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volunteer firefighte

in Nederlands
I am a volunteer firefighter. Now we are called through P2000 . Many website have a RRS feed the p2000 alarms. It is already possible to use an RRS feed for a trigger. I would like my lamps to turn on for 3 minutes. So at night I can get dressed quickly without worrying about the lights.
still figuring out how-to got that working.
if you find an other way, please let me know ;-)
Your firestation need a subscription to get a personal account.
I don't know if the station of @0burner0 has a subscription but I know @tunf uses a different program (liveop).
@tunf, did you manage to contact the people from liveop already ?
@jjtbsomhorst , I would appreciate your help anyway for brandweerrooster
If you want, please read on..
I contacted the developers and they have send me a sample output (see attachment).
If there is no incident, the list is empty []
Please note that there can be multiple incident messages (for example if more fire engines are needed) be active (althrough there is some time between them and only the latest has to be reported by homey)
the URL is
<user-id> and <user-token> should be a user variable and it would be great to get a status every 5 seconds (the same interval they use for their own app)
Would be great to let Homey speak out the body text (so you dont have to read your pager) ;-)
This is also interesting for the people back home to know where you're heading for (especially at dinner time) ;-)
I was looking in to this by myself with the app "HTTP request flow cards" to get this done, but I'm not that familliar with json.
and does the website contain incident information (after login) ?
Maybe you get a token after login which you can use for scripting.
One of the owners of liveop had his office where now Atom sits, it was his old office so lines are short if we go.
We do have a publicly accessible API, but as @blusser correctly mentioned, your station does need an account. The main benefit of consuming the Brandweerrooster API is that the incident feed takes into account your personal cap codes, as well as your availability. So you won't get woken up at night if you're not on duty (depending on the station's configuration).
Please let me know how I can help. For example by giving you access to a demo account with pre-configured cap codes, and the ability to fire off test incidents. I'd really love to see some cool integrations with Homey!
Many thanks for your support!
Ofcourse I'm still interested! , but I'm also realistic.
As long as homey isn't going to retail (example MM), I presume the amount of users which would install and benefit from this app can be counted on 1 or 2 hands.
The potentional users of this specific brandweerrooster app are limited to the amount of firestation subscribtions (possible location for a homey) and the amount of users per firestation in the ideal world that everyone has a homey in near future.
Since I'm not a programmer myself, I rely on others with (valuable!) spare time which I ofcourse dont want to waste.
So if @jjtbsomhorst or someone else is willing to make an brandweerrooster app, I would be very thankfull
At the other hand, to maximize the amount of potential users of the app (to +/- 20.000 volunteer firefighter in NL only ) IMHO there should be a generic volunteer firefighter app which can be configured the use different backends (brandweerrooster, precom, ...) by using the appropiate account settings.
This way, the app is used by more people, and the potentional for homey would also increase (unique selling point to be able to create scene's based on emergency calls, which can be very handy for volunteer firefighters to (for example) switch lights in a specific color during the night on the path to the front door for a specific time, or/and speak out the message so everybody knows what the call is about an act appropiate to it ).
Now I don't know how much time it costs to create and publish an app and your spare time is at least as valuable for you as for me, if somebody is willing to create an app, I'll support it.
I don't mind if it would be a specific brandweerrooster app or a generic fighterfighter app which supports brandweerrooster, I'll leave that up to somebody who is willing and able to code the app.
I understand. Unfortunately, I won't be able to help with building the Homey app, because I don't have any experience with this platform. However, you can count on me to support the community. So when anyone is interested in building an app that integrates with Brandweerrooster, please let me know. If there is a lot of interest, I'm even willing to create a special free Homey account for users who do not use Brandweerrooster as their station's scheduling software.
Hi @jjtbsomhorst ,
That is right P2000 is the name of the system to alarm Firefighters, but also KNMR, police, trauma helicopter etc.
P2000 is receivable with a:
Capcodes are used to alarm a specific person ore group.
If you use p2000 as a civilian it is no problem if there is a delay. As a volunteer I have to be in 3,5 minutes in the firehouse. So when my pager is beeping I want my house to react within a second.
The problem with most websites are the delayed alarms.
I use twitter for now because of the speed. I made a new account and only follow our own twitter account. Only problem is it doesn’t work all the times L
Volunteers are using different sites to set there availability. (When there is an alarm, do they go to the firehouse)
Examples are:
I hope this will help you, if you want more info DM me.
@jjtbsomhorst I'd be happy to give you a demo account to Brandweerrooster. PM me for credentials.
Technical details
When you call the API with the correct user ID and matching API token (see here:, you'll get a list of all incidents to which the user was called out for. A simple start would be just to perform an action when a new incident is found in the feed. For example, you could turn on the lights when there is an incident less than X minutes old (check the created_at field), otherwise you turn them off. Should be pretty straightforward.
I'd be happy to discuss the details on chat/phone!
Can we start a topic or a stack in dutch?
Bas van Gelderen,
Volunteer bij brandweer Krommenie
I can't program a app. For now I use twitter for my alarms.
I hope some one can make a a app based on cap codes
I made a quick prototype using a $35 Raspberry Pi connected to the Brandweerrooster API. It is currently programmed to do three things:
- Shows whether you're available in the schedule using a red or green LED
- When an alert comes in for your fire station(s), it displays the message on a small display, beeps, flashes a light, and can turn on the lights (or any other device connected to 220V)
- By pressing a button, you can confirm that you're responding. This is then shown within Brandweerrooster and on the display in the fire station.
I made two quick videos that show this in action:- display availability

- alert mode

Of course, this is still a very crude prototype, but it's cheap, and it's really not hard to build. You can replace any of the components and connect them to different devices, such as the lights in your bedroom.For the tech savvy people among you, here is the code: You'll need an account for Brandweerrooster or FireServiceRota to make this work.
I'd love to hear your feedback!
Nice project Ruben! Are you an admin on FireServiceRote?
Sounds interesting! Are you using open data sources?
The cool thing about the integration with the Brandweerrooster API is that the Raspberry pi only activates if you're on-duty. Do you have/want an account?
And yes, I'm one of the developers of FireServiceRota/Brandweerrooster.
We are working with precom so i'm more interest in precom.
Limitation (right now) is that messages will only be checked once a minute, so most likely too slow for you guys that have beepers.
This is already usefull for the family back home :-)
As soon the messages can be checked once every 5 seconds or so, it will be usefull to turn on (and off) lights at night.
Can I ask what you use as source ?
The site itself uses a basic P2000 (PDW) scanner and "some" database intelligence to do geolocation and categorisation of messages. It will therefore always take a couple of seconds before the message, received in realtime, is visible on the site and for it's API.
Ok, fair enough, maybe a webhook is a possibility ? (althrough I'm not familiair with it).
AFAIK the telegram app does something simulair with webhooks making it nearly realtime.
If your filtering on capcodes you don't have to do some database inteligence fist which might speed up some things.
Everyone with beepers know their own capcode ;-)
For others 1 minute polling might be ok.