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Homey v0.10.0



  • @all updating Weather Underground app: haven't issued an update for several weeks.
    Don't know why the update started to appear?
    I've been working on a update since in Homey version 0.10.0 something crashes my app
  • No update recieved so far
    another reboot fixed it for someone....

    Thnx, but no luck either after several reboots. 
  • EdTst said:

    Thnx, but no luck either after several reboots. 
    Same here. 
  • NewTon said:
    After installing 0.10.0, Homey does not detect the status of my Plugwise plugs anymore. Switching is possible.
    Seeing Github about HUE, starting the re-pair wizard might help...
  • PhuturistPhuturist Member
    edited September 2016
    EdTst said:
    EdTst said:
    djesko said:
    EdTst said:

    This update broke my Homey. All devices and apps are gone and the settings menu only has Apps, Microphone, Speech and Language. 

    Try clean chrome cache 

    Tried it, but no luck.
    another reboot fixed it for someone....

    Thnx, but no luck either after several reboots. 
    Same here. 
    Dito. Homey is useless now. Rebooted about 6 times and did a PTP for a couple of minutes. Does solve anything.
  • mbalik79 said:
    Here the devices works fine. Ir (LG remote model1), Kaku, Action (promax), Hue, Homewizard, Fibaro, SolarPanals, Betterlogic.

    The only thing not working is the build-in commands (dutch), think that's also the reason some app would not react on my speech commands
    this is good news i think.
    But,    The voice commands, you made in the flows,   do they work?    
    And, if so,  is the recognicion better or the same?   (please not worse...)

  • Julian said:
    That is pretty annoying, I have a number of 'away' flows which trigger based on the original starting time (even one with 665 minutes so it does its thing the next day). Now I have to the calculations again, no biggie, but glad you found that out and not so glad these kinda big changes are not communicated to us by Athom. 
    I removed all cards and re added them and the timings behaved different again. I'm not sure how this is affected but there is something wrong with the delays. I have to test more to find the exact bahaviour 
  • this is good news i think.
    But,    The voice commands, you made in the flows,   do they work?    
    And, if so,  is the recognicion better or the same?   (please not worse...)

    Voice commands in flows are working. I cannot say the recognicion is better, had no problems here

  • After the upgrade to version 0.10 I had to re-install the KAKU app and add all the devices again. 
  • rdomingordomingo Member
    edited September 2016
    Bedankt voor de release !

    Bij mij lijken de standaard spraakcommados niet te werken. Spraak commandos uit de eigen flow werken wel. (text wordt overigens wel goed herkend)
    (beschreven op
    Hoe is dit bij jullie ? Werken de standaard zinnen als "Zet het licht (aan/uit)" nog ?
  • rdomingo said:
    Bedankt voor de release !

    Bij mij lijken de standaard spraakcommados niet te werken. Spraak commandos uit de eigen flow werken wel. (text wordt overigens wel goed herkend)
    (beschreven op
    Hoe is dit bij jullie ? Werken de standaard zinnen als "Zet het licht (aan/uit)" nog ?
    Nee, bij mij ook niet meer. Voor de rest een goede update..
  • I have tried to reboot homey 4 times now. Once 15 mins after the last try.
    Still no new firmware. And yes, I have the experimental updates checked.

    Doing something wrong?
  • after update no working flows anymore, speech commands isn't working also. such a update is it being tested by Athome  on there own homey's? 

    not any device of KAKU working now :( 
  • Priknr1 said:
    I have tried to reboot homey 4 times now. Once 15 mins after the last try.
    Still no new firmware. And yes, I have the experimental updates checked.

    Doing something wrong?
    I red somewhere that you need to uncheck "Install firmware automatically" refresh the page and than it may work. Maybe try that?
  • msmits said:
    I red somewhere that you need to uncheck "Install firmware automatically" refresh the page and than it may work. Maybe try that?
    That did the job, I think, (it shows the update now) Thanks.
  • mrandersonmranderson Member
    edited September 2016
  • EdTst said:

    This update broke my Homey. All devices and apps are gone and the settings menu only has Apps, Microphone, Speech and Language. 

    Same here, after update red ring, that disappeared after reconnect browser. But minimal settings menu's  like above. Reboot, PTP,  removed cookies etc. No luck.....
  • Same here, after update red ring, that disappeared after reconnect browser. But minimal settings menu's  like above. Reboot, PTP,  removed cookies etc. No luck.....
    Same here  :worried: 
  • All working ok here.
    Kaku, Fibaro, Hue, HTTP get requests, IR (on Philips tv), BL, Countdown, speech recognition.
  • Self defined IR doesn't work for a yard! Back to the drawing board guys.
  • Internal commands don't work anymore, flow commands still work
  • Is there any way to go back to a previous firmware version?? 
  • bvdbosbvdbos Member
    edited September 2016
    @Erwin1 ; You could contact Athom.... Otoh: that's why it's called experimental...
    @phb and @backslash : you mean speech-commands? Dutch seems to be broken but English works...
    @Geurtdijker and @Priknr1 ;: For the ones missing apps: try rebooting a couple of times and give it some time in between
    For the ones missing KaKu: pull the plug for a couple of minutes. Receiving KaKu seems to be broken for now but sending should work...

  • Only thing doesn't work anymore here, after update to 0.10.0, is speech recognition. But that's the only thing. Kaku, Hue lights, fibaro multi sensor, netatmo wheater station, nodon octo, flows, etc are working.
  • It's time that there is a possibility to make an Image/Backup of your homey so that you can restore complete homey or only apps/devices/flows etc. For some people the upgrade was good. But for me I have less working then before. Hopefully this can be fixed quickly...

  • Not sure if this update was the problem, but my homey is not responding at all. The ring shows no color, removing power, shaking, etc. doesn't help. Yesterday morning I had no problems. Any suggestions?
  • Seeing Github about HUE, starting the re-pair wizard might help...
    Plugwise is working now. Status detecting and switching. It seems that Homey 0.10.0 needs a learning curve.
  • I can't update 

    Ptp several times 
    Reboot several times 

    But still error can't write to extract path 

    But seeing AL the problems write now I am happy mine doesn't update 

    Looks like update pushed way to soon 

    No testing on athom side 

    @Emile get this thing sorted or people may start loosing fate
  • Erwin1 said:
    Is there any way to go back to a previous firmware version?? 
    That is my question for a long time now.
    Not only the firmware needed a way to go back but also all the apps for that version.
    Further need all the apps looking witch firmware version you have and load the right app version.
This discussion has been closed.