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New shipment date for Homey?
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and -1 for the smile at the end of your post
it's not funny.
Maybe self flashing via usb was enough "out of the box" experience for me. Then i could finally get starting creating those valuable plugins that make this a better/great product. Instead the past 8 months i have now spend on creating my own working domotica setup in NodeJS with plugins(smartmeter, KAKU, HUE, IR,Sonos,Mi-light,Z-wave,IPcamera),notifications (pushover), flows (node-red), graphs&log(influxdb) & a webapp! All working to my and the girlfriends expectations.I still need to see if i have desires of converting everything to Homey and creating plugin when i have my Homey.........
In conclusion: I personally think Athom made a judgement error on creating a fullon retail product and not a working product that could be released and maintained/upgraded to a eventual retail product.
And the reason for the delay is not to improve the product, it's to fix a bug in the delivery line.
But I agree, sending them out in smaller batches would be the smart thing to do. It will give them new feedback without swamping them.
You might say that you are willing to pay more but it does not work like that. It is already priced at price of an Xbox so that is not a long term solution and they don`t want to have extra administrations. They want to fix this issue now and forever.
2. I expected bugs 12 months ago, not now in a "out of the box" experience product.
3. Also i expected tons of plugins,drivers,apps. But dropping the virtual homey & devkit & lack of up to date documentation made this impossible.
4. That they have another bug now is part of the whole problem. The problem of making it too fancy, if you can just always flash with USB there wouldn't be a problem. Now they have a recovery mode etc. etc.
Let's hope its the last bug before shipping and they end up with a very good product......
They are working their ass off day and night. They are even working while the rest of the land is on holiday and during bankdays.
At the end, beware that you ordered a kickstarter product and that it very hard to develop a product like this. Yes it is frustrating, I also wanted my Homey a year ago, I also can't wait to get my hands on one but you must have trust in those guys that they know what they are doing. And just complaining about "It takes to long", or "I don't want a nice experience". Then send Stefan a personal mail that you want your money back and please don't bother the rest of the forum with it!
Note: not ment personal to anyone in particular.
I also backed Neeo... Believe me, if you compare both kickstarter projects Athom is doing an awesome job. They have some products delivered. They communicate. And works their asses off.
Going into readonly mode...don't dare to ask any question anymore...before you know it, this topic explodes
This can be a whole lot of stuff! But backing a project on kickstarter is helping a company start their business besides getting someting in return. Athom would be foolish to continue inefficient manufacuring and burning money just to please their backers!
Smart production and saving money will be more sustainable and at the end we will all profit!
What's a month delay when this means more bug's to be fixed in the future!
Good job guys, keep up the good work. Looking forward to my homey AND future updates!
a patience customer.
+100 for positives vibes to the Athom-team
Why not just stay patience, and be happy that they are solving the bugs before you get it? In my opinion, it is better to wait a couple of weeks longer and have an awesome, steady product, instead of getting it earlier and having to redo every setting you make because bugs make your Homey crash and forget settings, for example.
If you expect a finished, polished product, you shouldn't back anyone at Kickstarter. As a reminder, Kickstarter is not a webshop... it is a website where you can 'support' startups to create awesome products and services.
Since you all supported Athom way back, why do you stop supporting and start complaining now that the product is *almost* ready? All because of some unexpected setbacks?
If Athom would have known, don't you think they would have said the delivery date further in the future?
Also i never said i stopped supporting them, just a doubt about the priorities of the company and that they are maybe wrong. But i guess because its a "startup" they are better then any other company and you cannot give your opinion.
Ok, there's an software bug in the production line, but probably there're a couple of hundred homey's ready for shipping.
2 production weeks, 5 hours a day, 5 homey's an hour = 10*5*5 = 250 homeys ready for shipping
3 production weeks, 7 hours a day, 10 homey's an hour = 15*7*10 = 1050 homeys ready for shipping
So why not shipping? (i'm "almost(or definitly) last" in line