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[App] Fibaro by Athom (v1.5.18)
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tried to install youre driver.. but that made me lose all fibaro drivers
Still can't get the Fibaro Motion Sensor (Z-Wave +) properly working, no problem in detecting and pairing the device. Pushing advanced settings like turning of the temper alarm or changing the motion detection led does not seem to work (Even after waiting a day for a wake-up). Motion alarm isn't trigged as well.
@nicor ;Well, I think this was answered somewhere else as well. Z-Wave routing is enabled by default, however it takes some time to heal the network if it was disrupted.
What routing functionality are you missing?:)
No way to check some kind of mesh table or map in Homey?
For the tamper alarm you will need to change parameter 74 to turn off the tamper alarm (if you don't use it anyway).
Or parameter 75 to specify a cancelation time (by default the tamper alarm stays on permanently)
I've 4 Fibaro Smoke Sensors active, what would be an efficient flow to actually send out a notification based on the smoke alarm. Right now I've 4 identical flow's configured based on each sensor.
so i reseted, exclude, reboot in all possible orders but ntotihng work like before .-(
what i discoverd: when i have the sensor paired and i make a motion detection my z-wave settings page (reset zwave, exclude device etc) in home crashed always!
all buttons are greyed out and flickered every 5 seconds for a millisecond...
i can reproduce this proceture. ptp homey -> zwave settingspage: ok -> pair motion sensor -> zwave settingspage ok -> force a motion detection => Z-WAVE SETTINGSOAGE CRASHES!
curious: all wored really fine since 0.9.2 and fibaro app 1.0.6
the problems happened suddently today..
i have only one fibaro motion sensor paired with homey and no other devieces so long (untill this really will work without problems for a while)
edit: github issue:
its not the settings that are crashing, it is the z-wave chip that is constantly active.
I've noticed something extremely weird as well and though at first it was an error in my code.
But it stayed active with the original code.
So it must be in the sensor itself
but even resetting the sensor internally (b-button) did not help.
But how i fixed it, and hopefully it will work for you too
Pull out the battery from the sensor, for about 15 seconds, and just insert it again.
you might need to re-pair it afterwords but since its only one sensor, its worth a try.
So.. Basically, am I making the wrong assumption using the Wall Plug for the Z-Wave meshing?
On all my Fibaro sensors there is a way to test the Z-Wave range, although they are functional correct within the same room as Homey, it always ends with a red led indicating there is no Z-Wave connection. Sounds familiar for the Fibaro users?
but as you say it must be caused by the sensor and it worked in the beginning.
Hmm, i pulled out the battery some times but only for a second. so i will try with some more seconds without battery.
I will inform you... thx so long
everytime the sensor detects first motion the zwave-chip crashes or what you mean. (you know what i try to descripe, lol)
also i rebooted homey 'cause of the zwave won't come back and paring and restting and other way round...
very strange!!! didn't have this all the time till today.
so i will deactivate my sensor (shit, and i just told my wife that since the last updates zwave is going stable, grmpf) and reboot my homey. now it is a nice led lamp ;-)
How long did you wait on healing? It's not a case of seconds or a few minutes, its can takes 30minutes till (maybe?) hours(?).
Also (as far as i known) every main powered devices is capable to route. In some case its even so that battery powered devices, which are able to be powered with USB, can route if the will be connected to a power source other then batteries. Take for example this device;
when its battery powered, isn't routing,
when its powered with USB, then it will route.
@athom @JeroenVollenbrock ;
it there a way to force the healing process? In my Vera3 I can force a healing of the whole network and/or a single node. Would be great if that will be added to the Homey:Settings:Zwave page the same as there's now a remove node option.
- Motion Sensors are responding but delayed, sometimes even 5 to 10 seconds when I receive a notification on my App.
- Smoke Sensors in the same room as the Motion Sensors have not send temperature updates since they're moved, I've configured them to report a hourly update.
It would be great if a Z-Wave mesh table would be visible in Homey, that would give me the insight in determining the optimal paths. Also agree with @MarcoF, manually start the HEAL proces would be great.
Also according to Jeroen, the mesh info is in the z-wave chip and they can't see it (if I understood him correctly on slack) but if I recall correctly Domoticz is capable of doing this, so it should be possible.
Did a quick search, seems to be correct, this is domoticz:
It doesn't show proper status on Relais 1 (it shows it on the main device instead of relay 1), but this is a bug that i can't fix:
right now it well be included as 3 devices, i could make it so it is only 2
this would make things a little bit confusing though, thanks to which device you can edit parameters to.
So i will probably keep it this way until there is a way to hide "parameter edit" from devices you shouldn't
the 1 device with 2 switches is not possible, and probably will not happen as well (not enough space on the cards)
I had a zone 'Unused devices' before the rewrite where I put all the main nodes that weren't useful, I can do it like that again
then you will need to put Relay 1 in there.
Relay 1 does not show in which state Relay 1 is in
that will do the main controller thanks to a bug i told about in my initial post
That is also why i could remove 1 (which would be Relay 1)
Thanks a lot! looking forward to the Fibaro app update
I hope you can also find some time to add the single relay switch as well, so I can add all my relay switches and build a mesh to be able to reach the devices in the attic
For full support of the dual relay switch we'll have to wait for @Emile to get back from holliday for fixing the bug , but I can live with that
It is working fully, there is just a bug where the status of relay 1 is only displayed on the main controller, it does switch on and off with relay 1 cards, it just doesn't show any external changes.
That is the one I was going to write next, can't test it myself because I don't have it, but the working is pretty much the same as the dual relay.
So should be easy to do.
Question about it; Do you know if I can use 'when' flow cards with the FGS-222?
I want to achieve the following;
- When I switch my non-smart wall switch (which is inside the wall connected to the FGS-222) for the first time
- I want my hue lights to go on
- When I switch for the second time
- I want my hue lights to go off
- If I then grab my phone while my hue lights are 'off' I want to set them to the 'on' state without having to use the wall switch again
If I get the above working that definitely would mean a big up for non-technical-inhabitants in my house.
They could switch the Hue lights in the old-fashioned way while I can switch them with the Hue App or Homey without anyone having to mind the state of the wall switch.
Maybe I could even make some flow which counts the amount of wall switches in a couple of seconds and call custom scenes on Hue
You can use the fgs-222 in the when/if colum, (it has 2 cards in there, turned on, and, turned off)
so yes your way is possible.
Edit: just make sure when you use input S1 you use the main device in flows (for at the moment, until the bug has been fixed by athom)
When using S2 then you can use the device for "Relay 2"