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  • Watching this topic with great interest. I had homey and regretfully sent it back due to the lack of a good dashboard for wall control. Currently using Samsung SmartThings because the action tiles product is a very mature dashboarding plugin. But w…
  • For the function OP wanted, would t you add a set of a variable in there to enable "night mode" which can be checked in the flows using motion sensors? Or, add the enabling of those flows that use the motion sensors.
  • Can this functionality not be replicated by ibeacons or NFC tags.  Perhaps not identical but depending on what use case the marketing is making you think of, you could do it very cheaply right now. I have an ibeacon I played with for a bit, the app…
  • This - How do I during the day turn off my Fibaro motion sensors? There allways on. is a valid point not answered by another AND condition.  We need modes - home/away/night/holiday etc. You could partially simulate with a flow which disables flows,…
  • Yes I agree, both would be good to save redundancy. code wise or/and logic and it's logical groupings is pre historic. Graphically it would be simple to convey with a series of containers.  For example cads within a container indicate AND between t…
  • I know some have said here about using IFTTT as an interim replacement, but I find that quite unreliable. There is also LIFTTT. For some time I have used the life 360 which also integrates with IFTTT and is more responsive, also with other handy fe…
  • Must be his little brother, because this is his big brother: ha!
  • Makes sense to me, although having OR/AND logic within the trigger would solve this problem and add a-whole-nother level of functionality
  • Yes I see where you are going with that, similar thought process. The flows are flexible and beautiful but no good for complex logic that must be repeated. Extending it with full and/or control on each section would be a step in the right direction…
  • Hi I just bought my homey and very disappointed there is no sonos integration. Almost every other smart home hub has this.  There is an enormous picture of a sonos play one on the device compatibility page (I didn't even search for sonos because of…
    in Sonos app Comment by parody October 2016
  • Hmm, might have a dabble myself then.  I'm a SQL Dev, with C# and powershell on the side.  JS shouldn't be too much of a stretch.  Codeacademy here I come!