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[APP] Kodi [2.2.0]



  • oliveolive Member
    edited February 2017
    EvertorN said:
    I tried to reproduce the problem but I couldn't. Could you send me the  log and tell me the steps to reproduce this issue? Does disabling and re-enabling the app solve it?
    Hi @EvertorN

    I must work, i come tomorrow at home and send to you the log. I have a flow when kodi go to hibernate, homey says movie lights are offline and this says homey multiple times. Disabling and re-enabling dont solve it.

  • olive said:
    Hi @EvertorN

    I must work, i come tomorrow at home and send to you the log. I have a flow when kodi go to hibernate, homey says movie lights are offline and this says homey multiple times. Disabling and re-enabling dont solve it.

    Sweet. If you could send me a log, some steps to reproduce it (e.g. which events are you triggering), then I'll be able to suss it out :).
  • Just released a test version 1.8 that adds the long awaited multi device support. Connection problems have also been addressed, but will spend more time on this for the final version of 1.8..

    Could you guys help out with testing and report back any issues?

    Testers: @Fire69 @Phuturist ;

    (In case you want to help out testing, make sure to let me know by posting a message in this thread. On a new (beta) release, I will mention your name to help out with testing.)
  • Installing it now :)
  • Fire69Fire69 Member
    edited February 2017
    I was able to add a 2nd device without problems.
    However, adding the 3rd raspi isn't working.  I enter the settings, press save, the window closes, but the device doesn't appear.

    Log only says this:

    .15 is the 1st I added, tried the .14 twice.

    Can't really test more now since I'm at work.
  • I've 2 Kodi's connected to Homey. There aren't any error in the log. I gonna test some functionality. Thanks for this update.
  • @EvertorN Installed 1.8.0 without any issues on Homey.

    Original Kodi (Win7, Kodi 16) was working without any issues
    Added 1 additional Kodi (Win7, Kodi 16) without any issues.

    Did experience some issues with adding the third Kodi (RPi2, Kodi 15).
    After resetting the services settings do default and restarting of this Kodi, I was able to connect.

    All three seem to be working great now; triggers from all three are coming in at Homey.
    Great work @EvertorN!
  • I've tested the following Action Cards:

    Start a movie
    Play / Pause
    Play music by artist
    Subtitle on
    Subtitle off
    Set party mode on
    Set Volume

    The Trigger Cards I've tested aren't working: 

    On movie start
    On movie stop
    On playback start
    On pause
    On resume
    On stop (when you press stop)

    I think all the trigger aren't working.

    What about the voice commands. The voice commands works only for the first Kodi device. Maybe you could make a setting item to make a choice: first device V second device V alle devices together. 
  • Don't know why but I really can't add my 3rd RasPi...
    Just added another Kodi that's running on my laptop without a problem.
    So I was able to add 3 Kodis and those work OK in a flow.
    4th Kodi gets detected correctly in Yatse on Android (and that app also checks port 9090 so the device should be OK)
  • @Fire69 are the trigger card working in your flow for the different devices?
  • @Fire69 Good find, I think adding the same device (IP address) twice might be the cause for duplicate triggers etc. Also, your log shows that your 2nd and 3rd device have the same IP (x.x.x.14). Is this the reason you're having issues with it?

    @WRos Strange, I have tested trigger cards with 2 devices and they were working perfectly (e.g. start the same movie on device 2 when device 1 starts playing something). Also seems to work for @TedTolboom . Could you check your log and see if it shows anything interesting?

    Also, about voice commands, currently it defaults to the first registered device. I know Athom is drastically going to change the speech parsing (no idea when), so I won't spend too much time on that. In the meantime I could implement a confirmation step that asks which device the command needs to be executed on. For now, a single command is too hard to implement because of the speech parsing limitation (e.g. "Play movie finding nemo on kodi in the living room" is too hard to do)
  • Fire69Fire69 Member
    edited February 2017
    WRos said:
    @Fire69 are the trigger card working in your flow for the different devices?
    Yes, seems to work OK.  Only tested with 2 devices but that's working as expected.

    EvertorN said:
    @Fire69 Good find, I think adding the same device (IP address) twice might be the cause for duplicate triggers etc. Also, your log shows that your 2nd and 3rd device have the same IP (x.x.x.14). Is this the reason you're having issues with it?
    The log shows .14 twice because I tried adding it a second time after the first time didn't work.  But it still didn't work.
    But I discovered something else now :)
    I first added my son's RasPi as .14 but then saw his was .15, so I changed the ip to .15
    After that I tried adding my daughter's as .14 which wouldn't work.

    Now, as a test I deleted my son's RasPi (so the .15), and this was shown in the log:
    2017-02-16T07:41:07.996Z"Deleting device" ""
    So something went wrong when I changed the setting of the device.

    Yep, after removing that device I was able to add both RasPi's correctly.
    You'll have to have a look at why the settings aren't correctly saved after changing the IP :)
  • I focussed myself on the Kodi Stop Trigger.

    2017-02-16T08:42:27.640Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-16T08:42:27.689Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-16T08:42:27.696Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-16T08:42:27.700Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"

    The Trigger is logged, but there isn't a action in the flow:

  • EvertorNEvertorN Member
    edited February 2017
    Alrighty guys, thanks for the input! I already made tons of improvements with regards to connectivity. I made sure devices can be added / deleted properly, without phantom connections lingering around :). This should fix a lot of issues like flows that don't get fired, flows that  get fired multiple times etc. @Fire69, I'll have a look at updating a device tomorrow. I think I know what's wrong, so should be an easy fix :)
  • WRosWRos Member
    edited July 2017
    When I testing the Pause Trigger, I get 4 Trigger in the log. But a Flow isn't triggered:
    @EvertorN : what test could I do, so it's possible for you to reproduce this?

    2017-02-16T10:33:14.924Z"onKodiGenericEvent() " "kodi_pause"
    2017-02-16T10:33:14.925Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_pause" " for("
    2017-02-16T10:33:14.981Z"onKodiGenericEvent() " "kodi_pause"
    2017-02-16T10:33:14.982Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_pause" " for("
    2017-02-16T10:33:14.988Z"onKodiGenericEvent() " "kodi_pause"
    2017-02-16T10:33:14.989Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_pause" " for("
    2017-02-16T10:33:15.000Z"onKodiGenericEvent() " "kodi_pause"
    2017-02-16T10:33:15.001Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_pause" " for("

    Just check the app version:


    The reason of the problem was the slow database for kodi on a nas. 

  • @Wros probably some phantom connections. What happens if you restart the app? (disable / enable).. Anyway, this should be fixed in the next 1.8 upload, hopefully I'll have some time this weekend to wrap it up
  • @Fire69 @WRos @TedTolboom

    New 1.8 version has been uploaded which should fix a lot of connectivity issues and issues with flows not firing / firing multiple times.

    Could you guys give it a go and report back before I push this to the app store?
  • WRosWRos Member
    edited February 2017
    The triggers are working!! Im very happy with this. Now I gonna Homeynize my bedroom!!
    Lights ---> C#
    Kodi ---> C#
    Old Non Smart Television  --> C# (from RPI HDMI CEC by JSONRPC mesages, addon:
    Movable bed ----> ........ (Ir or by potential-free contact)

    The bed would be for now the most important thing to Homeynize.

    I've tested a lot functionality of the app, I can't find issues.
  • Removed my devices, removed Kodi and reinstalled updated version (1.8.0) from Github. Re-added my devices (1x win7 and 1x RPi2). Running smoothly now, no duplicate reporting and flows are triggered correctly.
    2017-02-18T22:06:48.404Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-18T22:06:59.256Z"Triggering flow kodi_playing_something"
    2017-02-18T22:06:59.264Z"Triggering flow kodi_movie_start for device" ""
    2017-02-18T22:07:02.737Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-18T22:07:09.905Z"Triggering flow kodi_playing_something"
    2017-02-18T22:07:09.917Z"Triggering flow kodi_movie_start for device" ""
    2017-02-18T22:07:13.386Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-18T22:08:00.613Z"Triggering flow kodi_playing_something"
    2017-02-18T22:08:00.626Z"Triggering flow kodi_movie_start for device" ""
    2017-02-18T22:08:03.458Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-18T22:08:12.412Z"Triggering flow kodi_playing_something"
    2017-02-18T22:08:12.422Z"Triggering flow kodi_resume"
    2017-02-18T22:08:20.148Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_stop"
    2017-02-18T22:09:04.382Z"onKodiGenericEvent() " "kodi_pause"
    2017-02-18T22:09:04.383Z"Triggering flow " "kodi_pause" " for("
    All triggers / flow action cards seem to work.

    I do have some suggestions:
    - Can you add the device name as tag to the trigger cards?
    - I do have a Kodi system that is off for 90% of the time... it's a bit useless to continously monitor this device. Would it be possible to enable and disable the polling of a device from an action card. I have the following flow in mind: Once energy of Kodi is larger than 20W, then start listening to device 
    - We use Kodi to also watch live TV (TVHeadend on Synology); the app nicely provides the title if a recording or movie is started... Is it possible to also provide the title of live TV?
  • Very excited! Can't wait!
  • i can test to. I have two kodi installations. One on a android smart tv with the newest Kodi version and the second one on windows with version 16.
  • Is it also possible to add some condition cards in the Kodi app? (like if a serie/movie is on pause, or not) I'm trying something with BL, but that's not always working correctly. 

  • @juroz you could test the app when you have install the test version from github.

  • Thanks for testing guys! Will finalise some stuff and push it to the app store soonish

    - Why would you need the device's name? That's implicitly obtained from the fact that you're triggering flows from a certain device, right?
    - PVR support might be possible, I'd have to look into this. It would be hard for me to implement, since I am living in Australia and don't have PVR setup. Can you tell me how to get this working with my NAS?

    @Reemster Already working on condition cards, I'll try to add them in the next release

  • 1.8.0 has been submitted for approval! 

    Next on the agenda:
    - Condition cards
    - Action card to start an Addon

    Also, if FW 1.2 gets released this week I will have a look at the new speech parsing. This should make things so much easier to perform actions based on speech input. Not sure if they have improved the speech recognition, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see. If this proves to be working,  I can focus on more speech related functionality

  • I starts to love you're app more and more!

    I figured out that when I use the "On stop" and "On resume" Trigger.
    It will be activated every time when I change a channel on de Live TV.
    Maybe you can take this with you when you looking on the PVR support.

    I'm looking forward to get the update!

    Keep continue with your good work!
  • 1.8.0 has been published to the app store! 
  • EvertorN said:
    1.8.0 has been published to the app store! 
    Great stuff, not been able to test it but will enjoy it now!
  • WRosWRos Member
    I've found a nice solution to start a playlist in Kodi. It's possible to use the HTTP request cards.

    First delete the current playlist, then load a smart playlist and finally start playing it.
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited April 2017


    Could you please show what is places in the post fields.... (ip of Kodi, with the port number added to it, I presume. And what is the second field...)

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