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KLICKR - Extend IR Range of Homey

Just saw this on kickstarter:
I think this is a great solution if the IR range of homey is not sufficient. Would be cool if they would work together .
Emile told us in his presentation yesterday that the range can get up to 9 meters.
Thanks @G4nd41f for sharing. I have backed this project too. It's quite useful when there is no direct line of sight possible between Homey and the IR device (despite Homey's reputedly large IR range).
I guess this will only become compatible with Homey when an homey app has been developed (so an open API will be needed on Klikr's side), am I right @Emile?
Why not use a Remotec ZXT-120?
Don't know if the device is/will be supported @Emile ?
Manual here
I have my AV-receiver, satelite-receiver and kodi-on-pi inside a cabinet. So Homey's IR won't work unless I use an IR-extender, extending IR signals inside the cabinet. Btw, today I use such a IT-extender and it works far from perfect. KLICKR support might be an acceptable solution.
Or put Homey in the same cabinet. RF signals will exit the cabinet anyway, assuming it is not a steel cabinet. And train Homey with the doors closed to recognize your voice:). (Not sure if that will work, but it might be an option.)
Sure, but then I miss all the visual feedback of homey. Cannot use NFC tags. Possibly the quality of Homey's voice recognition will be degraded. And more important, my TV is not in the cabinet (just the ugly stuff I don't need to see: audio-, satelite receiver and kodi). So Homey would not be able to control the TV. Probably I'll have to use my IR-cabinet extender, but this does not work very reliable.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I bought a Harmony Hub because the IR extender was too unreliable. I actually sold the IR extender. The Harmony Hub uses RF and works great. But the Homey does not support RF. Although the Harmony Hub also uses WiFi, and my hopes are that someone will develop a community app that will also support WiFi next to IR for the Harmony Hub, I'm back to using IR in the mean time. Gonna see of KLICKR can help me out as well.
Klikrs will soon be shipped.
Is there any developer who is planning to develop an app for it?
It means KLIKR is transforming bluetooth to IR signals? So Homey could communicate directly with KLIKR "buttons" over bluetooth and control the IR-devices out of the Homey's range?
But we need to have Homey support Bluetooth first and then also an app developed for compatibility with Klikr.
I have some great experience to share with you.
If you are interested in using Homey to control a lot of IR devices - this is the best solution for me so far:
EBODE PM10C Wireless Infrared Extender:]&Itemid=3&lang=en
I tested this IR extender today and I'm pretty excited. I think this solution is more comfortable to use with Homey und cheaper than KLIKR.
I'm gonna describe the results in a separate thread.
KLIKR is great - no doubts. But you really need lot of them: one KLIKR "button" for every single IR device - that's pretty costly! In my opinion this is the biggest disadvantage.
G4nd41f?) that got one too, and is able (and willing) to develop Homey support for Klikr?
And I must say for me it is working perfectly thanks for your advise
Route = homey (livingroom) --> logitech (cabinet) --> logitech blaster (cabinet) --> ebode sender (cabinet) --> ebode receiver (livingroom) --> curtain (livingroom)
1. bedroom (air purifier, alarm clock/radio)
2. livingroom (air conditioning, stereo, cable-reciever, beamer, soundbar)
3. kitchen (radio, iRobot Rumba)
For now this is the simpliest and cheapest working smart-home setting for me - without the need to buy additional wifi/bluetooth/z-wave devices or some other hubs. Of course there are some limitations - like missing feedback (did homey turned the IR device on: yes or no?) But until now it works like a charm: turning on/off my devices and switching programms/options.
So it is useless
I do need to finalize work on some other devices before I will be able to start on these.