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my first homey
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Today homey doens't want to listen to rain commands, the buienrader is not giving any response at all.
What i did not tell you all from last night is that it did 4 voice searcehes while there was no ok homey, this where falls triggers. No action came out of that but just to let you all know.
testing some voice inputs and then let homey answer is bringing me to the fact that some words/ or full lines are 100% hit ratio and some only 5% or not at all. Perhaps this has to do with build in commands, which as mentioned before are not listed.
By training your own ok homey you can improve homey. That made me think, why not create local recognition based on my commands. For example; if my voice commands are lights on and off for 90% of the time used, create a local recognition so it is not send to a server and the response can be ultra fast.
Also talking like playing in a musical with word by word is bringing the hit ratio higher.
I think i will leave it to this for now due to the wheater and tonight i will start adding z-wave devices and temp. controllers and radiator valves.
Also mentioned before, like IR i would like to be able to hit 433 devices and so that homey can learn and i can tag the device purpose. So if i use a somfy remote, press a button, tell homey this is a somfy device to use xyz and then log in back in a database so more users can learn like ir device xyz.
Talking about ir remotes, added one more and again homey makes it an ir device. In the list it tells me that it thinks it is an samsung type xyz. Why not name the ir device to that name that was selected? Small thing to do, simple for the users.
Afaik this should work like this already (didn't try).
You can click on the name of the device in the "zones and devices" screen, there you can change the name.
Many of the experienced items are details but very practical.
I know that Athom is working at a brandnew website but I wonder if all this kind of Q and A can be collected and included. Homey seems to be both a userfriendly pet and a quite complicated thing, something like a human being.
Could it be an idea building that QandA altogether? Finally it could result in an Ebook "Homey for dummies and everybody else".
So question to Athom: is it technically possible to let the Homeyans build a kind of QandA at the new website?
That way you don't hijack other topics, and other people can decide if they want to read it or now
Its stands one free to create a Wiki
Its said by multiple members, but nobody initiated it
I was expecting that i could tell it a full line: Oke homey, nieuws alsjeblieft but now it only works like:
Oke homey .......... nieuws alsjeblieft.
Thanks all for reacting on my posts. I started this to share all my experiances just to be ahead of a bung of end user issues that could be simple for advanced users but with the dummy mode on it should / could react a bit better. Mentioning that, why not put al default available and more detail/ advanced settings after i select expert mode. Using config modes defaut, expert, geek the customer can select the detail info.
Name change of ir worked but as mentioned, i selected the device type so why not use that as a name? It is an automation product not hand product.;-)
Just had another look to add rooms to flows but not able to do so. I was then looking for a help button but did not found it. Perhaps it is also an idea to add a ? button on each place linked to a wiki/ Q and A place?
In advance from there, select which flows to share with others or import from others (flow store). I was looking for alarm setup, if users (not possible to create a group called home owners and use that on places) owners are not at home and x and y and detection on motion or door then trigger alarm mode, sound alarm, mail etc. Reusing other ones flow could help me get started on a more advanced flow instead of full programming. Again not for an it / expert but there will also be simple users that can get inspirated. If this option will come, perhaps also label it for the previous request, default, expert, geek flow?
Export/Import would indeed be a great and must have feature and especially because it looks like new firmware only work OK if you do a full factory swipe.
I'm very curious to the new firmware and how the realworld Homeys handles it.
Keep up the great work and thanks for all the time you put into this!!
I was looking for the homey apps to see how that works, only, windows and iphone no android. For windows and iphone i cannot find the app but for Windows i don't need an app if i can use chrome in dashboard mode. A dashboard mode would in my opinion be configurable by putting pre dev. options like switches/ buttons, wheater news and other stuff. move it around and save it for that user. This way i can create multiple windows screens in the house an create users that have that look, so in the bathroom i can use the light there and select audio and the motion from the front camera (ok there are a lot of feature requests here but a men got's to have a dream). In my living room i can then logon with users livingroom and see another layout.
If this will be possible, please also create an option to copy a dashboard to other users so it can be fast deployed.
You can edit the device name from the pairing wizard also.
I can place them later in my house on the spot i would like it to be. After that i will change the names perhaps again. For now i made a drawing/ sketch about what is going where. I decided this because otherwise it will be a pain in the ass to figure out what is where and how to operate. The reason it has numbers and not the final name in sketch is that i don't know if everything has enough reach and will work. I configure them in 2 meters from homey in the living room. Just a thougt for other people if the get started with other hardware. Tonight i will add the danfoss radiator valves.
In total now 10 z-wave devices added succesfull, a lot where second hand and needed to be reset first.
After a z-wave addon i need to make a choice for the group, none or 1, i cannot find what this is and when to choice what. Anyone?
Also missing the groep of flow function. I would like to create a group with flows, brand alarm, group of flows for door sensors etc. etc.
This to reuse on other flows (nesting) so i can create an alarm flow, if device group 1, 2 and 3 went of while bluetooth dongels all are away do this.
In fact mentioning a lot of group questions, why not make it universal and allow grouping and let the user deside what is in the group, for example a couple of devices, couple of users and use that in a flow or trigger it with a button.
This way it is universal and a great expansion of possibilities. Magaging a lot of firewalls etc. and there grouping is normal and very usefull.
@taco just changed the name in the wizard, thanks!
I will quit for now. Like homey who is still telling me he will turn the lights on but only 1 out of 5 times is turning (some of) them on or off.
so please go on with this thread!
On all places it has a reach of about 2,5 to 3 meters. If i should really hard it can be up to 5 meter but then my wife also offers to turn the lights on if i stop shouting.
Even next to the tv it seems to react pretty good to ok homey, not the command (0 out of 30).
It seems to react to oke homey pretty good. it need to use a certain tone pitch but thats not an issue. AFter the okey homey it pulses white with my commands so thats great to see only then a very, very long waiting time and then nothing but rainbow led ring. Tryed this with a couple of flows and without any flow at all but still same behavior.
Also again it depands on the time frame how long the action (that almost 99% fails) will take to translate so i think this is a cloud performance issue.
The adapter seems to get very hot while homey is idle. My conflusion is that home is very high in load as on my raspberry pi. If that is idle the adapter is cold and if that is on high cpu it is hot. I could be off with my conclusion but that was one thing i noticed.
To be in reaction of end users, there is some plastic wrapping around the power adapter and nowhere in documentation or manual it asks me to remove it. As it is transparent i can imagin that a lot of people don't remove it.
So please at that as a label on the wrapping or as an instruction on the piece of paper i mentioned i previous posts.
I created a flow where is ask homey how my children are called and that reaction is 4 out of 5 working. The build in actions seems to be the real issue and i create flows with about the same names i think (lamp, lampen) because i don't know what the build in options are (as mentioned before) i cannot work around this. Also the build in is a lot of times a bit english.
The news app is reacting 4 out of 5 but then starts talking strange. Where is it getting his news and why can't i setup which country and language the news is in. I think it reads english in dutch or so. Perhaps it is an idea to create or change it to an RSS feed reader so we all can add one or more rss feeds to read out load and use that in a flow.
The z-wave devices that i added went oke but that's it. no logging on insight. I need to find out how to setup and see this. I really was expecting to see the pressed test button and battery status, in reach etc. etc. without doing anything.
Changed a couple of group names but i'm not sure yet if homey understands that new group names now or of it is still using its old names anyone that can shine a light on that? perhaps that is why the reaction is that bad.
Being on the forum give me the info to look at the page what homey heard. I think that this schould be a button in the page .
Went to our local store for apliances to get some AAAA battery for my z-wave remote switch and them i was shocked about the knowledge of al employees there the didn't know anything about smart home, so if homey comes to MM i really advice to give some times a year training to the staff so expectations to customers is being managed and that there will not be a lot of returns that are not needed.
I will go to give a fire demontration today so don't expect any update untill perhaps tonight or later this week.
In the settings menu i choosed Dutch as language. A lot of info there is still on Englisch. Not only the apps but the whole Z-wave section, system section and parts of the led ring.
With led ring on, it's at 7W.
With the ring off, it was only 3 or 4.
So I don't think Homey is really straining the adapter.
Mine is running at 2,5 watt idle and going to 4 watt while executing ical to voice so it's even less. I don't use Z-wave so perhaps that's the difference...
This brings me to a simple tip to athom; the ring is white when it hears a command, why not led it be more bright on the side where the noice/ command is comming from, this can help to so where homey is listning to.
The speech output is stuttering and misses some letters.
Lightning is not reacting/ working anymore so i think a reboot is needed again.