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[Published] Wireless Weather Sensors (1.2.1)

RamonBaasRamonBaas Member
edited August 2017 in Apps

Homey app to read information from wireless weather sensors on 433/868 MHz.

Currently the following protocols are supported on 433 MHz.

  • Alecto v1 & v3 (WS-1050/WS-1100/WS-1200)
  • Auriol Z31130
  • Cresta: used in numerous brands 433 MHz sensors, like Cresta & TFA
  • La Crosse: only TX3 decoding fully implemented, WS7000 implemented, but not tested
  • Oregon Scientific: version 2 and 3 of the protocol are supported
  • UPM/Esic: only tested with WT440H 
These types of devices are supported:
  • Temperature sensors
  • Temperature/humidity sensors
  • Anemometers
  • Rain gauges
  • UV sensors
  • Barometers
  • Brightness sensor


  • rtnartna Member
    Works fine here. I noticed that installing this 'official' version also removes the beta wich I installed through dev-tools.
  • SjaakSjaak Member
    This seems to me a great app.  However I'm using a TX29DTH-IT sensor. It looks that this sensor is not suported. Is it possible to add this 868Mhz sensor? The protocol that's used is described overhere:

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards,

  • Hi @Sjaak. Indeed I have not been able to pick up a sensible signal on 868 Mhz with Homey yet. I have a Conrad sensor on 868 Mhz, but if you look with RTL-SDR you see that it transmits on 867 MHz - which is outside of the range Homey is configured to receive.
    If you can record a signal of the TX29DTH-IT with Homey, then I'm happy yo add the decoding code.
    You can record a signal from the console with
    api('POST', '/manager/microcontroller/record', { frequency: '868' }, console.log)
  • I have a Alecto WS-1200.
    After installation of the 'wireless weather sensor' -app  ,: nothing appears on the list of the available
    sensors. Do I have tot do something special to activate it ?
    The head-unit and the outside-unit all both within 4 meters of Homey.
    The head-unit gives perfect the outdoor temp and the rain volume. 
  • JaxcJaxc Member

    App is not installing on FW1.3rc3 ??

  • RamonBaasRamonBaas Member
    edited April 2017

    App is not installing on FW1.3rc3 ??

    Correct. Athom is aware of this and will fix the FW. See issue #1507.
  • rraets said:
    I have a Alecto WS-1200.
    After installation of the 'wireless weather sensor' -app  ,: nothing appears on the list of the available
    sensors. Do I have tot do something special to activate it ?
    The head-unit and the outside-unit all both within 4 meters of Homey.
    The head-unit gives perfect the outdoor temp and the rain volume. 
    @rraets The app has not been tested with the WS-1200 yet, so could well be that this needs some more work. Can you let it run for 30 mins and then PM me the json file you get when you press the 'Download statistics' button under debug?
  • @RamonBaas
    oke I shall do it this evening
    I am at work now :-)
  • RemcoHanninkRemcoHannink Member
    edited April 2017
    I installed the new version both via the app store and via the command line, but in both cases I get:

    signals.433.OregonV2: invalid_sensitivity
    signals.433.OregonV2: repetitions_out_of_bounds
    signals.433.OregonV3: invalid_sensitivity
    signals.433.Cresta: invalid_sensitivity

    I already uninstalled the old 0.1.1 version, but still same error. I run Homey version 1.3.0RC2

    Gr. Remco

  • SjaakSjaak Member
    RamonBaas said:
    Hi @Sjaak. Indeed I have not been able to pick up a sensible signal on 868 Mhz with Homey yet. I have a Conrad sensor on 868 Mhz, but if you look with RTL-SDR you see that it transmits on 867 MHz - which is outside of the range Homey is configured to receive.
    If you can record a signal of the TX29DTH-IT with Homey, then I'm happy yo add the decoding code.
    You can record a signal from the console with

    I am happy to do so.  Can you please explain in more detail how to do so. I don't know how to get access to the console of my homey. What I've done so far:
    Installed node-js
    installed athom-cli
    managed to login and select my homey

    Gr. Sjaak
  • @Sjaak: No need for all that. Just open the console in Chrome by pressing F12 on a tab with a Homey page. Now go to the developer tab 'Console' and enter the command.
  • Good stuff!
    question though, I get a lot of error notifications related to a "not responding" thermometer 

  • @techniman: You can turn the notifications off in the settings or change the time before they occur.
  • rtnartna Member
    @RamonBaas : Do I understand correctly that is is possible to implement other weathersensors also as long as you have a signal code?
  • @rtna: Yes, that is possible. There needs to be a signal timing and protocol description available. Preferably I have the sensor myself to test - that speeds up the process quite a bit.
  • rtnartna Member
    @RamonBaas : I have a WH1080 in my garden with all the available sensors in it. Can't send you the sensors because they feed a life website and are on antenna a couple of meters above the ground ;-)

    Would be happy to give you the needed information to implement this sensor. It's operating on 868 Mhz.
  • @rtna: First step is to show Homey can receive the signal. See the command above.
  • rtnartna Member
    @RamonBaas : I just did enter the command. Where should I be looking at?
  • SjaakSjaak Member
    RamonBaas said:
    @Sjaak: No need for all that. Just open the console in Chrome by pressing F12 on a tab with a Homey page. Now go to the developer tab 'Console' and enter the command.
    Here you go:

    api('POST', '/manager/microcontroller/record', { frequency: '868' }, console.log)

    XMLHttpRequest {onreadystatechange: null, readyState: 1, timeout: 0, withCredentials: false, upload: XMLHttpRequestUpload…}

    [Array(33), Array(40)

    0: Array(33)

    0: 73

    1: 110

    2: 10

    3: 31

    4: 53

    5: 99

    6: 52

    7: 21

    8: 76

    9: 331

    0: 11

    11: 34

    12: 121

    13: 54

    14: 44

    15: 57

    16: 145

    17: 20

    18: 55

    19: 23

    20: 125

    21: 33

    22: 86

    23: 30

    24: 49

    25: 19

    26: 48

    27: 29

    28: 19

    29: 40

    30: 10

    31: 30

    32: 150

    length: 33

    __proto__: Array(0)

    1: Array(40)

    0: 208

    1: 195

    2: 33

    3: 11

    4: 54

    5: 226

    6: 109

    7: 135

    8: 62

    9: 235

    10: 162

    11: 88

    12: 112

    13: 371

    14: 21

    15: 76

    16: 29

    17: 68

    18: 30

    19: 522

    20: 159

    21: 91

    22: 34

    23: 117

    24: 20

    25: 124

    26: 60

    27: 40

    28: 31

    29: 103

    30: 56

    31: 11

    32: 34

    33: 68

    34: 32

    35: 192

    36: 87

    37: 33

    38: 64

    39: 390

    length: 40

    __proto__: Array(0)

    length: 2

    __proto__: Array(0)


  • Nice to see this app in the app-store. Finally! <span>:wink:</span>
  • @Sjaak: the trick is to do the recording when the sensor is sending data (once a minute?). This capture does not show any sensor data. But like I said, I haven't seen any good capture on 868 Mhz with Homey yet.
  • @RamonBaas Just updated to 1.0.1! Again i must congratulate you on this app <span>:smiley:</span>

    I was wondering if you already looked at the Auriol V2 protocol. I believe it's the most used protocol by Xiron devices. A fairly cheap weathersensor range of products. Any chance you can add it? 
  • App is working with my old UPM/Esic temp/hum sensor! Cool :) Temperature reading is really good, but humidity is stuck at 14% forever. The main unit does register other percentages from this sensor. Any idea why this is happening? 
  • RamonBaasRamonBaas Member
    edited May 2017
    @MarcoWijk No, haven't looked at it. Don't have such a sensor myself. Would need a protocol description and someone to test in order to be able to implement it.

    @keverjeroen Excellent question. I have the same thing. But on the display of the sensor it is also stuck at 'LO %'. I thought my sensor was bad. It really transmits '00001110' continuously where (according to the protocol description I found) it should transmit humidity. 
  • countercounter Member
    edited May 2017
    @RamonBaas I have a weatherstation of the brand Auriol. It works on 433. I hope you can add this to your great app. What do you need to add this. I have a manual. I tried to get a signal with "api('POST','/manager/microcontroller/record', { frequency: '433', time: 10 },console.log)". But how did i know i've got the right signal. How does this look like.
  • RemcoHanninkRemcoHannink Member
    edited May 2017
    I just reinstalled the 1.01 version from the App Store. My Ventus w044 sensor is found and I can add the device, but when I try to look at the values in the Homey desktop app, I just see a continues spinning grey round. Settings are working, but not the parameters. I tried to re-add the device, restarted the app and restarted Homey, but still same problem.
    IOS app shows card with parameters correctly however.

    I am running firmware 1.3.0-rc5.

  • @counter There are different protocols used by Auriol. What is the type number of the sensor? You need to find a pattern in the recording, i.e. similar timings repeating.

    @RemcoHannink That is an Athom issue. I have that with mobile cards in general. Try & try again...

    @keverjeroen Humidity is above 40% and I have also valid values on the display and Homey again. I guess 14 is the value for LO humidity. According to the manual it should report from 25% to 90% humidity.
  • countercounter Member
    @RamonBaas on github issomeone with the same auriol. Can you look there and use this information please.
    Mebus protocol?
  • JaxcJaxc Member
    I'm using firmware 1.3.0-rc5. 
    The weather sensor software now installs without issues. But i don't see my Cresta weather sensors appearing??
    Tried restarting the app, and PTP homey. But nothing appears.
    Thermo/hygro sensor and rain sensor. not appearing.
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