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Suggestion: Today Is A.. with checkboxes.


This flowcard would be so much more flexible if it was possible to select multiple days.. for example with checkboxes. 
Hope this suggestion will make it in a future release..



  • Also with the months.
    The spring-summer-fall-winter block is to restricted.
    Around December 12th the sunset is then coming back from the earliest point.
    For the sunrise is this point to come up earlier around New years day.
    This is more then 15 days in between. So the winter period is there to strict.
  • Like to have this features too
  • Makes sense to me, although having OR/AND logic within the trigger would solve this problem and add a-whole-nother level of functionality
  • As parody already remarked, I think this I directly tied to the fact that we don't have OR functionality in flows. Once we have OR, this kind of functionality will be peanuts to add. As long as we don't have it, multi-select on checkboxes is also pointless.
  • Checkboxes will provide OR functionality (if day = "monday" OR day="friday"..) within this flowcard and is therefor not exactly pointless. The OR functionality i think you want is to have an OR with different types of FlowCards (if day = "monday" OR presence = "at home").
    If you implement only the last one you would still need 2 Day\Time flowcards to make a flow that will only run on monday and friday, whereas if you implement the first you would only need 1 (which would make a flow much more easy to read).

    But I agree that the way logic in Flows is implemented now in Homey is flawed and is unnecessarily limiting the flexibility of Homey and its users. An OR on both types (within a FlowCard and with different types) should be possible.

    Baby steps..
  • parodyparody Member
    edited October 2016
    Yes I agree, both would be good to save redundancy.

    code wise or/and logic and it's logical groupings is pre historic. Graphically it would be simple to convey with a series of containers.  For example cads within a container indicate AND between them, while each container (or lone card) is treated as OR.

    Simple in my head anyway...
  • JPeJPe Member
    Many "OR" functions can be created by "inverted logic", that means  use f.i. (NOT monday) AND (NOT wednesday).
  • One moment I has to do that because of a bug.
    The Sunday was not recognised so I have to inverted the rest of the days. Thus 6 flows for one action. :D

    You can this also do by tests where testing on voice text stops the flow.
  • BumblezBumblez Member
    edited October 2016
    DenW said:
    Checkboxes will provide OR functionality (if day = "monday" OR day="friday"..) within this flowcard and is therefor not exactly pointless.
    What I meant is, it's pointless to have the possibility to set multiple days in the checkbox, is Homey's current flow implementation does not support OR functionality. First Homey needs to support this, THEN you can create nice user interface options for it.

    But you're right, this particular OR is very local, so in theory it would also be possible to just add code to handle this, without immediately having to support all kinds of other OR cases. Then again, if they DO spend their time to add full OR functionality, then making this checkbox will become kind of trivial... so it's questionable if they would really want to spend time on this particular feature at this stage.
  • it would be great to have the same flow editor as fibaro and domoticz

    then it is much easier to make flows 

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