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[APP Z-Wave] NEO Coolcam Z-Wave devices - Main discussion topic



  • mruitermruiter Member
    edited July 2017
    Its Always hard to say. Its a radio signal. No telling what it does without special equipment.

    At home my fibaro's and neo's seem to have the same great range and reception. 

    At the Office the NEO's preform slightly better.

    At my second home at the edge of a forrest i cant even get the NEO or a Fibaro to pass 7 meters of open space (yes open space). There the Fibaro is slightly better but both have a the worst range i ever have seen.

    When i do a wifi sweep there are just 2 wifi networks mine and someones pretty weak.
    Can't snif any other signals either so is must be my great aura leaking big time when i'm in relaxed mode over there or the laylines that are people Always say that are responsabel for mystical fields .

    But .... I just landed again with both feet on the earth..... So what i did try to say is every area where you are has a different reaction to the radio signals. But every homey has a different makeup and signals bouch of walls with reflections that can be good or bad for the signal. Then there are those 1970 - 1978 houses where the concrete has mixed in metal compounts and so on and so on.

  • RuudvBRuudvB Member
    edited July 2017
    mruiter said:
    Its Always hard to say. Its a radio signal. No telling what it does without special equipment.

    At home my fibaro's and neo's seem to have the same great range and reception. 

    At the Office the NEO's preform slightly better.

    At my second home at the edge of a forrest i can even get the NEO or a Fibaro to pass 7 meters of open space (yes open space). There the Fibaro is slightly better but both have a the worst range i ever have seen.

    When i do a wifi sweep there are just 2 wifi networks mine and someones pretty weak.
    Can't snif any other signals either so is must be my great aura leaking big time when i'm in relaxed mode over there or the laylines that are people Always say that are responsabel for mystical fields .

    But .... I just landed again with both feet on the earth..... So what i did try to say is every area where you are has a different reaction to the radio signals. But every homey has a different makeup and signals bouch of walls with reflections that can be good or bad for the signal. Then there are those 1970 - 1978 houses where the concrete has mixed in metal compounts and so on and so on.

    I see your point, testing would be a little pointless...

    But your personal experience gives quite some insight. I guess you're still the person who owns the most z-wave devices connected to homey :)

    My experience, more grid powered devices = better and more stable z-wave coverage!
  • To chime in... I have several Neo sockets, spread over the house. They have never gone offline for me.

    In my z-wave mesh I also have a couple of Aeotec mains powered sensors, Fibaro relays and Greenwave powerplugs; all in all this proofs reliable and stable! I have 1 Fibaro battery powered door sensor. That works flawlessly too!

    So, z-wave is working great for me and I am happy with the Neo power sockets (have not tried any other Neo stuff).
    edited July 2017
    Sometimes my doorsensor keeps telling the door is open or closed while it is closed /open.
    2/3 sensors doesn't have this issue. But the one at the front door does.

    Tried a PTP, Re-pair and adding another (spare) sensor....

    I thought that z-wave devices checked if their commands are being received????

  • I had issues with 2 of my 10  neo sensors. Made a video and got my money back.
  • jimmy_zeropmjimmy_zeropm Member
    edited July 2017
    It's a good thing to read that there a many people with good results. And that's exactly why I want to give it another try. It could be a defective or less good socket but the chance they are all three bad isn't very logic. So what should I do? Is there a 'best approach' to do this? I have also log files on demand but for me they are like Chinese. Some lines I get but most of them not. 

    The things I would like to accomplish are;

    - Get the devices connected
    - Get succesfull readings (like power etc.)
    - Extend some range, but this is not the most important because I understand it's environment dependent. Although it's in an open room situated...

    I've tried very much in the past, but so many things that I lost where to begin in a default kind of setting. 
    Also, could it be that my motion sensor is interfering the sockets?

  • RuudvBRuudvB Member
    LJSVV said:
    Sometimes my doorsensor keeps telling the door is open or closed while it is closed /open.
    2/3 sensors doesn't have this issue. But the one at the front door does.

    Tried a PTP, Re-pair and adding another (spare) sensor....

    I thought that z-wave devices checked if their commands are being received????

    Have you tried to replace the issued switch with one that you know is working well? Was the issue 100% gone then?
    If not, this is probably another variation of the environment variable.
    I have noted this type of behavior before too. Placing a grid powered device closer to the issued module fixed it for me.

    Yes, z-wave devices do check their status send/receive, but when you look into the logs you might find that they encounter a timeout and then stop the action.
    Maybe you can add some "Expert parameter" at the specific device to extend the time-frame for the timeout? I don;t have this knowledge, maybe someone who does can step in here.
  • RuudvBRuudvB Member
    It's a good thing to read that there a many people with good results. And that's exactly why I want to give it another try. It could be a defective or less good socket but the chance they are all three bad isn't very logic. So what should I do? Is there a 'best approach' to do this? I have also log files on demand but for me they are like Chinese. Some lines I get but most of them not. 

    The things I would like to accomplish are;

    - Get the devices connected
    - Get succesfull readings (like power etc.)
    - Extend some range, but this is not the most important because I understand it's environment dependent. Although it's in an open room situated...

    I've tried very much in the past, but so many things that I lost where to begin in a default kind of setting. 
    Also, could it be that my motion sensor is interfering the sockets?

    Best approach would be simply add some extra grid powered devices. I t might sound silly, but this solves most of the issues in my experience.

    I'm not sure about your PIR, is it also z-wave? If not, the easiest way would be to simply shut it down and do some testing...
    RuudvB said:
    Have you tried to replace the issued switch with one that you know is working well? Was the issue 100% gone then?
    If not, this is probably another variation of the environment variable.
    I have noted this type of behavior before too. Placing a grid powered device closer to the issued module fixed it for me.

    Yes, z-wave devices do check their status send/receive, but when you look into the logs you might find that they encounter a timeout and then stop the action.
    Maybe you can add some "Expert parameter" at the specific device to extend the time-frame for the timeout? I don;t have this knowledge, maybe someone who does can step in here.

    Hmmm, seems to be range related. Replaced Homey nearer towards the sensor and now it seems to work.... Even 3 meters seems to be too much.....

    I hope my wife gives me an OK for some Grid Powered devices to strenghten the signal...

  • RuudvBRuudvB Member
    LJSVV said:

    Hmmm, seems to be range related. Replaced Homey nearer towards the sensor and now it seems to work.... Even 3 meters seems to be too much.....

    I hope my wife gives me an OK for some Grid Powered devices to strenghten the signal...

    That is what I guessed.... 

    There is a thread around addressing WAF; you might find some good idea's there to convince your wife :)
  • All,

    Is it correct that the reporting interval based on time for the motion sensor is not working?
    Below the chart from Homey this morning and the settings for my sensor.
    I assumed that there should have been a dot on the chart for every 3 minutes

  • RuudvBRuudvB Member
    edited July 2017
    Not sure if the device interval is related to the insight interval. I have 5-6 dots per hour with the same default interval (180) as you have. Maybe one of the developers can give more input on this...
  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    If the device doesn't report a changed value, no new value is logged in insights and thus no new value is logged in the graphs...
  • Thanks for the fast reply. Is the lux graph from other users also fluctuating very much?
  • @relisys from the lux values shown, I would say you are using the sensor indoors in a shady corner; these fluctuations are normal.

    You have set both the interval and threshold to relatively low values; 180 seconds and 10 lux. Meaning that the sensor will report if one of these conditions will be met. A higher reporting rate will deplete the battery faster... please consider this. Unfortunately there are no universal settings; you'll need to optimize them based on your conditions.

    in addition to @bvdbos comment, it could also be that the settings are not received by the sensor (yet). If you update the settings and press save, the settings will be applied by the next wake up interval; by default we use a 12hr wake up interval (to save battery life).

    You can accelerate this by using the following steps:
    1) take the sensor in close proximity of Homey
    2) triple press the button of the sensor (to retrieve old commands); the LED will light up, wait until out again 
    3) change(=different values) the settings as you like, DON'T press save
    4) wake up the sensor by triple pressing of the sensors button (led will light up again)
    5) during light up of the sensor (= awake), press save

    The settings should now be applied instantly. Above steps (most robust and way to update settings) are also provided in the readme of th Neo app.
  • Hi all, Just ordered a few touch switches from Neo coolcam, only thing is they have a different model name then what is in the Neo app. Have ordered eu single switch 
    NAS-SC01ZE will this work with Neo coolcam app on homey? If not I can Still cancel them thanks
  • TedTolboomTedTolboom Member
    edited August 2017
    @bartglim we are awaiting the single touch switch ourselves to finalize the driver for it; GitHub repository is already prepared by @m-ruiter for it...
    So yes, it will be supported.. (by the time you receive your switches)
  • Thanks So much for the quick response. Will wait for that thanks
  • roel_hendrroel_hendr Member
    edited August 2017
    <Sorry, read following message. Something went wrong with this one>
  • roel_hendrroel_hendr Member
    edited August 2017

    I'm trying to install my first Neo Coolcam Door/Window sensor. I added the device to Homey and paired them. Everything went ok. When I trigger the sensor I see a red light blinking, but Homey does not update the Contact Alarm tag. I found out that the sensor has to be really close to Homey to get the updates of the sensor. It about 1-2 meters!! :(

    According to the specs the range is about 30 meters indoor. I want to use these sensors at several places in my house for doors and windows. Also first floor and maybe attic.

    Can someone help me? Am I doing something wrong? Is this a knows issue which someone knows hoe to solve?

    Thx in advance!

    Mod break: 2nd question in a separate topic.
    Moved question to Neo app topic; please ask Neo related support questions in this topic
  • @roel_hendr 30 meters spec is like with every wireless transmitter measured in open field without any walls and other disturbances (other wireless transmitters)... but 1-2 meters is too short...

    At what location did you install your Homey? Next to a Television or stereo? Try moving around Homey a bit to see if that significantly improves the distance towards the door sensor.

    The strength of Z-wave is relying in it's mesh network created by it's non-battery powered nodes like power plugs or build in wall switches or dimmers.
    Do you have other Z-wave devices (non-battery powered) that are able to build the Z-wave mesh?
  • roel_hendrroel_hendr Member
    edited August 2017
    I also have 2 Neo Wall plugs enabled yes. They work fine. I know these will help transmit the messages to their destination. I'm testing that now. The Homey itself is on top of my closet now. About 3-4 meters away from TV/Stereo.

    The Network graph in Homey settings shows all devices nicely btw:

  • I have another one, I unboxed it, paired it and this is the result in Network graph:

    This one has much better range and works much better. Also I see a line between Homey and this door sensor. This line is not there for the door sensor which gives me problems. What does this line mean? Can it be I got a new door sensor which seems to be broken?

  • I have another one, I unboxed it, paired it and this is the result in Network graph:

    This one has much better range and works much better. Also I see a line between Homey and this door sensor. This line is not there for the door sensor which gives me problems. What does this line mean? Can it be I got a new door sensor which seems to be broken?
    On which Homey SW version are you currently working; 1.5 experimental or on the 1.3 stable release?
  • 1.3 stable
  • @TedTolboom Did you and @m-ruiter receive your single wall switches yet? Curious on how they work as I read here that the switches had some little issues

  • @bartglim I did not (yet) receive a single wall switch...
    Issues with the dual wall switch (V1 vs V2) should be solved with the next app update...
  • zimbrazimbra Member
    edited August 2017
    Finally switched my door and window sensors (Neo) from Vera to Homey.
    I created a flow that when the door sensor gets triggered it writes a line in Simple log.
    Unfortunately when I check the logs at the end of the day it missed like 1/3 of the times the door was opened..

    Connection issue? It's about 10m from my Homey and I have 2 z-wave powerplugs nearby.
  • Question about the wall plug.

    Is it capable of handling wash dryer? Or is the consumption of a wash dryer to much?

  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2017
    This graph shows the energy consumption of my close in boiler via a NEO wall plug:

    So, 2200 Watt doesn't kill the NEO. Check the dryers Wattage and compare the consumption.

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
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