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Candy - Productivity app



  • Do I need to make a flow for each restart of a crashed app? Or can I do something like the below?
    Or if not possible, could you add this (to allow the app id under the restart card)

  • Do I need to make a flow for each restart of a crashed app? Or can I do something like the below?
    Or if not possible, could you add this (to allow the app id under the restart card)

    Had the same problem :( love to here a solution :)

  • 0.7.6 adds "restart app by id" action, which enables that kind of flows.
    Autocomplete fields does not allow card's tokens.
  • But where to find the app Id's! 
  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    MatjaLipu said:
    0.7.6 adds "restart app by id" action, which enables that kind of flows.
    Autocomplete fields does not allow card's tokens.
    Did you build in a safeguard with a delay? If one keeps restarting a faulty app Homey might well get into a loop like with the cards: when Homey starts - reboot...

    Also: When updating Homey stops all apps in a harsh way to free up memory, will the apps automatically get restarted as long as Candy isn't stopped?
  • powermarcel10powermarcel10 Member
    edited May 2017
    bvdbos said:
    On the trigger-card:

    So just making that flow, and next time an app crashed, it will sent me the specific app id to my Phone?

    It will be nice if thea app has a kind of log btw.. 
  • spoellyspoelly Member
    @powermarcel10 this is build in homey self you don't need the app to do that.
    By setting this setting in the notification section of homey 

  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    Well, there's a restart app in 0.7.6 but I didn't install that version yet so couldn't give that as an example :-) But if you create this flow please make sure you set a time-out of 5 minutes before an apps get restarted.
  • KoenMartensKoenMartens Member
    edited May 2017
    - nvm
  • spoelly said:
    @powermarcel10 this is build in homey self you don't need the app to do that.
    By setting this setting in the notification section of homey 

    Sorry I dont get it..

    I want a notification on my Phone when an app has been crashed and I want it to show the ID of the app so that I can configure a flow that that app will restart next time automaticly.. 

    I still dont get the wholo ID thing.. Why not just the name of the app..

  • I still dont get the wholo ID thing.. Why not just the name of the app..
    That's exactly what restart app card does. You simply enter app NAME.
  • MatjaLipu said:
    That's exactly what restart app card does. You simply enter app NAME.
    Sorry but it doesn't work like that I think.. This is how it works for me: 

    Problem is that I have to know the ID of each app that does crash sometimes and I have no idea how to figure that out. Someone on the forum did know it for milight, but for the rest of the apps, I have no idea..
    If you have a better way to set this up, I'm really curious!

  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    edited May 2017
    Did you use version 0.7.6 (atm the latest version from Github)? Then do it like this:

    You should use the card "Restart app by Id" and drag the id-tag from the trigger-card to the action-card...

  • Aaaah thanks! No I'm just using the latest version from the store.. 0.7.5 

    But this looks promising. With the flow you describe, I didn't need to create a flow for each individual  app right? It just restart every app after is has crashed I guess? 
  • 0.7.6. just published. have fun.
  • I was looking for a way to tell if a value (fe Temperature from my NetAtmo) is rising to close the blinds.

    I could Ask Athom or build Code myself to add it to the NetAtmo app, but probably more ppl want to use that functionality (on other temperature, Humidity and other sensors)

    I think (also) for the Code the Candy App - Condition - Value {not} changed in past.... comes closest. 

    Would it be possible to add a (or 2) Conditions
    • If [Value] of Sensor is {not} Rising 
    • If [Value] of Sensor is {not} Falling 
    Where current value is Higher (or lower) than the past fe two values.
    (to prevent continually flipping between both  conditions) 

  • canedjecanedje Member
    edited December 2017
    I installed Candy.
    It needs an API code it says find here and go to login of Homey.
    How find the API?

    Found already it is the bearertoken
  • mbalik79mbalik79 Member
    edited December 2017
    It is the bearer token. If you press right click on the homey icon (my athom) can see it in the link (last part)
  • mbalik79 said:
    It is the bearer token. If you press right click on the homey icon (my athom) can see it in the link (last part)
    Thanks I just found it
  • @MatjaLipu

    Great the Candy app is there, which I use to monitor my Internet Connection every 5 minuten. Regularly my internet is reported to be off-line by Candy several times a day, while a ping monitoring tool on my PC (ping confirms all is fine. I checked the WiFi log from my Meraki AP dashboard, which also shows no issues. What can be the issue, Candy reports it cannot connect to the cloud? 
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