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Automating curtains

I am now beginning to look into automating the curtains. I really want that controlled by Homey when it arrives, that would be so cool and handy! So this is not really a Homey-question but more of a domotica question instead.
Since I have the possibility now to pick the kind of system I want, has anyone got any suggestions on what kind of system to choose? Who has already done this recently?
Preferably I would have someone build the system so I only have to order the curtains and then I would be done. But of course, budget is limited ...
I am in the Amsterdam (Netherlands) region. Any help is appreciated.
Look at they have some options or you can make it yourself with a move?
I 'my looking into this also, but unfortunately the cheaper solutions are not very good looking (big motors) and most use 12v instead of 230v which means that you need a power outlet and you have to hide a power block :-\
I have used the Kallox system and the solution from Rob Shop. The Kallox system is easy to fit but make a lot of noise. Then you do not minded the noise this is a good set to start with.
What about using something like "Lamellen rails" and order a "MOVE" to control them ?
I think this should be possible as long as the curtains aren't too heavy.
It also gives you the possibility to control them manually
just my 2 cents
Move actually really does look superb! The possibility to make it work on batteries really is a big plus. And it is so easy to install. Only thing is that I am worried that it might take quite long before the Move gets delivered and there is no way to see how loud the motor is.
But of course I could just go and order the curtains already and install the Move later. Thanks for the tip!
(Will also have a look at robbshop)
I'm also looking for a good but not to expensive option. How about ?
I don't know about the noise level and build quality but next week (or some weeks after), I'll swing by for a demo. I'll let you guys know if meets my needs/expectations
One thing is certain, it's a lot less expensive then Forest Shuttle and Somfy Glydea. You could calculate the price for this one at:
Some communication between and me (sorry that's in Dutch):
Me: Graag zou ik de luxe elektrische gordijnrail een keer in het echt willen bekijken voordat ik deze bestel. Kan ik hiervoor een afspraak maken? Ook wil ik graag weten of het gordijn ook met de hand bediend blijft in het geval dat de stroom uitvalt of dat als je bijvoorbeeld aan het gordijn trekt, deze verder automatisch dicht gaat?
Autogordijn: Het is mogelijk om de rail in het echt te zien. Indien u een afspraak wilt maken dan graag in de avonduren. De rail is ook met de hand te bedienen indien er geen stroom op staat alleen merkt u
dan lichte wrijving want de motor draait onbelast mee. Het automatisch openen/sluiten van het gordijn als u aan het gordijn trekt is een optie die u aan en uit kan worden geschakeld en zit dan ook ingesloten in de besturing van de motor.
Me: Kan ik het systeem ook aansluiten aan bijvoorbeeld de Fibaro inbouw schakelmodule 2x1,5KW of de Fibaro rolluik/zonwering schakelaar zodat ik de gordijnen via z-wave kan bedienen?
Autogordijn: Externe aansturing via een domotica systeem kan via een RJ 12 kabel welke u onder in de motorunit steekt. Via deze kabel kunt u via 3 draden 2 maakcontacten maken waarmee u de ril dan kunt aansturen. De maakcontact dienen wel spanningsvrij/potentiaal vrij te zijn. Heeft u domotica systeem alleen maar 230V schakelcontacten dan dien u er nog een relais tussen te plaatsen
That looks pretty good! 230v, possibility to open/close by hand and controllable with a relay (you can optionally also order a KaKu receiver apparently (artikel 15)
I hope is engine is quiet and fast.
The price is pretty low!
I have a forest shuttle L installed. The rail has 4 bends in it, and still runs smooth. Currently it is controlled with RF. Once homey arrives, I will start to figure out how I can get Homey to "learn" the existing remote codes, and thereby use it to control the curtains.
It is my idea to control the stopping position based on timed delays. In case this is not going to work well enough I will most like get the z-wave module for it (which provides position feedback) and would then be able to accurately control where the curtains stop. And in case I cannot get this to work, there is always the option to control it through a potential free switches. So left way or right, I should be able to get this system to talk with Homey...
The L model has a multi receiver incorporated. I can't find what the 'multi' means but the talk about working on support for an app that supports Z-wave (Forest App (Z-wave), No (is being worked on)).
Hm, you need to specify this when you order the L, then the Z-wave module is integrated.
Homewizard has his own system. But I don't know if homey can control them. Maybe they have a special protocol like the heatlink.
I have been reading about automating my curtains for a while now (still have to do it lol) but as I read, controlling the autogordijn/Kallox system isn't that convenient as you only can open or close the curtains (they go all the way) with one fibaro 2x1,5kW. To stop you would need another fibaro module and that would be very costly. The use of a Fibaro roller shutter wouldn't work because the the system works with 12/24VDC and the fibaro module is working at 110-230VAC.
The good thing is that Qubino recently launched their flush shutter DC module (This works with 12/24VDC) so if I'm correct this must work with positioning.
Would the Fibaro Rgbw be an option. It uses 12/24 V and has 4 outputs. Check the manual at Fibaro.
I'm using Harrison curtains. You can control them by 433 mhz, so creating a driver for Homey must be possible.
Forget about "autogordijn". I have two of them and they are extremely loud. Also extremely cheap, but the next time I'll spend a bit more for a quieter brand.
Homewizard has very nice curtains but I don't know if homey can control them. They have their own protocol I think.
I have got the Forest Shuttle L in both the living room (with one bend) and in the bedroom (straight).
Very very happy with them, very quiet, the motors are not visible and they have a very long (white) 220V cable which you can run down to the socket. The rails have their own seperate remote but since I now use Homewizard I bought two ASN-650 from KAKU/CICO to control them and this works flawless! They also can be controlled manually, meaning a small tug and they open/close automatically. No experience with opening them completely by hand, that has never been necessary :-) (but should be no problem, should work the same way as described above).
Forrest Shuttle L looks really good but sadly, way to expensive at this moment
Hello gents,
I have modified two Kallox rails. Replaced the processor print with a self designed relay board to install limit switches by reed contacts. It is indeed not silent but the price is reasonable. Control is via the Qubino 12V shutter DC. Works perfect with the Vera3
For those with the forest shuttle rails: When asking Forest to provide me some more details on their RF protocol, they replied that they could not provide any info. However, they did indicate that they were already working with Athom to implement the Forest RF protocol, in the near future. (So a thumbs up for Forest and Athom!)
@emile will homey be able to open up the curtains at a certain percentage as well?
I'm planning to buy a forest shuttle for masking my projection screen.
If the curtains allow it, then yes.
@Moek: The forest shuttle z-wave controller is supposed to have position feedback (and should allow intermittent positions to be programmed). The RF controls are either "open", "stop", "close" and does not have something like "80% closed".
(However, when you would send an "open" command, and after an x amount of time a "stop" command, you may be able to have it stop at a certain spot)
@cjvs Yes you're right, thanks. I completely missed the RF-part
@emile will z-wave control also be supported?
@moek Homey will be able to control automatic curtains via Z-Wave, not at launch though.
Cool! And that gives me more time scrape the money together too
If I read this, I'm starting to think Homey will be absolutely useless to me! (at least at launch)
I have Zigbee motion and door/windows sensors, but Zigbee won't work at launch?
I have Z-wave roller shutter modules, but they won't work at launch either?
That's my entire setup for now (except for Hue), so not much left I can do with Homey apparently. :-(
@fire69 When you add a Z-Wave device with capabilities that aren't yet build in the Z-Wave driver Homey tries to control the device using the Basic commands (on and off). This means Homey should be capable of opening and closing the curtains at launch.
Would be great if all supported devices (with there capabilities) are published in the appstore