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Version 0.8.20



  • Thats great to hear, Homey is going into the right direction!
  • Well, impossible te learn new Ok Homy after upgrade. First installed new english voice I did not use before, a female voice. (Read on about that.) But what might giv a hint for the unwillingness of 'Ok Homey': I thought maybe background noise was preventing Homy to learn. It was on my desk above my computer. So I grabbed the ball from the table, and without saying anything, it jumped to the next checkmark. Talking in all kind of volumes and tone of voice did not help, until my finger rubbed a bit. Bingo. Another rub, and so all 5 OK homeys were checked, but not by OK Homey.
    The I tried "Ok homey, What's the Weather?'. A MALE VOICE (So not the downloaded voice) responded 'What's the weather'. I Asked who is gearge bush and it responded with some remark including the name Gearge Bush. (I forgot 'Wiki') Trying to repeat it by 'OK Homey, Wikipedia Who's Gearge Bush' resulted in the white circle, a pulsing red one and nothing.
    Also, when double checking about the voice, I went back to settings, and the first female english voice was selected. I don't understand...

  • EvertorN said:
    just installed 8.20,

    The voice commands that did work (turn the livingroom lights on / What time is it) arent working annymore

    But I can turn the lights down, so now I can leave it on at night  without beeing afraid that aliens are invading the livingroom at night.
    Same here. Try reinstalling your voices, that worked for me. Well, Homey now understands commands that I input through the speech-input manager. Whenever I talk to him he doesn't respond
    Just done a voice reinstall and still not working. If I use speech-output it repeats everything fine, but speech-input anything I type does nothing. However I've just created a test flow to send what I say as a notification to my phone, and that seems to work... so it is listening!!! hmmm....
  • so after 08.20 i can't get homey to trigger at "Hey Homey" or "Ok Homey" I get a red ring every time when training my voice. With .17 things worked. Is this a bug or something?
  • none of my z-wave devices seem to respond to control from the gui either.. getting frustrating again...
  • @spamenigma : maybe the same solution as described in issue 146 works?
  • HarmStellingaHarmStellinga Member
    edited February 2016
    Here the same problem, learning ok HOMEY or hey HOMEY never
    results in a green ring, during learning the red ring shows every 3 sec.
    then i picked up the HOMEY, and put it down on the table,then the red ring stops showing, then i speak hey HOMEY , and than the green ring shows, repeating this till 5 hits.
    thereafter HOMEY reacties on every nois, and talking all kinds of words, like : thank you,thank you thank, no, yess, who.3, 3 hundred.
    when i hear that some people, got no problems,maybe it could be a hardware issue with the microphone input, mayby generating.
    taken into consideration, I sometimes true the voice, heard a very loud murmer.
    The speech-input and output , via computer works.

  • ARGHHHHHH did a reset and now it's giving a red ring with microphone training on every sound (Even by sillent typing 4 meters away) 
    I'm getting really disappointed about it

    Is there anyone at Athom that can say something about this issue maybe a bad batch?
    Can I let you guys do a hardware/software check at your site maybe?

    Hope to hear from Athom
  • brot84brot84 Member
    edited February 2016
    My homey doesn't speak to me with the 0.20.firmware again. Homey  undstand me,but homey speak nothing.... I have install an female and Brian again, but  but homey nothing speak!!!
  • Glad to hear i am not alone. And no clue why there is gearge bush in my comment 3 times and not george bush. Maybe because i typed it on my s3 that is abot 4 years old now.
  • ReneBoeijeReneBoeije Member
    edited February 2016
    BTW - more to the voice training. I explained that I could learn Homey by troking its head, but my wife was very successful when she just for fun started talking with a very high pitch. Restarted the learning and 5 times bingo in a row.

    So I guess either the microphone is too sensitive or there is some bandfilter that is reverse. (I.e. only low pass and high pass, where voice is filtered instead of passed.) As I read a lot complaints about reacting on background low frequency noises, combined with my wifes success as opera singer. At least one fan called Homey.

    UIpdate: For the first time ever, Homey responded telling the time, while my whife asked in that redicoulus hight pitch for the time! So this again is an indication. Of what? (Just trying to add to help finding the cause.)
  • I found that the RF signal dies after one (any) command. Only a restart gives me one command, and then is seems to die again. I tried reinstalling the CoCo and Elro app. It doesn't fix the problem. :neutral: 
  • a second restart seems to correct the problem for now... Whats up with the green led after a restart?
  • My goodness... This sounds *bad*....

    Hopefully some Geek Backers can give positive feedback on properly working Homey's...?
  • At one time I also thought Homey was very sensitive to ultra low noise (subwoofer like, e.g. passing cars outside). I could see the yellow ring responding to what was only background noise.
  • - OK Homey / Hey Homey works about 50% of the times for me (did not work at all in 0.8.17).
    - Homey speaks! Everything I tell him to say in the flow editor he does (he was silent during the whole 0.8.17 period).
    - Try to use the app to give voice commands to Homey. For me this works very good on the S4 of my GF.
  • PimBliek said:
    My goodness... This sounds *bad*....

    Hopefully some Geek Backers can give positive feedback on properly working Homey's...?
    Well the pairing wizard works really well. It was impossible to add anything in previous version. But I have the same issue that for instance when I say "tv on" it sends 3/4 times power button signal (turning tv on/off/on off)
  • What's the overall fealing about 0.8.20? 
  • MarcoF said:
    What's the overall fealing about 0.8.20? 
    Improvement because I can do things I couldn't do before :)
  • After a full reset everything seems to work better. 
    Just the speech still isn't working for me (and others) 
  • Fire69 said:
    After a full reset everything seems to work better. 
    Just the speech still isn't working for me (and others) 
    Actually speech improved for me. Previously Homey didn't answer to questions for date/time. Now he does! Speech flows work like before: 50-60% hit ratio.
  • For me speech is about the same. Hey homey works, I trained it at a distance of about 4 meters. When I'm closer I have to speek softer...
  • Listening stopped working after the update. Even speech stopped suddenly, not even a notice when Homey was upside down to reset..
    After a full reset Homey is starting to listen again, also speech is working fine.
    - KAKU doorbel can trigger flows
    - Infrared is working
    - Dim function of the LED ring
    Perhaps it's only me but it looks like if I dim the LED ring Homey listing gets worse. 
  • brinkiebrinkie Member
    edited February 2016

    With v0.8.17 after "OK Homey" and a speech command the led ring would rotate white (while searching). Is it true that since v0.8.20 the led ring no longer rotates white while analysing the speech command? This used to be a nice indicator Homey did hear you and was analysing your speech command.

  • Sometimes speech output from a flow (so nothing to do with recognition) is extremely garbled too - not permanently though. The same speech output a minute later can be fine.

    Choosing Hue light color in an RDP session now works! Before 0.8.20 it only worked when Chrome ran in a normal desktop.

  • brinkie said:

    With v0.8.17 after "OK Homey" and a speech command the led ring would rotate white (while searching). Is it true that since v0.8.20 the led ring no longer rotates white while analysing the speech command? This used to be a nice indicator Homey did hear you and was analysing your speech command.

    It still does...
  • He still runs white when searching the Internet, but mostly he is orange, and light flashing at the slightest sound.
  • It still does...
    After a reboot, it does rotate white again after a speech command :)
  • How did you guys managed to get version 8.20? Or is it only experimental. Mine is still on 8.17.
  • How did you guys managed to get version 8.20? Or is it only experimental. Mine is still on 8.17.
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