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New shipment date for Homey?
This discussion has been closed.
Everyone is eager to receive their Homey, and we love that! Because the bugfixing is coming along pretty solid, as you can read above, we feel confident enough to communicate dates again.
The following timeline is what we are aiming for. Delays might still happen, please do keep that in mind, just know that we're doing the best we can possibly do to make everyone happy. We expect to be able to ship:
Regular & (Super) Early Bird Backer (rest of Kickstarter EU)
April 4th
Pre-orders & non-EU Backers
Pre-orders will be given a choice to get Homey earlier but accept that it's still in bèta, or a little bit later for a retail-like experience.
'Geek' Pre-orders & non-EU Backers:
April 18th
non-beta, retail-like Pre-orders
Beginning of May
No hard promesses heard at the moment
A week ago the new firmware didn't reach internal testing, so it would surprise me if the release a update this week and I only expect shipment a couple of days after release of 0.8.25.
Options 1: Most positive;
Options 2: But more realistic;
I'm hoping for option 1, but expecting option 2.
"oops.... 'typo' fix"
There we go again
Stop guessing, and wait for Athom to tell whats going to happen..
lets just pray, hope and wait on more info
There are still >1500(!) people waiting on a delivery.....
I meant 0.8.2x
Afraid that they will get negative reviews, well there are reviews already but I think all of them are fair taking in account that it is in development stage. None of those would create negative vibe about the product but constant postponing that creates negative vibe.
Also asked this before my cancellation, but this question were ignored and so i also didn't got a answer to it beside;
Nobody knows which standards....
When I pre-ordered my Homey beginning of December last year, the statement was that Homey would be shipped by the end of January 2016.
Since then that shipment date keeps changing every month and today it states "around Q2 2016".
To a normal customer (not backer) like me this all looks like deception ("misleiding" in Dutch).
You can and may cancel your (pre-) order at any time.
Homey will be available for retail 2-4 weeks after pre-orders has been shipped. So I you are tiered waiting and don't want to risk your money, then buy retail.
The value and benefits of pre-ordering is minimal.
(yes yes, i'm already behind my desk....)
Kickstarter backers may be willing to forgive receiving a not fully functional product, and wait a few more months for it to reach that state, but for regular pre-orders, different rules apply. If Athom would send out the Homey hardware as it is right now, I'm sure that most people who pre-ordered, would return their Homey within 2 weeks, and demand a full refund (simply because Homey as is does not yet do the things that it was marketed to do).
Right now Homey is being tested quite extensively by the Geek backers, and what they find is (slowly but surely) being fixed by Athom. That process takes time... quite a bit more time that Athom had foreseen. Once Homey is stable enough for the Geek backers, they can start shipping to the rest of the backers, and if that goes well, then to the pre-orders.
So you have 2 options:
- give up, cancel your pre-order and get a refund, or
- be patient for a few more months, to receive the product as it was intended.
Saturday I go to MM!!
Ofcourse there are always exceptions to the rule. I assume that several of the pre-orders active on this forum, are these exceptions (but I also assume that the vast majority of the pre-orders does NOT follow this forum as actively as you and me). That's why it's good that Athom are planning to offer the option (for the pre-orders) to have your Homey shipped right after all the backers, and not wait until it's a bit more matured (but with that option, I assume that you will have to sign some kind of agreement that you will indeed wait for the software updates and not return it)
But as regulations are different for backers vs pre-orders, the general pre-order crowd also has to be treated differently.
Do I see one Homey with one or more raised feets(front row, second from right) and a second(audio test) cable?
Almost forgot; I