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I also found these Pins via Google, but they are not the right ones for my Powermax+. I have a 12 pins header on my Powermax+ (latest model i guess). Measuring the Official (and very expensive!) RS232 module I found the following pin layout:
I will try to find a VCC pin and I will test it with a USR-TCP232-T and come back to you.
Gr. Remco
I played a little with the trigger [IF] "Zone alarm active" and the variables. I was expecting the "zone" var to set the zone name activating the alarm, but it keeps saying "system"? The 2nd var available on that card is "name" but this one triggers "onbekend" (translated from Dutch: unknown) constantly.
Maybe I am misunderstanding these available variables, can you elaborate/explain?
Posted on GitHub:
You are right, I use the same pins 1,3 and 5 only I have labeled the in another way in my schema (7,8 and 9). Mine has only 12 pins, looks like 2 last pins are omitted. It now works with a USR-TCP232-T module. I found +5V on 2 pins, but when I use them to power the USR module, I get a zone tamper alarm, looks like the power somewhere drops to far. I am now planning to use the +12V connector from the rear side and convert it down to 5V.
I am also experiencing the same problem as @Jeroenvano. If the entry delay starts, the app triggers the action that the alarm goes off. This triggers a push notification every time someone gets home..
Gr. Remco
Would it be possible to support the CO2-detectors [MCT-442] in a next release?
I bought two devices but i can't see how to add them as there is no appropriate device type [zonetype 11].
A satisfied user of your Powermax App for Homey,
Gr. Tom
Today I installed a USR-TCP232-T module with a 12V-5V down converter into my Powermax+ and i fed it from the +12V connector on the back.
But problem stays the same, the panel cannot deliver the needed 150mA extra. Whenever an action takes place, change setting, turning on alarm or voice sounds, I get a tamper alert, this is because the power drops below 12V due to to much power consumption.
I guess I have to use an extra power supply to feed the USR-TCP232 module.
Wij hebben een tijdje zitten proberen met baud rate enzo.
Moet dus zijn:
TCP Server
Poort kun je kiezen (23 bijvoorbeeld)
9600 Baud; Data Bits 8; Stop Bits 1; Parity None
Op Visonic:
Installatie menu -> 6. Pwrlink Module -> Inleren -> OK
Op de Homey ook de learning starten, als hij zegt Searching heeft hij in iedergeval je TCP module gevonden.
Als hij direct stopt kan ihj de TCP module ook niet vinden.
Je kunt controleren of je TX en RX goed zitten doordat als je de Powerlink inleren start je 14 TX bytes moet krijgen in de webmodule van de TCP unit.
Dit kun je zien door hem te benaderen op zijn IP adres en met admin admin in te loggen.
Als je op homey de search start moet je ook RX bytes krijgen (ik dacht 56)
Als RX en TX verkeerd om zitten krijg je de bytes niet als je de powerlink inleren start op de Visonic,
Toen werkte het
Pics or it didn't happen:
Pinout voor Powermax+ unit
Alles in het batterijvakje,
een HLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V Step-Down Power Supply rechtsboven in.
En de USR-TCP232-T2 onderin, met de pinnen omgebogen die gesoldeerd zijn.
Een schuimpje als extra isolatie en anti trilling.
Alle kabels komen in het grote midden vak uit en worden daar in een sleeve gebundeld.
Vannacht alleen een paar keer een piep gehoord, ik denk het netwerk even down, eens kijken of ik kan uitzetten dat hij niet piept als de "powerlink" module verbinding verliest.
Hopefully someone solved this?
good to see that you have got it working also with ethernet.
I have the same problems sometimes the Powermax beeps. whenever Homey reboots or there is a wifi interruption, the Powermax loses connection to Homey and beeps. I already turned off the Powerlink warnings in the menu, but it still beeps whenever Homey or the app is not available...
one question: did you get power from the backup battey ? Does it work without any problem. Whenever I power the USR-TCP232 from the Powermax I get tamper messages on the panel ??
gr. Remco
I get power form a 230v to 5v converter block.
"HLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V Step-Down Power Supply"
But i build that in the spare room next to my battery, available for cheap on ebay/ali
The beeps only happened the first day, after that i havent noticed anymore.
Indeed the powerlink setting didnt matter it because it was already off.
Keep up the good work.......
Or uninstall first?
If you uninstall first you will loose all devices.
After the successful installation by the app store it will update automaticly if newer versions are submitted if you have auto updates enabled.
I have powermaxpro with the dual rs-232 poort print.The first is connected to my PowerLink2 module.
prototype pcb assembly services
I am trying to set his up with Powermax+ and USR-TCP32-T2.
I am using:
- Powermax plus (12 pin)
- USR-TCP232-T2 (connected to pins 1,3,5 as specified in above post by luccie_007)
- External power supply connected to USR-TCP232-T2 on 3.3v
- Shared ground between pin 5 on pm+ and and ping GND on USR-TCP232-T2 shared to - on shared power supply.
I have configured USR-TCP232-T2 as TCP server, local IP, port 23, 9600/8/1/None. I can reach the USR fine through web browser and telnet.
In telnet it gives me some strange characters:
And when i try to add it to Homey (while putting pm+ in install powerlink mode (menu installation 7-1)) nothing happens :-(
If have tried many different settings and connects to see if i can fix this to no avail.
Can anybody here help me see what I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your quick reply!