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Roephoed said: I was thinking about this one too. I hoped there were other idea's, that would be more straightforward. Because this means that I need to do 2 actions, of 1 is not straightforward with people who do not know my house. Not …
@Roephoed Perhaps create an extra state called 'manual' or 'override'. This stops all other states/flows (perhaps by using the App Candy) and let's you alter the current settings.
Oh, ze blijven inderdaad onder spanning staan. Gelukkig ;-) Daar las ik overheen @Rocodamelshe . Goed gezien! Nou, dan kun je alle kanten op met (o.a.) een Fibaro relay 222 of 223. De dubbel is even duur als de enkel, dus ik zou je adviseren sowies…
Hmm.. als ik de spanning van mijn Hue lightstrips en bulbs (de E27 kleur) haal en daarna er weer op zet, gaat de strip/lamp naar 100% wit. Dat wil je waarschijnlijk niet. Weet niet hoe dat zit met spotjes. Zelf laat ik permanent spanning op de Hue…
These work for my various Foscam's:
Exclude it first. Than try to include. And make sure to be within a meter to Homey.
@mat_industries Martin, It is not complicated to add Xiaomi stuff to Homey. Just install the App that @TedTolboom created and the devices that are listed on the opening post of this thread are supported. No need for a Xiaomi controller or other s…
Alternatively.... Remove the countdown timer card and add a card to switch the light off, with a delay of x seconds
Or, scroll down...
@k1s You're welcome! 400 flows not needed...: - you will need flows per room (all setting the same temp / valve / thermostat) - you will need flows per set point - and sets for workdays / weekends / vacation A brief look at my setup shows around…
@k1s Here is another example to inspire you...: Every 15 minutes this flows compare the DESIRED TEMPERATURE versus the ACTUAL TEMPERATURE. It will trigger the action (a valve / a thermostat / whatever) and write to the log what these two values…
OK. Thanks for the answer!
Out of curiosity, I installed the App via CLI. That worked fine. Setting a schedule and copying setting to other days works fine too. I was able to use a trigger card in a flow, and an action card in the THAN section. What I don't see, is how I i…
That would be great @Priknr1
Your flow will not work the way you hoped.... Every new day it it will trigger once, check the AND and that's it. It will not trigger again that day, but THE NEXT DAY. You could run it every hour. Or very x minutes. My flow (doesn't run every x …
In my flows I use the time as trigger. Same way as a 'programmable/normal' thermostaat would do. So: IF time is 07:00 AND (set your conditions: you are home, it is cold outside, it is a Monday...) THAN (set thermostats on valves) This controls se…
No worries Ted! Thanks for your feedback.
(sorry... double post. Please ignore)
Hi Ted, Earlier you wrote: For the Curtain controller, I propose to add already basic support for the curtain controller (100% open, 100% closed) in the next release, while awaiting the tracks to arrive and further debugging. This might me…
Fijn dat je de App blijft onderhouden ! Homey geeft via een push bericht en spraak een seintje als er een nieuw cijfer is en indien het rooster wijzigt.
@htilburgs Yes, that would be nice. Or even beter, an export function so settings can be imported on other devices
I am not 100% sure, but let's find out thru logical reasoning :-) This is the standard way to connect a FGS-222 : If we drop the lights, we can erase some lines: Which also means that the L input (the 3rd from the right) has no purpose an…
@ddenouden Correct, the HUE's are all directly connected to mains and powered 24/7. Controlling them happens via Homey and a Philips Living Colour remote. The wall switch is a JUNG momentary switch. If you press it, the button is pushed in and tr…
Eye opener to use better logic tags to control Hue! Thank you. Would love to see the flows to learn how you achieved this!
Thanks for this solution @glijie I implemented this solution (Apple detection is working fine, Android not) and see this in Papertrail logging: The update frequency is very high. Can this be changed to only happen on actual leaving and entering …
Yes, getting the temperature from another service is not a problem. It only requires installing a weather App. But it seems a bit over the top to install an extra App for just that simple need, also because it is part of the Thermosmart setup. I wi…
@GeurtDijker On a side note, , the ThermoSmart App does not have the tag card 'outside temperature'. That's a pity!
Thanks for your post @SJS ! Question: why do you use external temperature sensors (motion sensors) to feed the Spirits? The have measuring capability built-in. I am in te process of creating zone heating with Spirit valves and use the built in cap…
@htilburgs Thanks for sharing your flows! I have a similar set of flows. In my case I have used two countdown times instead of your 3 trigger states. Also, I have added the condition 'somebody home' and 'nobody home'. Flow 1 - door opened, nobo…