\athom\git\me.zwave-master
I must be doing something wrong...
If pairing without driver loaded works, the output would be very helpful
Did you make sure you took the latest version? from github/athom?
What I have read I don't even need MULTI_CHANNEL for my dimmer (or am I wrong?).
I see my device (05458) isn't even in the supported devices list in the app store.
Furthermore, I'm wondering if you could fix the bug that when you change the dim value with the slider that the light goes on but the color of the slider stays gray. ("off" status but light turns on)
So for switching the light off I first have to click on the dimmer icon to make it solid black ("on" status and light stays on)
And than click the icon again to turn the light off and the color of the icon and sliders changes back to gray again.