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Daarnaast vindt je meer hulp en kennis in het centrale officiele Neo topic
Enige tijd geleden heb ik de NEO Wall Plug aangeschaft met het idee om het Klik Aan Klik Uit systeem volledig te vervangen door Z-wave producten. Helaas heb ik tot dusver geen goede ervaringen met het installeren van deze NEO Wall Plug.
De applicatie is geïnstalleerd en Homey is geüpdatet naar zijn laatste firmware. Daarnaast is deze wall plug direct naast Homey geplaatst en krijg ik de volgende melding bij het installeren van dit nieuwe apparaat: "Het interview is verlopen. Geen apparaat gevonden."
Op sommige momenten wordt de wall plug wel herkend; maar wordt de setup onderbroken en afgesloten.
Wie ervaart deze problemen en/of weet hiervoor een oplossing?
Alvast bedankt voor het meedenken.
And please notice your in the englisch section of the forum, if you want to ask something in dutch please use the dutch section.
If Motion has not been detected for 20minutes then turn off the lights - can anyone advise how I would do this?
I have if light level <x and motion detected turn on, so I need the opposite
Also - how do people manage turning OFF the lights based on light level? Obviously, the light level is different because the lights are on... do you use two sensors (one in a different location) to make this work? Or just not bother...
Your first question: Use the count down timer: If movement start timer for 20 minutes (timer restarts every time when there is movement). And a flow, that turns out the lights when the timer stops.
Your second question: The change in lux level when lights are on or of are realy minimal (at my home).
The Z-wave network on my Homey has been reset to the factory default settings and all Z-wave products have been deleted. Also, the wall plug is within 50 cm from the Homey, but not able to add it. Anyone who is able to help me out?
I found this too - hence the question - in an ideal world I'd like lights that come on (gradually) as the lux drops and go off (gradually) as the lux raises, but the problem is that the lights impact the lux levels so I think it's impossible to do. Even if i timed the amount of time it takes for the sun to set and then have a gradual rise over that time, that time changes throughout the year... so think it just needs to be motion driven really...
You should probably reset the plug, look at the manual how to do that... something like triple-clicking the button or pulling the plug in and out three times or something like that...
The reason I ask is that I'm finding that Normal sensitivity is TOO sensitive, but that Lower Sensitivity is not sensitive enough (there seems to be a huge gap between the levels in practice where Normal will activate when I'm outside the room but lower will only activate when I'm within a meter or so). If in fact this can be set more granular on the device then an app change will be really useful!!
it is just not possible unless you let the manufacturer update the firmware of the sensor.
or if you are really daring (and really knowing in electrics), open it up and forcefully lower the signal on the circuitboard itself.
or go to a fibaro motion sensor, as that has a range for sensitivity, instead of just 5 options
If the light turns off, the sensor reports that to Homey?
Edit - actually, this is the same as is on the Neo, tho I only seem to get the report at the 180 interval
I have my motion sensor being used for lights and alarm but it's too sensitive when on normal sensitivity for alarm (as the cat manages to set it off) but not sensitive enough on lower sensitivity for lights. Would be great to alter this in the flow...
so changing a setting will only take effect after the wake-up of the sensor.
In order for this to work decently, you would need to set the wake-up interval to a shorter interval (e.g 3600 seconds) which will decrease the battery lifetime
Therefore, this option has not (yet) been implemented into the driver..
Side note - i just checked the battery as you had me thinking and it's still showing 100% after 4 weeks of use - this seems very good, but potentially an incorrect reading - is this normal?
I have a small question about the door/window sensor. I have attached it to the front door and seemed to work for a bit bit but for a couple of hours now the sensor is reporting a contact alarm but the door is closed.
And after I opened and closed the door again it was off again. What could have caused this behaviour?