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Red ring of "death"

Hi all
Just bought a homey, powered on, get to the the, conected to the wifi of the homey, wanted to update and there it stopped, now i have only, after switch off and on again, a red led after a few minutes.
Any help please
Just bought a homey, powered on, get to the the, conected to the wifi of the homey, wanted to update and there it stopped, now i have only, after switch off and on again, a red led after a few minutes.
Any help please
The good part is: It ain't broken. Homey is pretty stable. Bricking it, is nearly impossible. It might show some glitches once in a while. After almost a year I also had a red-ring. @Athom / @Emile are sure to be on it! Perhaps you could try to power off a minute or 30. Then try again?
Did that uhh 45 minutes off... 2 minutes
Best bett would be mailing their support or spamming them on slack
First the starts a updating the updater ;-)
That took to long and after some progress (Blue bar grows... ) and rollback (Blue bar Shrinks ???? ... ) My feared RROD appeared after amax a couple of minutes, although pulsating and waiting 10 to 20 minutes no progress ( full barr ar Updating the updater). Pulled the plug and started over.
Seconds time same problem,
Started third time again on a notebook wired to LAN with Wifi. (don't know this helps, should not be necessary!)
Again a RED pulsating Ring, With te RED Ring tuned Homey upside down.
That dis the trick, no countdown... but after 15 -30 ?? seconds Orange Ring....
Putting him back on his feet, I could re-start the setup using the normal procedure of
This time it worked, and I could update to the latest Firmware.
Choosing to Press ALT at that screen I have chosen for a complete image.... (You should get a cup of Coffee ;-) during the setup somewhere )
Be careful!!! After this Homey restarts and starts flahing (Purple ring!) on the screen there is imho a to small waring: Do not remove the Power during the PURPLE ring... This can take up to 1 hour!
This toke approx. half an hour I guess, don't know exact!
Now everything on Homey2 is Working OK, Setup Procedure was great!
But Updating the updater is definitely something the wan t get rid off...
Hope to help someone with this.
Further, complaining about no support, it was weekend guys and they made late hours the days before as a small team,. Give them some rest in the weekend, don't assume you all work then normally. I assume today they will be responding like they always do
Why not wait with this big launch for Monday, be on full alert for big issues (soft launch) and do your big launch in Media Markt the next weekend with champagne and stuff, because then you have the (data based) confidence that you can have some/a lot, fully deserved champagne?
Let me be straight: I admire the balls of Athom, I fully support their ambition and goals, but this decision was very strange in my honest opinion.
The thing might be that the update on first install takes a while, and that new users might have tought the device hangs. A ptp in the middle of an update might have been the issue for some of the red rings ( maybe even all of them).
On saterdaymorning he was suddenly red.
And still no reaction of athom support. Maybe its best to send it in for repair?
But maybe it's wise to release new software releases on monday-thursday?
Until then I think it's better to uncheck the automatic update option.
It's always a choice to update and be on the latest. Production enviroments always wait before they update to the latest version. Athom is no different then Windows, Apple or wich other software company where you can find stories that update(s) will "brick" the device.
@Annemarie did say on Slack she is busy with the support topics/tickets/mail, give them some time to respond with a proper and good answer, today was the first business day
Offcourse i understand that it's very sour when you just bought it and it bricks but mallfunctions can be found at every hardware device. Just give Athom the credits/time to respond personally
checked it yesterday evening and at that time everything was operational, lets hope that there was a delay in showing the status.
In my book, launching and not have support ready for the next two days is a big f*** you to your clients.
And I got my homey a few months now, following the forum since the kickstarter project, so I've seen that this is a continuing story, nothing learned.
This is the only thing I'm pissed about, I'm quite a positive guy...
I believe they do the best they can and they tested the updates, several releases before 1.0.1 (not 1.0.0) became public. I think they also need some rest, blow of steam after the hard work they needed to put from KS until now. They did come a long way, and still have a long way ahead.... If the release (public retail) was smart and was smart to do on saturday i don't know, i think when you do it you always end up with some shit you didn't foresee.
But keep up the positive flow then i would say and let see if we can tackle this problem together with Athom!
They have to sort it out with there supplier.
After the update to the latest firmware - I came from the experimental channel - I have woken up twice to find my living room lit in brothel red. Not what I had hoped to see, and completely new for me; I have never had a RROD before. Fortunately, a PTP solves this.
I have send a log, with this code: 3AFC5CA1CB
Hope this is looked into and solved; a PTP has to be performed manually and until than, my curtains are drawn (and other stuff doesn't work anymore). My smart home becomes pretty dumb ;-)