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Closed Official Zigbee SDK2

[App] Xiaomi-mi ZigBee - Main discussion topic (v0.4.1)



  •  :D no problem 
  • TallguyTallguy Member
    edited November 2017
    Weirdest thing is that I just added a door sensor (Xiaomi stuff ofcourse) and that one is 'online'...but the other ones are still offline. Seems like it's not 'refreshing' or something like that????
  • Tallguy said:
    Weirdest thing is that I just added a door sensor (Xiaomi stuff ofcourse) and that one is 'online'...but the other ones are still offline. Seems like it's not 'refreshing' or something like that????
    This is one of the bugs in 1.5.4 / 1.5.5, not yet completely resolved in 1.5.6...
  • Hi all, 

    first of all, thanks for this addon :) very happy with it! Will make a donation this weekend.

    I bought 2x the Xiaomi Human Body sensors, added it and it's working, but I need some help with creating a flow.
    I want to create a flow; if the motion sensor recognize a motion, and the flux is around 25, it activates my Philips Hue lamp and after 30 seconds, if it doesn't recognize a motion anymore, my Philips Hue should turn off.

    Do I need to create 2 flows for this? And I don't get the option for #flux in the second column, any advice :)?

  • Hi and thanks for the app. Is it possible in the future to have a double command and/or dimmer on 
    Aqara Wireless Remote Switch Double?
  • Had my wireless buttons working and suddenly one of them stopped working. I removed the deviced an re-paired it. But it still doesn't seem to do anything. Not sure if it's the button or maybe something else. Does anyone else have this?
  • my button x 3 work here 
  • When will this app move to a stable release? Got some buttons waiting for attention ;-)
  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited December 2017
    bierre said:
    When will this app move to a stable release? Got some buttons waiting for attention ;-)
    This app needs 1.5.4 (wich is in experimental) or higher (as 1.5.6 is now in DP) to be released in experimental or stable to use this app. @TedTolboom can't give any ETA when 1.5.6 will come to experimental and later to stable. For more information about this you need to contact Athom support @
  • Hi, just wanted to add to other users experience regarding not being able to add further xiaomi zigbee devices. I have been unable to both aqara wireless switch and the xiaomi temp device. I have tried a couple of different variants etc but no luck.
    So to clarify, I have already added 20 or so Xiaomi/Aqara devices before and now it is not possible. 

    @TedTolboom just wanted you to know. Also many thanks for the app. If you clear out the main bugs, it will be great!
  • @metha not able to include at all or as a generic device?
  • @metha I have  the same issue and i have already posted this in my earlier posts. I hope with the new  homey v1.5.6 firmware that things get resolved. 
  • mehtamehta Member
    edited December 2017
    @metha not able to include at all or as a generic device?
    captkiwi said:
    @metha I have  the same issue and i have already posted this in my earlier posts. I hope with the new  homey v1.5.6 firmware that things get resolved. 
    OK. Just now it works for me. I've tried for two hours during afternoon and nothing. 4 hours later it works. I don't know if it is sporadic or not, but here is what I did. 

    1. I tried to pair by adding a zigbee device. I pressed the aqara motion sensor button for 5-6 seconds and then pushed the button 4 times every 1-2 seconds. It didn't work.
    2. Immediately after I tried to pair by using the Xiaomi app. The same procedure as above and it worked.

    @captkiwi it's a long shot, but try to do these two steps and see if it works. Chances are more likely however that it is due to something else, but it could be worth a try.
  • @SpidyNL : You need to create a countdown timer and use that in the flow.
    If motion is sensed then turn on the light and STOP(!) the countdowntimer.
    If no montion is sensed, START the countdowntimer.
    If the countdowntimer reaches zero, then turn of the light

    The lux is in the Tags and can be used with a 'logic' card.
  • @Tallguy ok, many thanks :)!
  • @TedTolboom
    Just to let you know that today I received the ZigBee curtain motor. 
    Did you already have a chance for implementing this device into the app?
    Still waiting for a stable 1.5.x release of homey to test a lot of new stuff I have laying around...
  • RuudvB said:
    Just to let you know that today I received the ZigBee curtain motor. 
    Did you already have a chance for implementing this device into the app?
    Still waiting for a stable 1.5.x release of homey to test a lot of new stuff I have laying around...
    @RuudvB No I did not... please be aware that Xiaomi did not write a developers manual documenting their own version of the ZigBee implementation...

    I will check with @sprut on his status implementing this driver... or I will need to have access to the curtain motor myself...
  • @RuudvB No I did not... please be aware that Xiaomi did not write a developers manual documenting their own version of the ZigBee implementation...

    I will check with @sprut on his status implementing this driver... or I will need to have access to the curtain motor myself...

    Yes, would be nice! I am receiving the curtain controller this month, so i also hope their wil be progression.

    An other question from me is: Is it possible to get this thing working without the gateway and without homey, in the promo video they just pull the curtain and it moves, is that something who is automatic implemented, without a gateway? 
    Of course I hope that we will control it soon by homey.  that is a lot nicer

  • julianvdo said:

    Yes, would be nice! I am receiving the curtain controller this month, so i also hope their wil be progression.

    An other question from me is: Is it possible to get this thing working without the gateway and without homey, in the promo video they just pull the curtain and it moves, is that something who is automatic implemented, without a gateway? 
    Of course I hope that we will control it soon by homey.  that is a lot nicer

    From what I have seen, there is a little booklet paper in the motor box. A QR-code code is shown which you can scan and then download an app for your phone. I haven't tested it yet though...

    I'm willing to lend you my motor if that would be of help...
  • RuudvB said:

    I'm willing to lend you my motor if that would be of help...
    @RuudvB thanks for the offer; send you a PM
  • RuudvB said:
    From what I have seen, there is a little booklet paper in the motor box. A QR-code code is shown which you can scan and then download an app for your phone. I haven't tested it yet though...

    I'm willing to lend you my motor if that would be of help...
    Okay and this is without a gateway? Think that this is not possible without a gateway. Hope that just by pulling the curtain will turn on the motor, so we can open it without a homey or gateway. after all I want homey to do it, but that is a matter of time.
  • Do you think it is possible to support ZigBee triggered camera (
    Seems this would be great addition to trigger record by motion sensor/send notification etc
  • vaderag said:
    Do you think it is possible to support ZigBee triggered camera (
    Seems this would be great addition to trigger record by motion sensor/send notification etc
    Hmmm.. didn’t see it yet...
    will have a look into it, if I can find more info on this camera
  • @vaderag yes cool, i would order some!
  • But hasn’t that camera a gateway integrated because you can use door sensors etc with it?
  • @kasteleman so yes, the camera has a gateway by itself... so motion and door sensors need to be directly connected to this camera / gateway:

    I'm not sure if (an sensor connected to) Homey is able to trigger the camera and or if the camera (gateway) has an API to connect to it... since it has a direct connection to an app, I do expect that there is one...

    Just to set the right expectations; current focus will be to finish Zigbee implementation for the remaining devices first
  • @kasteleman so yes, the camera has a gateway by itself... so motion and door sensors need to be directly connected to this camera / gateway:

    I'm not sure if (an sensor connected to) Homey is able to trigger the camera and or if the camera (gateway) has an API to connect to it... since it has a direct connection to an app, I do expect that there is one...

    Just to set the right expectations; current focus will be to finish Zigbee implementation for the remaining devices first
    Thanks for letting us know and looking into this. 
    I'll hold off buying for now then, with fingers crossed for the future!
  • MecallieMecallie Member
    edited January 2018
    dvk8 said:
    Had my wireless buttons working and suddenly one of them stopped working. I removed the deviced an re-paired it. But it still doesn't seem to do anything. Not sure if it's the button or maybe something else. Does anyone else have this?
    I am having the exact same issue right now.
    Just installed 2 wireless buttons (the round ones), an aqara wireless switch (square, round button inside) and a temp/humidity sensor.

    Pairing went fine. After that, I could even use one of the switches in a flow.
    But within half an our all of the switches stopped working. Also: the blue light does not light up anymore after pressing the switch.

    I have to note: I had the same thing with the IKEA switch: added it, worked. Tried a day later, no longer working (it now even says it is disconnected?). Is this some kind of generic Homey Zigbee bug maybe? My Zigbee lights still work fine...

    The temp sensor is still working fine also.

    It seems my fat fingers disabled the flow I was testing with... After re-pairing the buttons seem to work fine now... :#
  • I've also just received a curtain motor today and I'm willing to lend it to anyone that wants to borrow it to further development of the app. I live in the The Hague area and can deliver it if it's not too far.
  • + 1 for the cube!
This discussion has been closed.