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Wallmounted tablets



  • OctoOcto Member

    for € 25,- at Trends in Helmond

    Nielsen type 62-021

  • I use a simple solution, but it works great. The "Action" is our friend :-)

  • WRosWRos Member
    Do you know the Boldy?
    It's more expensive, but it's possible to set the table in every edge.
  • JesperJesper Member
    edited September 2017
    Not really a wall mounted tablet but this is what I use for my Home Dashboard.

    I bought a Samsung Tab A 10.1 and adjusted a photo frame from the Action so that the Samsung Tablet fits perfectly in it. I also made it possible to remove the tablet from the stand so that you can also use the tablet remotely. When you put the tablet back in the stand it automatically connects to the USB power cable (magnetic USB cable) so that it is charging again. Furthermore, the angle of the stand is adjustable with some screws.

    And what my girlfriend really loves is that the tablet goes into screensaver/daydream function when not touched for 30 seconds. In the screensaver function all our photos which we have stored on various cloud services are being displayed randomly (1 minute per photo). As soon as you touch the tablet it turns back to the Dashboard again. I'm using the app PhotoCloud Slideshow for this which is by far the best app for displaying your cloud stored photo's on a tablet (tested about 20 apps for that).

  • Hello,

    here my "dashboard"
    it's a 7"android tablet mounted in a wooden frame.
    the wire is thru the backside inside the wall> on the button the wire is coming out the wall again. then the charger is thru a klick aan klick out device for on / off. in the settings in the tablet is enabled "when charger is on > display on.

    so you can decide when its  on or off :-)

  • JBS said:
    I am using Fully Kiosk Browser on my Android tablet. Works fine. Fullscreen, locked to HomeyDash URL (with password if you want) and with motion detection to turn on the screen.

    Does anyone know if there is an IOS app to turn on the screen when moving/motion detect by the frontcam?
    I do not want the display screen always to be on, only when I'm near the iPad. 

  • uNiiek said:

    Does anyone know if there is an IOS app to turn on the screen when moving/motion detect by the frontcam?
    I do not want the display screen always to be on, only when I'm near the iPad. 

    No, maybe if you have a jailbreak other wise not.
  • uNiiek said:

    Does anyone know if there is an IOS app to turn on the screen when moving/motion detect by the frontcam?
    I do not want the display screen always to be on, only when I'm near the iPad. 

    Maybe you can make a setting that the display only stays on when connected to the power. And then use a motion sensor (for example fibaro) which turns on a socket (for example kaku) whenever motion is detected and keeps it on xx seconds after the last motion detection. I use this for my domotica dashboard/photo frame.
  • Jesper said:
    Maybe you can make a setting that the display only stays on when connected to the power. And then use a motion sensor (for example fibaro) which turns on a socket (for example kaku) whenever motion is detected and keeps it on xx seconds after the last motion detection. I use this for my domotica dashboard/photo frame.
    Nice out of the box thinking, but then you'd need to make sure xx is relatively long (minutes instead of seconds) to make sure it does not 'drain' the battery. Or some scheduling via homey that turns on the power for 1 hour every night
  • @Octo, Very nice! Is that an iPad mini? I found a website where the frame can be made at every size. What measurements does your frame have?
  • @kukeltje; it will not drain the battery since the screen only turns on when connected to the power.
  • @Skorpion, yes its an Ipad mini. Frame measurments are 14,1 x 20,6 cm frame type is 62-021. Trends Helmond can deliver without glass for only €25,-
  • @powermarcel10
    How thick is the wooden panel between the wireless charging pad and the tablet? Just wondering what the maximum thickness could be to use such a setup. 
  • Didnt want anything to permanent, so instead of mounting it inside the wall I mounted it in a IKEA Kallax storage unit. I milled out the shape of the tablet, made a hole for the USB power from the back and created a small frame to cover up the rough edges. It's currently running the app Fully Kiosk Browser which detects motion and then turns the screen on with the Homey Dashboard v1. I still need to perfect the dashboard though.

  • Julian said:
    How thick is the wooden panel between the wireless charging pad and the tablet? Just wondering what the maximum thickness could be to use such a setup. 

    It's thin. I think 3 or 4 mm..
  • mistaoutlawmistaoutlaw Member
    edited February 2018

    I opted for this magnetic wallmount solution: 
    With this tablet:

    running in Fully Kiosk:

    Separately I run the DS Cam app from synology for my video cameras.
    Cool stuff! 
  • Nice @mistaoutlaw

    Question: How do you switch to the DS Cam screen? 
  • Eternity said:
    Nice @mistaoutlaw

    Question: How do you switch to the DS Cam screen? 
    Just switch with the standard Android function on the bottom of the tablet (swipe)  

    Offtopic: What is wrong with my keyboard??
    Every ENTER results in adding my own username as a tag what the hell very annoying

  • Hi,

    I opted for this magnetic wallmount solution: 
    With this tablet:

    running in Fully Kiosk:

    Separately I run the DS Cam app from synology for my video cameras.
    Cool stuff! 
    Looks very neat! How do you like that tablet (is it responsive)? Furthermore, how do you charge it? :)
  • Well, the tablet is as okay as can be for 70 euro.
    It's just not that quick... But for browser use like the dashboard it doesn't need a lot of computing power.

    Currently I charge it on the table.
    But in my new house I will have a power cable come from the wall. 

  • i have made an iPad inside my wall, I made a power socket behind te iPad en an 4 port usb charger, with KAKU switches ofcourse. 

    next step is wake up the iPad when I am in front of the iPad (maybe an android wins this time but I had an iPad and not an android tablet)
    and add an external speaker with microphone for Siri (:
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