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When will generic Bluetooth be fully available

Nice to see that all kind of developments are being made. But what about generic Bluetooth. I want to connect with a bluetooth speaker and other bluetooth devices such as my phone.
When can we expect this to happen. It's nice to see that you have developed a dirver for Sonos. But I don't have a Sonos. I have different kinds of Bluetooth speakers and I want to connect to that equiment. I have been patient enough about this basic feature so when will it be evailable.
When can we expect this to happen. It's nice to see that you have developed a dirver for Sonos. But I don't have a Sonos. I have different kinds of Bluetooth speakers and I want to connect to that equiment. I have been patient enough about this basic feature so when will it be evailable.
But the good news is:
Homey doesn't find any new devices.
In the latest status update from Emile he only mentions that Bluetooth audio should not be forgotten but that's just vague and says nothing about generic Bluetooth support (like for Flic buttons).
It would be nice if you could have the team shed some light on it. Also if it's not positive news it's still better than none.
Just a update for this problem, i've been waiting for over 6 months. Communication from Athom is horrible, i've got the expectation that they are working on the problem, send logs from my homey. But no clear communiction for months now.
I have to agree that I am disappointed by the lack of Bluetooth support. I purchased some Beewi devices back in february 2016; because Emile stated that generic Bluetooth support would be available in about a month... unfortunately we are almost 17 months down the line and there is no real progress wrt Bluetooth.
While I am at it; personally:
- I do not care at all about voice recognition.
- I do not care at all about Music
- I bought Homey for it's cross-protocol capabilities and am slightly disappointed by the lack of proper
Bluetooth, Kaku and IR support.
- I strongly disagree on the 'mobile-only' strategy as laid out in a recent post by Emile. I think this would be a real bad move.
That said, I do appreciate the product because at least I can create good insights of my Honeywell Evohome system, which is impossible with Evohome itself. Also, the LED ring gimmick is nice. And overall, many devices do integrate easily and properly. It is just that it seems the development is focused on aesthetics and more gimmicks (music!) instead of fixing long overdue issues with the basic functionality.
How could we steer the direction of the development team? There are these Trello cards but that doesn't seem to have much effect either.
Thanks for listening
I have played with bluetooth already for a bit, and tried to get the Flic buttons to work.
It seems (and i am not sure) they are using a fork of Noble (some BT lib for Nodejs, have seen a fork on their github if i am not mistaken).
Discovery etc. is working, got the flic buttons paired etc., it just can't listen to the notifications that are sent yet. (something that needs to be added as well).
As far as i understanded they are missing parts for BT audio as well.
I don't know much about BT though, so i don't know any specifics...
Depending on what kind of bluetooth device you want to control, you might already be able to get it work (BT lib might change ofcourse, so your efforts could be gone on a next update)
This all results in zero development for Bluetooth devices and that has been the case for over 7 months now hence the growing frustation among some of the Homey users. The delays might have very good reasons but with hardly any communication from Athom about what is going on this is all just guessing and it does not feel right. Are they having trouble to get it right, will it ever work etc..
But I'll have a little more faith, if even Bram can only get "will be implemented as soon as possible" from the Athom team I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna get any more info than what's already available, so I'll STFU now.
So SDKv2 or in other words Homey 1.5 FW... Should have been in DP already if it wasn't for the delay on 1.4...
@bvdbos Actually, yesterday it was announced that 1.5 (with Zigbee, SDK2 and OR) will be released to Development Preview (DP) on very short term... instead of another 1.4 release
Any word on when generic Bluetooth audio is coming out?
I have a Anker Bluetooth speaker, it would be great to have connected to Homey so I can hear it.
When will this be released?
Why no answer from dev team?
The situation wrt Bluetooth doesn't seem to have changed much since febr. 2016, although there has been a blurp on Trello:
That said, I am very happy with a lot of other developments, like HomeyScript and HomeyDuino.
Thanks for listening!