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Official Homey Android App discussion topic



  • Thanx for the info! :heart: 

  • supericesuperice Member
    edited January 2016
    I just pushed version 1.1.3 to stable, which means you all should be getting an update in the next few hours. This update is mostly focused on stability and bugfixes. It improves lifecycle handling, which means no more hanging audio wave, (hopefully) no more crashes when the geofence triggers, and some other stuff you guys can't see :)

    I've added a version number at the bottom in the left hand navigation menu, right above the 'logout'-button. It shows your version number and your actual build number, which is quite handy for debugging purposes. If you encounter a bug in the app, please mention the app version as well

    Unless any major bugs come up in the meantime, I'll focus on new features, like widgets for flow triggering. (This can take  a while though, most of my time I'm working on improving other stuff in Homey itself, like infrared support ;) ) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  • When will you be introducing the iPhone app?
  • @superice can you take a look at my forum post about a phone/ tablet to controll homey in rooms?
    Would be super awwwwwwwsome.

  • Just pushed a new release to stable, 1.1.4. This update is actually not that big, but fixes a few very annoying bugs (like the app randomly crashing all the time) It should come to you sometime this night.

    For the beta testers: to be clear, this is not a beta release, as this release only contains some minor fixes.
  • @superice Just updated. It seems to be O.K! :smile: 

  • I'm at 1.1.4 on a S6 Edge.
    I don't seem to have voice recognition...  No wavy line at the bottom, no option anywhere to enable it.
    How does this work?

    Also, I selected a different zone (living room), now I can't seem to get back to the top level Home to see a list of all my devices.
  • JesperJesper Member
    edited February 2016
    @superice ; Will it also be possible in a future update of the app to start the flows you created for the homey by pressing a button in the app just like switching on a light? This will be very helpful to, for example, start a flow which switches your home in sleep mode or start a flow with puts your living room in movie watching mode.
  • And even better: ability to trigger flows through widgets and/or on the lockscreen! 
  • Jesper said:
    @superice ; Will it also be possible in a future update of the app to start the flows you created for the homey by pressing a button in the app just like switching on a light? This will be very helpful to, for example, start a flow which switches your home in sleep mode or start a flow with puts your living room in movie watching mode.
    Yes! I'm going to add widgets, so you can add those button directly to your homescreen, for maximum easiness :) Not sure when I get around to it though, hopefully you understand that the rest of my collegues and I are extremely busy fixing bugs and handling questions from everyone ;)

    Fire69 said:
    I'm at 1.1.4 on a S6 Edge.
    I don't seem to have voice recognition...  No wavy line at the bottom, no option anywhere to enable it.
    How does this work?

    Also, I selected a different zone (living room), now I can't seem to get back to the top level Home to see a list of all my devices.

    This might have something to do with the audio format your microphone gives to the app. I haven't tested it with the S6 Edge exactly, but most phones should be able to give the Homey app the format it wants. Does the OK Google trigger work on your phone?

    It could be a one-off error. Could you close the app, remove it from your recents list, and reopen the app?

  • @superice ; Great to hear it will be an option in a future update :smile: . Buttons to trigger flows on the homescreen will be very handy. Although I also would like to have those buttons available in the (web)app but I think that will be created before the widgets are developed.

    Good luck with solving all the bugs and answering all the questions! I can imagine you guys are very busy now.
  • superice said:
    Yes! I'm going to add widgets, so you can add those button directly to your homescreen, for maximum easiness :) Not sure when I get around to it though, hopefully you understand that the rest of my collegues and I are extremely busy fixing bugs and handling questions from everyone ;)

    This might have something to do with the audio format your microphone gives to the app. I haven't tested it with the S6 Edge exactly, but most phones should be able to give the Homey app the format it wants. Does the OK Google trigger work on your phone?

    It could be a one-off error. Could you close the app, remove it from your recents list, and reopen the app?

    OK Google works.
    Removed the app from my recent list, same behaviour.
  • Fire69 said:
    OK Google works.
    Removed the app from my recent list, same behaviour.
    Damn, this should never happen... I'm going to look into it. 
  • Let me know if you want me to test stuff :smile: 
  • Fire69 said:
    Let me know if you want me to test stuff :smile: 
    Yep, will do. For now I'm just debugging here though ;)
  • JaapPeltJaapPelt Member
    edited February 2016
    The Homey app usen 8% of my battery power today while only running in the background. Not bad, but the second highest consumer after wifi, so there might be room for some improvement.
  • JaapPelt said:
    The Homey app usen 8% of my battery power today while only running in the background. Not bad, but the second highest consumer after wifi, so there might be room for some improvement.
    Interesting, on my phone it isn't even in the list of battery using apps, because it's just so little. It could be because your GPS chip is very inefficient? Geofencing uses the GPS chip pretty much, especially when you're a lot around your Homey. I'll ask around if more people encounter this issue, and I'll see what I can do to improve it ;)
  • Curious... will the Homey app work on Android emulators under Windows (like Andy), with a wired internet connection?
  • Bumblez said:
    Curious... will the Homey app work on Android emulators under Windows (like Andy), with a wired internet connection?
    Yes. However, it will disable some functions when the emulator lacks support. For example: when the emulator does not support microphone pass-through, the speech line and listening will be hidden and disabled.
  • Cool, thanks for the quick reply!
  • superice said:
    Interesting, on my phone it isn't even in the list of battery using apps, because it's just so little. It could be because your GPS chip is very inefficient? Geofencing uses the GPS chip pretty much, especially when you're a lot around your Homey. I'll ask around if more people encounter this issue, and I'll see what I can do to improve it ;)
    I have Nexus 5. My location accuracy is set to high. According to my phone, Homey has a low battery use when it comes to location. So it might be something else besides GPS. I'll keep monitoring the battery use for a few days. It does not have a high priority as the battery use is within acceptable limits. 
  • If you only used a few percents of your battery, 8% of just a few percents isn't that high.
  • I tried playing some music from the app (on my tablet with Android 4.4) 
    Because it's too loud for the moment, I wanted to stop it but had no way of doing so. 
    I checked on my phone and got a different looking screen. 

  • JaapPelt said:
    I have Nexus 5. My location accuracy is set to high. According to my phone, Homey has a low battery use when it comes to location. So it might be something else besides GPS. I'll keep monitoring the battery use for a few days. It does not have a high priority as the battery use is within acceptable limits. 
    Hmm, that is what I noticed on my Nexus 5X as well. Perhaps one of the webviews isn't paused properly when the app goes to the background. I'll look into it.

    Fire69 said:
    I tried playing some music from the app (on my tablet with Android 4.4) 
    Because it's too loud for the moment, I wanted to stop it but had no way of doing so. 
    I checked on my phone and got a different looking screen. 

    Every since I enabled hardware acceleration for the media view these problems started appearing, however, disabling hardware acceleration is not an option, because that makes it slow as hell. I'll see what I can do, it must be something simple. This actually was on my tasklist already, but thanks for reporting. Hate to see it breaking in the field :(
  • Perhaps it is a coincidence, but when I swiped the Homey notification with "You're home right now" away, Homey reported I left the house. After 15 minutes or so AND after 30 minutes, it reported I was back.

    I created a flow which announces when someone enters or leaves the house. I'll keep monitoring it for now.
    I'm curious to know if other users experience the same behavior. 
  • JesperJesper Member
    edited February 2016
    I have the same problem as Fire69. I also do not see a the speech line. And because of that I'm not able to use voice control in the app. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S6 and OK Google is working on my phone. I read that you are using a Nexus 5X which runs on android 6 is this something which could cause the problem since the Samsung Galaxy S6 is not on android 6 yet. (see print screen of the homescreen of my Homey app)

  • I have been sitting next to Homey sinds 17:00 and only opened the app two or three times. The battery consumption is a bit worrying. I do have other geolocation domotica apps running but they use far less power.
  • Jesper said:
    I have the same problem as Fire69. I also do not see a the speech line. And because of that I'm not able to use voice control in the app. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S6 and OK Google is working on my phone. I read that you are using a Nexus 5X which runs on android 6 is this something which could cause the problem since the Samsung Galaxy S6 is not on android 6 yet. (see print screen of the homescreen of my Homey app)

    Im on android 6.0.1 on my Galaxy S6 and also no voice command, I got the permission dialog asking me to give permission to the microphone and pressed "allow". Think it's a Samsung issue, not an android. 
  • JaapPelt said:

    I have been sitting next to Homey sinds 17:00 and only opened the app two or three times. The battery consumption is a bit worrying. I do have other geolocation domotica apps running but they use far less power.
    Holy crap. That doesn't happen to me or my collegues at all :open_mouth: 
    That's insane! I'll see what I can do, I totally agree this is unworkable.

    BramSloot said:
    Im on android 6.0.1 on my Galaxy S6 and also no voice command, I got the permission dialog asking me to give permission to the microphone and pressed "allow". Think it's a Samsung issue, not an android. 
    I'll see if I can get it working on Samsung devices. As far as I know, only the S6 and up are affected. Android 6 isn't the issue, since my collegues are running Android 5.1 and lower, and it works fine on their phones... Very odd.
  • Just tested on my wife's S4, voice is working as expected...
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