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Homey v0.9.3



  • You should always be able to go back to the last stable version.
    Version 0.8.39 is not compatible with the 0.9.x. To start now with the 0.8.39 can mean a lot of extra work.
    For sure if your version is already not compatible with the 0.8.39.
    @TheoDeKoning Good to see you again. Alas, although there are some improvements, yet the 433 is still not optimal ~kuch~ and IR has been disabled until version 0.10.x. Bluetooth, also 0.10.x Hopefully. Z-Wave is buggy and Fire69 still is commenting as if he graduated from 'open-door-university'

    In a Nuttshell it's still beta, and a lot of own programming is required :neutral: 

    I hope your Homey started after all these months :wink: 
  • AlexanderAlexander Member
    edited August 2016
    I use a kaku button with several Z-Wave plugs. Up to 0.9.3 they worked fine.

    But after the latest update somehow the Kanu button AVCT-102 is not seen by Homey anymore. Also my other Kaku button is not seen anymore. I rebooted several times, no change. I took out the battery of the switch, not change. I removed the switch and tried to add it again: not possible. The switch is not seen by Homey, even at 5 cm (I have range issues with kaku. If they are not line of sight <4m they did not work).

    Luckily I can use a Nodon ZWave button as a backup after building the driver for it.

    Does somebody had an idea how to make the kaku switches work again?
  • Yes, I agree. All I am saying is upgrade now and try it out, if it still sucks nothing is lost anyway because you can still upgrade to a stable version.
  • Who here can help me with the API call "behind"/used by the Z-Wave reset button in FW <=0.8.39?
  • @DieterKoblenz
    But first the assurance that the button to install experimental versions gets reset when the version become stable.
  • @DieterKoblenz
    But first the assurance that the button to install experimental versions gets reset when the version become stable.
    No such thing as assurances  ;) 

    Seriously, when 0.8.27/32/39 (stable) was released the button got reset. But yeah I would hope someone from Athom could confirm it for you.
  • Is there anybody with problems with the promax (action) devices? They stopped working here since 0.9.3
  • for what i understand till now, every time you switch from experimental/stable and viceversa u have to add-readd device, to make them work.. that is really annoying, installing-removing-reinstalling app, its a lot of work everytime... that's what i mean when i said that i need a stable version... and maybe a backup mode..
  • Sommo said:
    for what i understand till now, every time you switch from experimental/stable and viceversa u have to add-readd device, to make them work.. that is really annoying, installing-removing-reinstalling app, its a lot of work everytime... that's what i mean when i said that i need a stable version... and maybe a backup mode..
    Sorry to put it this way, but that's bullsh*t.  ;)
    You had to add your z-wave devices again with the 0.9.2 release because of the z-wave rewrite.
    That's all...
  • so it's true.. now it's zwave caused (for good) by the rewrite, so next time what? so when it become stable (not experimental) maybe we don't need do add-remove-readd device (zwave in this case).. i'm talking that improving firmware update (maybe stable version) will no longer required to do that process (add-remove-readd)..
  • Sommo said:
    so it's true.. now it's zwave caused (for good) by the rewrite, so next time what? so when it become stable (not experimental) maybe we don't need do add-remove-readd device (zwave in this case).. i'm talking that improving firmware update (maybe stable version) will no longer required to do that process (add-remove-readd)..
    Please read again what Fire69 wrote, it was a one time thing due to the rewrite. While no one has a glass sphere to see in the future there is no reason to believe you will have to go through the remove-re-add process when you update.
  • MarcoFMarcoF Member
    edited August 2016
    It was not really one time.
    IR devices are also "kindly" removed for us(still very fun to see that Athom can do that for us) and we may add them after re-enabling IR again.
    The same for the 433 [deprecated] devices. 

    Its Beta.................................................
  • Athom can't delete IR for us if we choose not to install software without IR ;) If you choose to install linux, you can't blame microsoft word isn't working anymore.

    The same is true about apps I think, although I'm not really sure about this... Is Microsoft forcing to install office365, is Athom forcing to install the newest Kaku-app?
  • MarcoF said:
    It was not really one time.
    IR devices are also "kindly" removed for us(still very fun to see that Athom can do that for us) and we may add them after re-enabling IR again.
    The same for the 433 [deprecated] devices. 

    Its Beta.................................................
    Sommo said:
    so it's true.. now it's zwave caused (for good) by the rewrite, so next time what? so when it become stable (not experimental) maybe we don't need do add-remove-readd device (zwave in this case).. i'm talking that improving firmware update (maybe stable version) will no longer required to do that process (add-remove-readd)..
    It's due to the fact that Homey is in beta. Has nothing to do with stable or experimental releases.
  • I had IR devices installed/paired, after the 0.9.2 update the were gone and I didn't ask for it.
    As mentioned before; There were people where IR was working and the are blind now.
  • stable, beta, alpha, experimental.... Losing it.....

    Lets see;
    Homey's Firmware is currently in Beta branch
    Here we have two flavours; Stable, Experimental, so;

    After that we may expect a Stable branch;
    There we also may expect Stable, Experimental? If so;

    Athom said the are thinking about a extra developers(test) channel;


    Only after Firmware reaches the [Stable] branch, we may expect a stable situation. 
    As long as we are in the [Beta] branch, we may expect thing go mad or break.

  • Then I shall have to wait for [Stable][Stable].
    This because I don't want to have re-pair/-copy up to 30 KaKu devices more than one time.
    That this can take an other 6 months so be it.
  • MarcoF said:
    stable, beta, alpha, experimental.... Losing it.....

    Lets see;
    Homey's Firmware is currently in Beta branch
    Here we have two flavours; Stable, Experimental, so;

    After that we may expect a Stable branch;
    There we also may expect Stable, Experimental? If so;

    Athom said the are thinking about a extra developers(test) channel;


    Only after Firmware reaches the [Stable] branch, we may expect a stable situation. 
    As long as we are in the [Beta] branch, we may expect thing go mad or break.

    So? You bought a beta product. You knew this. Stop complaining about this. It's the only thing I see you do on this forum. Do you still not know that Homey is not a stable and fully released product? If you do not like depending on experimental changes, take a lead from @TheoDeKoning and do not use your Homey unless on stable releases. They are there for a reason. If you want to experiment with the experimental releases, do not complain that it's not stable. You know that. You click the option.
  • MarcoFMarcoF Member
    edited August 2016
    @KoenMartens ;;;
    Please men.....

    My post was to explain how Athom does thing and a lot of people lose track of that.

    And please also read my helpful forum/slack posts and check the App-store for my apps/Z-wave drivers contributions!

    And to you; The Beta card is easy to play ;)

    =========== edit ===============
    And reading your post again, you also don't understand the Beta/Stable/Experimental/etc thing.

    do not use your Homey unless on stable releases. They are there for a reason.
    There's no stable release. There are only Beta(!) release with a "stable-tag". All release Firmware versions are Beta and only the ones with the "stable-tag" are somewhat more stable then the "experimental-tag" ones. But in no way the "stable-tag" releases can be considered as stable, the still are beta.
    It's a very complicated matter and even our Community Heppienes manager isn't getting it;

    Probably 0.10.0 will be release in September, but almost certain that will be a Beta release with "stable-tag".
    This because only 1.0.0 can and may be considered as a truly Stable release.

  • MarcoFMarcoF Member
    edited August 2016
    And everybody can call me crazy, my Homey again "died" and/or is not responding....

    Thinking Cleaner module is WiFi and reachable, Homey is not responding and the NodeJS Athom Cli lost connection with Homey;

    And he's back.....

    its dropping a bit;
    Very(!) slowly its going down:
    (4-5min between first and last average)

    After 7-8min its dropped to:
    Still not very low, but "acceptable".

    No idea whats going on....

    Maybe related and/or a bigger "issue"?

  • Or maybe an app which does strange things. What do the graphs show for the different apps?
  • Where did it state we were buying a BETA product exactly? I also think some of you need to get real regarding software development - I own a software startup and have 14 developers - If we released product updates like this we'd lose a huge amount of our hard earned clients. @mruiter has some valid points, even if he's a little blunt ;)

    1) Changelogs need improvement, they're a mess - perhaps they can learn a thing or two from Slack.
    2) Updates and timelines need improvement, do they need a new scrum master or project manager?
    3) Bug tracking is a mess, Github isn't a suitable bug tracking platform for a commercial product. It sucks. I'm hoping behind the scenes they're running JIRA or similar to manage sprints.
    4) Channel designation needs some thought; it's obvious they're not quite clear on software channel definitions.

    I do love Homey, and fully support the product and team, but I'm also becoming frustrating by the ad-hoc approach. It's not good enough if they're to succeed.

    Not forgetting my major gripe... the fact they obviously oversold Homey and its capabilities. Sonos? Spotify? Plex? None of these were ready. Thankfully Plex was implemented via the community.

  • AlexanderAlexander Member
    edited August 2016
    Alexander said:
    I use a kaku button with several Z-Wave plugs. Up to 0.9.3 they worked fine.

    But after the latest update somehow the Kanu button AVCT-102 is not seen by Homey anymore. Also my other Kaku button is not seen anymore. I rebooted several times, no change. I took out the battery of the switch, not change. I removed the switch and tried to add it again: not possible. The switch is not seen by Homey, even at 5 cm (I have range issues with kaku. If they are not line of sight <4m they did not work).

    Luckily I can use a Nodon ZWave button as a backup after building the driver for it.

    Does somebody had an idea how to make the kaku switches work again?
    I got it working after a tip from a member on slack.

    After removing the power and leaving Homey off for some minutes I could add both kaku buttons again. Now they are working again. Still remaining is the very poor range from both Kaku and Z-Wave
  • I got it working after a tip from a member on slack.

    After removing the power and leaving it off for some minutes I could add both kaku buttons again. 
    Did someone whispered u the secret PTP solution on slack??
    That sneaky bastard!
  • Did someone whispered u the secret PTP solution on slack??
    That sneaky bastard!
    Who are you calling a bastard here!? :angry: 

  • edited August 2016
    Hi Athom, I love Homey and have only few regrets of over buying it.

    But I'm getting a little bit freaked out every update seems to be worse than the previous version. I know, it's a beta product, but at this time it seems that not a single software developers is writing any of the code, only students who are learning to write code and trying to make soms money while doing that.

    This time the update ruined KaKu. None of the KaKu are working anymore... so now I have an expensive white sphere that can't control any of my Zwave, Kaku or infrared devices. It just sits in a corner shining light from a LED ring without any usefull functions. 

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME? My rooms stay dark, sensors don't respond, all because you apparently don't seem to mind quality. First I was hoping the developing would speed up. No I'm just hoping you don't ruin my Homey further.
  • Hi Athom, I love Homey and have only few regrets of over buying it.

    But I'm getting a little bit freaked out every update seems to be worse than the previous version. I know, it's a beta product, but at this time it seems that not a single software developers is writing any of the code, only students who are learning to write code and trying to make soms money while doing that.

    This time the update ruined KaKu. None of the KaKu are working anymore... so now I have an expensive white sphere that can't control any of my Zwave, Kaku or infrared devices. It just sits in a corner shining light from a LED ring without any usefull functions. 

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME? My rooms stay dark, sensors don't respond, all because you apparently don't seem to mind quality. First I was hoping the developing would speed up. No I'm just hoping you don't ruin my Homey further.
    Was also with me. BUT.... if you pull the plug (of homey) and wait 30 seconds and put it back in everything is working fine again (this is called the PTP method, as mentioned above).

    I like my homey!! Thx athom!!
  • Hi elco, I read your email and replied. Hope the solutions here presented are helpful and otherwise we would like to help you with your specific problem

    Gr. Annemarie. 
  • Franq said:
    Was also with me. BUT.... if you pull the plug (of homey) and wait 30 seconds and put it back in everything is working fine again (this is called the PTP method, as mentioned above).

    I like my homey!! Thx athom!!
    I used the PTP method. Twice, and kept the plug out for some minutes. With no avail.

    Annemarie said:
    Hi elco, I read your email and replied. Hope the solutions here presented are helpful and otherwise we would like to help you with your specific problem

    Gr. Annemarie. 
    What solutions? To pull the plug? 

    I replied to your email. As stated: I use multiple KaKu sensors as well as switches, all from KaKu. All of them were working the day before yesterday. Yesterday my Homey updated and now not a single one of them is working. I can't really get more specific.

  • I replied to your email. As stated: I use multiple KaKu sensors as well as switches, all from KaKu. All of them were working the day before yesterday. Yesterday my Homey updated and now not a single one of them is working. I can't really get more specific.
    If I was u I would try to solve this thru email with Annemarie . Maybe tell us later that Athombv solved it (or not) but it's of no use to continue this conversation here while u are in contact directly with athombv .
This discussion has been closed.