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[Published] Homekit for Homey



  • OGSOGS Member
    Works great 
    just installed it today and have to admit Homey reacts a lot better to siri as it does to its own microfone.  :)
  • RebtorRebtor Member
    edited August 2017
    Great work! Works like a charm
  • Great, this was where I was waiting for  ;)
    is it possible to add the smoke detectors as well?
    and is it possible to add the netatmo devices as well or are those deviceclasses not supported yet?
  • Qx5Qx5 Member

    I was thinking, since Homekit does support those philips hue tap switches for instance.. There seems to be a switch trigger class. Maybe this could be used to support BL triggers? Since you also support the BL booleans? Or does this work differently?

    Would be super nice to trigger Homey flows with siri!

  • Ye just looked in the docs again...a stateless switch seems to be the service i would need :smile:
    Other then that there is a contact sensor service as well (don't need to define door or window there), so that one is easy as well.

  • i have one fibaro powerplug Z-wave + that i dont see back in Homekit.
    others from the same type i see.
    Could it be because a told the one i cant see it is a fan.?

  • Same here, @Leeuw1960 !
  • I just added a virtual device, added it to homekit. Its now in my home app on my iphone.
    But then i removed the virtual device and now its still in homekit, but not in homey. I am not able to remove it from homekit, or from the devices on the homekit page in homey admin. Is there a solution?
  • Aaah good point...still planning on adding a realtime listener to devices that get removed from homey. So they will get removed from homekit as well :/

    But can't help you with a solution right now, sounds like a re-install of the app might be needed..
  • Oke thnx! Its oke, I can live with it for now and wait for the next app update :). Very nice app btw. 
  • Unfortunately, the app crashes (randomly?) at my homey.
    is this a known issue?

    This is the stack trace:

                throw new Error('Invalid Value: ' + value.toString());

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'toString' of null
        at Characteristic.setValue (/node_modules/has-node/src/characteristic.js:79:54)
        at t.device.on.state (/lib/homekit.js:211:8)
        at o (/lib/athom-api.js:1:728654)
        at t.a.emit (/lib/athom-api.js:1:732594)
        at t.<anonymous> (/lib/athom-api.js:1:723741)
        at o (/lib/athom-api.js:1:728654)
        at t.a.emit (/lib/athom-api.js:1:732594)
        at t.value (/lib/athom-api.js:1:709809)
        at n.emit (/lib/athom-api.js:1:209738)
        at n.onevent (/lib/athom-api.js:1:203443)
        at n.onpacket (/lib/athom-api.js:1:203127)

  • Ye a known issue, will be fixed in the next release.
  • NiekNiek Member
    I tried to add the new dimmable and white color temp adjustable Ikea bulb to homekit but it only shows as a dimmable bulb and i can't adjust the white color temp. Is this a bug or just not a feature in homekit? 
  • Works like a charm! Can you also add asun 650 from klikaanklikuit? So I can ask Siri to control my suncreen. I hope so!

  • @Leeuw1960  @Eternity
    New capabilities will be added once i consider it stable enough.

    Known issue, and couldn't test it myself. Got some Ikea lights yesterday with light_temperature, so can test now and wil try to fix it this weekend.

    Should be fixed in the update today.
  • Awesome work! I'm very happy with it :) Thanks!
  • gruijter_devgruijter_dev Member
    edited August 2017
    Great work Bas! Im using it to give my son access to switching lights, without having to give him a homey login (which I do not want, because then he is able to f*ck up more than what I want him to  ;)  )

    Any eta on thermostat support? (I'm using Honeywell evohome and eurotronic zwave). Also my qubino zwave relay is not showing up in your app.
  • Hi Bas,

    great app really love it.
    Works with my iPhone, Apple Watch trough my Apple TV
    Hi Sire set the lights in the living room to 30%


    unfortunately today it stopped working like it did
    Its extremely slow when using one of my apple devices.

    Im running the latest 1.5.0 release of Homey and 1.0.8 HomeyKit
    Apple TV is the latest version as well

    I restarted Homey, WiFi and Apple TV.
    Homey it perfectly capable controlling al the lights but HomeKit doesn't anymore.

    When it does work the colours arn't what the suppose to be.
    Red turns in to Pink and a lot of times i get an error in HomeKit.

    In HomeKit it keeps saying Updating at the Devices after some time it shows the state.

    the Lights are Philips Hue.

    thx Thijs

  • Some extra info.

    it looks like the problem lies in the posiblilty to change colour.
    normal lights i have with KaKu and z-Wave work like they should

    the Hue lights are giving problems when changing something in their colour state.
    Homey itself has no problem changing the colours.

    Only from Homekit trough homey with homeykit  gives problems.
    When i do a change it takes a long time before it does something of gives an error.
    During that wait the rest doesn't work either

    i see info in the Logs but nothing that looks like an error


  • Seems that my colours are still strange but will remake my Scenes that provide certain light settings voor Watching movies and playing Xbox.

    The performance issue seems to have disappeared overnight.

    happy that is has been solved, don't like it that im unable to find the cause
    could happen again unfortunately

    but no problems anymore

  • HeyHomeyHeyHomey Member
    edited September 2017
    I found this app just today.. Super nice that it has now apple support ! Siri could set my rgb strip and read senors etc. The x10 does not seems to respond, but it was also not responding on the homey so I rebooted te homey, since then the iphone home could not reach the homey again, no external access configured ? I do not have a apple tv. Rebooted all devices once again but stil got no conenction anymore. What is the best I could do/try to get connection again.


    edit: reinstalled the app on the homey did all over again and the connection is restored. even X10 is working fine trough it
  • Would be great to be able to ass the thermostat to Homekit aswell.
    Great app... Wife loves the apple interface.
  • I almost don't dare to bring the topic up anymore because you're obviously been busy last few weeks,  but it would be an awesome addition to homeykit if trigger devices could be added so we can neatly enable scenes from homekit!

    If it's not on your todo list I'll see if I can work around with virtual on/off switches but that will look a bit nasty <span>:wink:</span>

  • @Qx5
    Trigger device like a button? Or what do you mean exactly?

    Got some issues to resolve first, but will add them soon :)
  • @swttt indeed. i think its called trigger in the better logic app. So no on/off capability, just a button. 
  • Why are there two HomeKit apps in store now? 
  • You should ask Athom :joy: 

    Main reason, i couldn't agree with a PR on how the other homekit works. You can add literaly any device even if it not works (and it just shows in homekit unsupported) but it keeps a secure TCP connection open for it.

  • Strange & prone for confusion it is. In my experience with Athom using this forum, they are not willing to step in and answer questions.
  • lubbertkramerlubbertkramer Member
    edited October 2017
    hnijveen said:
    Strange & prone for confusion it is. In my experience with Athom using this forum, they are not willing to step in and answer questions.
    Email, we already asked Athom about it but they choose to do this and they can help you with it :) The more questions they get the better they can answer their users for who this is confusing. Maybe @Emile can answer here and explain it on the forum
  • Thanks @lubbertkramer, that would be great.
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