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[PUBLISHED] Harmony Hub App (v1.0.4)



  • B3rtB3rt Member
    edited February 2017
    s solved my problem using a work around, still don't understand why the harmony app cannot be triggerd with a flow...

    The solution for who want to know:
    first add a string value in better logic, i called it 'harmony' and entered as STRING value 'false' as a default
    Create for each harmony event a new flow: (tv kijken, alles uit, radio luisteren)
    If: flow activated
    and: betterlogic harmony value is 'tv'
    then: harmony event 'TV kijken'
    then: better logic set harmony value back to false (important!!)

    Then create a flow which runs every 10 seconds:
    if: on every 10 seconds
    and: (leave empty)
    then: activate all flows which you created to call harmony events, in my case 'tv kijken' and 'alles uit' and 'radio luisteren'

    in your flow which you want to trigger a harmony event do this:
    AND: betterlogic 'harmony' set to 'tv'
    (the following is not neccesarry but to be sure you get a loop)
    AND: betterlogic 'harmony' set to 'false' with a delay of 15 seconds

    What happens?
    when value is set to 'tv' or 'radio' or 'uit' homey runs every 10 seconds all flows events of harmony your created
    In each flow it is checked if the command is for this flow and then execute the harmony command and reset the value back to false (to prevent looping).

    You could decrease the 10 seconds if you prefer, but do not to quick....

    Using the harmony app this way my problem was gone, now the harmony app is executed and my devices are turned on or off according to the event given, before nothing happened when i used the harmony app directly in a THEN statement to call an action.

    Hope this helps if someone got same problem to work around the flow problem.

  • OpenMind_NLOpenMind_NL Member
    edited February 2017
    It does not crash, is it possible to restart an app with candy?

     Nope... I didn't see it yet.
    Yes.... Candy can reboot Homey, which restarts all apps... :grimace:
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited February 2017
    Hm, I had issues. I un-installed the App. Now it won't install. Other Apps do install without an error. 
  • @Eternity Did you already try PTP (unplug your Homey, keep it powered off for a minute or so, then restart it) ?
    That may just solve the problem with re-installing...
  • Yep, about 5 times! 
  • Hans said:
    Hans said:
    brinkie said:
    Hans said:
    @Menno: I've read this whole thread, but didn't find my problem. When I choose device Denon avr-x4200w and then click in type I get the message: homey offline.
    The other devices are working perfectly.
    Sounds interesting, but I can't imagine that that error message has anything to do with this app. Is it reproducible?
    Yes, I can reproduce it all the time. It never worked for this device. Can I do something to debug it?

    @brinkie Can I do some debugging?
  • @brinkie

    Got a crash of the app:
    Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH
    at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:907:11)
    at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:930:20)
    at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1078:14)

    Exit code: 1
    Exit signal: null

    I was not home at the moment.. seems that the hub was not reachable..
  • B3rt said:
    s solved my problem using a work around, still don't understand why the harmony app cannot be triggerd with a flow...

    The solution for who want to know:
    first add a string value in better logic, i called it 'harmony' and entered as STRING value 'false' as a default
    Create for each harmony event a new flow: (tv kijken, alles uit, radio luisteren)
    If: flow activated
    and: betterlogic harmony value is 'tv'
    then: harmony event 'TV kijken'
    then: better logic set harmony value back to false (important!!)

    Then create a flow which runs every 10 seconds:
    if: on every 10 seconds
    and: (leave empty)
    then: activate all flows which you created to call harmony events, in my case 'tv kijken' and 'alles uit' and 'radio luisteren'

    in your flow which you want to trigger a harmony event do this:
    AND: betterlogic 'harmony' set to 'tv'
    (the following is not neccesarry but to be sure you get a loop)
    AND: betterlogic 'harmony' set to 'false' with a delay of 15 seconds

    What happens?
    when value is set to 'tv' or 'radio' or 'uit' homey runs every 10 seconds all flows events of harmony your created
    In each flow it is checked if the command is for this flow and then execute the harmony command and reset the value back to false (to prevent looping).

    You could decrease the 10 seconds if you prefer, but do not to quick....

    Using the harmony app this way my problem was gone, now the harmony app is executed and my devices are turned on or off according to the event given, before nothing happened when i used the harmony app directly in a THEN statement to call an action.

    Hope this helps if someone got same problem to work around the flow problem.

    Not working for so far. Can you give me some sreenshots to see what i'm doing wrong?
  • B3rt said:
    s solved my problem using a work around, still don't understand why the harmony app cannot be triggerd with a flow...

    The solution for who want to know:
    first add a string value in better logic, i called it 'harmony' and entered as STRING value 'false' as a default
    Create for each harmony event a new flow: (tv kijken, alles uit, radio luisteren)
    If: flow activated
    and: betterlogic harmony value is 'tv'
    then: harmony event 'TV kijken'
    then: better logic set harmony value back to false (important!!)

    Then create a flow which runs every 10 seconds:
    if: on every 10 seconds
    and: (leave empty)
    then: activate all flows which you created to call harmony events, in my case 'tv kijken' and 'alles uit' and 'radio luisteren'

    in your flow which you want to trigger a harmony event do this:
    AND: betterlogic 'harmony' set to 'tv'
    (the following is not neccesarry but to be sure you get a loop)
    AND: betterlogic 'harmony' set to 'false' with a delay of 15 seconds

    What happens?
    when value is set to 'tv' or 'radio' or 'uit' homey runs every 10 seconds all flows events of harmony your created
    In each flow it is checked if the command is for this flow and then execute the harmony command and reset the value back to false (to prevent looping).

    You could decrease the 10 seconds if you prefer, but do not to quick....

    Using the harmony app this way my problem was gone, now the harmony app is executed and my devices are turned on or off according to the event given, before nothing happened when i used the harmony app directly in a THEN statement to call an action.

    Hope this helps if someone got same problem to work around the flow problem.

    B3rt  Not working for so far. Can you give me some sreenshots to see whatt i'm doning wrong? Thnx!
  • @Pietje5 on my HOmey it also stopped again..
    It works fine as long as you don't include teh harmony app in other flows.

    But as soon if you submit a harmony command within other flows then harmony app completely crashes or shutdown or ignores teh given command.

    Sadly the harmony app is for me complete useless because you cannot intigrade it within any home automation flows, separate commands work fine, but i do not use homey for this, i use my harmony remote for that...

    So i hope the developer someday fix this or someone else creates an other app which can be intigrade into flows and actually execute the commands to harmony hub.
  • @B3rt Same here :-( Thnx for your feedback. Hope it to. Bought the harmony just for homey, because Homey's IR is also useless. To be continued....
  • spoellyspoelly Member
    edited February 2017
    Really? :p You bought the harmony set (Remote + Hub) just for homey? I only use the app to switch between activities and turn everything off. The rest i use the remote is quicker then voice. 

    Did you guys have everything in one flow? Harmony, lights, etc?? maybe you could start the harmony things in a side flow?
  • i use harmony hub for controlling my multimedia by remote, i want to use the Harmony APP to do some basic commands sucht as:

    goto to bed: turn of all lights AND all multimedia devices
    no one present: switch of TV and turn on radio (for my house pets)
    when after 23.00h and nobody home: turn off all multimedia etc

    I do not want to contole the individual devices, simply because there is nothing better then an old fashing remote, voice controle (or by app) is to slow.

    As mentioned, sadly this app does not what i hoped it would do, it cannot be used within flows, tried is hundred times in a test, works fine, but when i use it in real live it does not work, not once it has worked in a normal flow.

    The app itself works, so when i create a flow: turn on TV or switch off all devices and run it then indeed the app turns all off or activate the TV activity.
    But when i call/run the flow from within an other flow (go to bed) all activitys in the flow are performed but NOT the harmony activity. The flow where the harmony activity is defined works, when i give a voice command 'turning off devices' Homey anounce this but the actual call to the harmony hub does not happen.

    I hoped it would be possible to use IFTTT instead, but sadly also no app or applets for Homey to use in a flow.
  • it should work.. 

    For me it is working in this flow:

    the bitflip can be triggered from two flows.
    One with voice one with a button (homeydash) 
  • This is what @brinkie said in an earlier post: 
    Obviously I've seen all the complaints. I've been testing and still am actually. The errors are no longer in the app itself. It's in a library the app uses. I just need more time to pinpoint the issue and probably consult the author of the library for a fix. All I can ask for is your patience.

    So to me this is a known bug to the creator of the app and he is working on pinpointing the issue (Brinkie, correct me if I'm wrong!). Before this issue arised (that the app stopped working wthout crashing or a clear reason) it worked fine, in various formats in flows.

    So at the moment I just restart the app when I notice it does not work anymore and hope that a permanent fix is near  :smile:
  • spoelly said:
    Really? :p You bought the harmony set (Remote + Hub) just for homey? I only use the app to switch between activities and turn everything off. The rest i use the remote is quicker then voice. 

    Did you guys have everything in one flow? Harmony, lights, etc?? maybe you could start the harmony things in a side flow?
    Waha. Yeah the same here, but before that i used the harmony 650. Now i use the hub remote on my android. 
  • spoelly said:
    it should work.. 

    For me it is working in this flow:

    the bitflip can be triggered from two flows.
    One with voice one with a button (homeydash) 
    i have simular flow, on;y it start with start flow and i trigger the flow.
    All conditions are executed but NOT the harmony hub, here nothing happens, all lights go off, all betterlogic values are updated etc etc execpt the command all devices off using the harmony hub is done.

    I even made a work around, i setup an other flow. I set the harmony command (uit) in a better logic value, this flow is started (with a delay of 5 seconds) on change harmony value (from none to uit). This flow then runs the harmony all devices turn off command, this flow works when testing etc, but as soon as the real flow (to bed) is run also nothing happens, same as running the harmony command in the flow directly.

    I read that is sead that the cause is not within the app but in a library, don't know which library but for me it seems the app should have its own code and should not depend on other 3th party apps or codes.
    Maybe i did not understand the cause correctly, but when it is a Homey library then OK, then we have to wait until athom fixes this, but when the library is from an other app (dunno which one) then the library should b included in the harmony app itself to prevent this kind of problems.
  • spoelly said:

    Did you guys have everything in one flow? Harmony, lights, etc?? maybe you could start the harmony things in a side flow?
    no i use the harmony in separate flows and i trigger the harmony flow within other flows, this is also not working...

    I mentioned several times, when runned manually (test) it works, but as soon as it is included in an other flow the harmony part does not work anymore.
  • B3rt said:
    no i use the harmony in separate flows and i trigger the harmony flow within other flows, this is also not working...

    I mentioned several times, when runned manually (test) it works, but as soon as it is included in an other flow the harmony part does not work anymore.
    Same here. Flow works once or twice, than connection get lost. After restart homey same issue. 
  • @Pietje5
    Try IFTTT i did today and it seems to working.

    You can add a trigger to trigger an action using IFTTT on IFTTT you can add a harmony activity.

    I tested it and it worked, i don't know if it is very reliable and if ti works in other flows but it is looking good until now :)
  • @B3rt
    Have to dive into it, but looks hopefull. Don't need app anymore. Keep you informed!
  • @Pietje5
    Tested it and it worked, using IFTTT for the first time my flow worked and shutdown all my multimedia when i went to bed, so until now it works fine.

    IFTTT does warn that in some cases the command could take a while to perform, but this did not happen to me (yet), until now it was almost instant.
  • @B3rt
    Whatt applets did you make? Start and End Harmony activity? Doesn't work for me yet. Maybe doing somthing wrong in the settings?
  • @Pietje5 ; Use start and event, here you can choose stop all AV aswel (not logical but it is listed)

    But first you have to add a flow trigger card in Homey for IFTTT, name is such as: 'alle media uit'.
    Then wait a few minutes and login into IFTTT using your homey account.
    Press add applet, choose homey app adn in the pull down menu the trigger you just created 'alle media uit'.
    Then choose/search harmony app and choose 'start activity' and choose 'all AV off'.

    Now it should work!

    I created for each harmony activity a separate flow with each its own IFTTT applet.
    Once all created i can call them from other flowby just trigger the flow of the wanted activity.

    Big plus for this way is if the harmony app works fine again you just have to change/update the flow where you trigger the harmony event form IFTTT to the APP and not each independend flow where you use or trigger harmony events, it is very easy to switch how you should control your harmony.
  • @B3rt
    Thnx! I'm gonna look into it!
  • @B3rt
    Works great! ThnX! Don't need the Hub App anymore!
  • OpenMind_NLOpenMind_NL Member
    edited February 2017
    I don't know if it is just me, but Harmony Hub didn't crash anymore since updating Homey to v1.1.9...
  • Well, it still will simply *not* install on my HOmey. Tried everything, except a reset.

    The community points at Homey support. Homey support points at the developer, I am stuck.

  • I don't know if it is just me, but Harmony Hub didn't crash anymore since updating Homey to v1.1.9...
    works much better over here  :)
  • I don't know if it is just me, but Harmony Hub didn't crash anymore since updating Homey to v1.1.9...
    Same here but what was the problem?
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