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[App] Fibaro by Athom (v1.5.18)



  • @Peao ;
    have you tried to first do homey's z-wave device reset? in Settings -> Z-Wave -> [Remove a device]
  • PeaoPeao Member
    Yep, I started the removal and clicked the button 3 times but it wasn't recognized. [I was wondering because the tripple button press also triggered the relay 3 times, maybe it's causing the issue?] So I hoped the new app might fix it.
  • @caseda ;
    Where do I find your version of the Fibaro App? The one available at does not show the 222 driver in the drivers folder. 

  • Thanks @djesko  !

  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2016
    AI too have  problem with installing the zwave drives. I installed "git" but to be honest, haven't a clue what I am doing... heh heh

    Any change someone can post the directory as a zip?
    Or can I use one from another devise??
  • 1| Download the zip file from Git (and extract on your pc/mac)
    2| Follow:
    3| You do not have t create a project, just run the project (Caseda) - make sure you are in the project dir when you run the project from a prompt
  • MarcoFMarcoF Member
    edited August 2016
    @Eternity ;
    Here you go!
    And you don't need the Git client.
    Just download the Fibaro code from the Github page, go to the Zwave driver github page and download that one to.
    Then unzip both and copy the Zwave driver folder to the node_modules folder.

    Now first unzip the attached .zip and install the *****

    Then have a look in the node_modules folder and hopefully the kwartje drops ;)
  • Cheers @MarcoF ;
    I found het kwartje!
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2016
    I used Homey to exclude the 222 from my Domoticz setup. 
    Next I added the 222 as a double relay in the Fibaro app, and it was added without any errors as 3 separate nodes (as we all know). So far so good !

    I created two flows to test the switches, one flow switched a light ON with S1 and the other flow switches the same light OFF with S1.
    Neither flows worked, although they pass the flow test.

    Operating the actual switch manually doesn't work either nor does switching the switch in a browser window.

    I tried this with S1 and S2.
    I checked the common settings and they seem correct (I have a momentary switch).

    What am I missing?

  • Can you show me the flows? Cause I don't understand yet why it isn't working for you
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2016
    @caseda ;;
    Appriciate your help!

    I have rebooted my Homey and am having some results.
    This is my screen on my smartphone:
    If I manually press the switch (dus echt de schakelaar bij de entree) S1, than it switches the lights on / off but the status stays unchanged on the smartphone.
    If a use my smartphone to switch S1, nothing happens.

    If I manually press the wall switch (S2) nothing happens, but the status is updated on my smartphone screen!

  • casedacaseda Member
    edited August 2016
    @Eternity ;
    i guess you misted the (multiple) posts i made in this treat about S1 in the [IF] column:

    but that there is nothing happening is weird, homey shouldn't update the status unless the relay confirms that it switched. does it stay on, if you reload the page?

    could you try instead of installing the app with CLI run it, you might get an error message
  • Sorry to push. When will the FGS-2x2 and FGS-2x3 be available in the Fibaro App?
  • @nicor ;
    The 2*3 not until I have what I asked for, the overview of the node info that's get printed in Chrome console when trying to include it. 

    The 2*2 you will have to wait for athom to accept the pull request
  • @caseda I can help, if you tell me how to generate the right output.
  • @nicor ;
    It's not that hard, open chrome's console (right click any where on the page and click "inspect"/" inspecteren") 
    Then start the inclusion process, and wait for it to be done. After that you will see a list called "node info" 
  • nicornicor Member
    edited August 2016
    @caseda ;

    Here you go:

    nodeInfo {
        "manufacturerId": {
            "value": 271,
            "name": "MFG_ID_FIBARGROUP"
        "productTypeId": {
            "value": 515
        "productId": {
            "value": 4096
        "deviceClassBasic": {
            "value": 4,
            "name": "BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE"
        "deviceClassGeneric": {
            "value": 16,
            "name": "GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY"
        "deviceClassSpecific": {
            "value": 1,
        "commandClass": [
                "value": 94,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_ZWAVEPLUS_INFO",
                "version": 2
                "value": 134,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_VERSION",
                "version": 2
                "value": 114,
                "version": 2
                "value": 37,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY",
                "version": 1,
                "secure": true
                "value": 90,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY",
                "version": 1,
                "secure": true
                "value": 89,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_GRP_INFO",
                "version": 1
                "value": 133,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION",
                "version": 2,
                "secure": true
                "value": 115,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_POWERLEVEL",
                "version": 1
                "value": 86,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_CRC_16_ENCAP",
                "version": 1
                "value": 112,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION",
                "version": 1,
                "secure": true
                "value": 50,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_METER",
                "version": 3
                "value": 142,
                "version": 3,
                "secure": true
                "value": 96,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_MULTI_CHANNEL",
                "version": 4,
                "secure": true
                "value": 34,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_APPLICATION_STATUS",
                "version": 1
                "value": 117,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_PROTECTION",
                "version": 2,
                "secure": true
                "value": 113,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_NOTIFICATION",
                "version": 5
                "value": 152,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_SECURITY",
                "version": 1
                "value": 122,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_MD",
                "version": 3
                "value": 91,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_CENTRAL_SCENE",
                "version": 2,
                "secure": true
                "value": 32,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC",
                "version": 1
                "value": 239,
                "name": "COMMAND_CLASS_MARK",
                "secure": true,
                "version": 1
        "battery": false
  • @nicor ;
    Thanks you.!
    That information does a lot. 
    1. It's the same as fgs-2** in switching. (almost copy paste) 
    2. It has the new "central scene" command class, so will be able to add single click, double click, long press and long press released. As flow triggers once I have this working properly. 

    I don't know when I'm able to create the driver, not much time next 2 days, after that, loads of time

    It will be the same (including issues) as the fgs-2**,but atleast you will be able to use it .

    @ the rest with fsg-2**
    Will look into if I can fix the biggest issue myself (the triple device to a better double device way) 
    Might take a few days though.. 
  • Thanks @caseda , appreciate your effort.
  • @Eternity ;
    Just though if this:
    Its a range problem

    Let homey build up his mesh network, keep the zwave activity to a minimum for atleast an hour for sub 8 devices, add 15 minutes for any extra devices (this includes battery devices) 
    After the mesh network has been build it will probably work a lot better.!? 
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2016
    @caseda ;

    Thanks for all your effort! 

    After a reboot, I had more response. I guess it is a mesh issue. I am in the process of migrating, so basically decreasing the Domoticz mesh, and I creasing the Homey mesh. This was the first 222 in the Homey mesh. 

    On a different note, but perhaps helpful information for you... 
    I added Greenwave PowerNode 1 to my system. It had only the Greenwave 6 included, now it has 3 extra PowerNode 1's. As a result I would expect better z-wave response, but the setup with 1 device operated better than the (mesh) setup with now 4 devices.... That strikes me as odd....

    I will post this in the Greenwave App section, too. 
  • Mesh almost can't be the issue. Jeroen already confirmed that Homey's mesh is there and it the standard implementation. So no real rocket sciences here.

    FGS222 is main powered and so has a very big range ~5m indoor. After pairing there's a "path" from Homey to the node. Only if you place the node >5m from Homey, then it could get out of reach and the network should find it. But this won't take more much more then one hour. 
    Again I ask @Athom for a node-repair-button which (again) a lot of other big controller brands have implemented. Such a button can and(!) will(!) prevent(!) a lot issue related to Z-Wave mesh because users can act themselves on these issues. 

    My Vera3 network changes multiple times a month because I monitor a dozen devices with 2-3 Greenwave nodes. These nodes I move from time to time through the house and after I moved them, I always do a manual repair of that node AND(!) the directly surrounding nodes. After this all nodes are reporting power-usage as normal.
    This is working now for about 3 years and never had big mesh issues and also the network never crashed. 

    With all this in mind I'm not getting all these Z-Wave crashes/hangings/busy/not responsive of this newer and very much more powerful Z-Wave chip of Homey. Never see these issues on my Vera which is >5years(?) on the market.

    But is still Beta :)
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2016
    Thanks @MarcoF ;
    Never thought of repairing the node *and* the surrounding ones...but that is very logical to me now!

    What would you suggest to avoid the green led's blinking, other than the 255 value? My node 6 has been running smoothly (in Homey and one in Domoticz), after adding the 1's I have blinking Led's lighting my house. Perhaps some black tape....;-) 
  • EternityEternity Member
    edited August 2016
    @caseda ;
    I will create and test some more flows (tonite). Sorry for being lazy and missing this:

    if you want to use the relais 1 in [IF]/[AND] flows, use the main device.
    relais 2 = only relais 2 so u can use that however you want,
  • Eternity said:
    Thanks @MarcoF ;
    Never thought of repairing the node *and* the surrounding ones...but that is very logical to me now!
    :) For example I have 5 Z-Wave switching node on the attic on 2 square meters. The Mesh there could be very complicated and there are only 2 nodes in "path line" to the Vera. There's a big chance that one of the 5 is a "distributor" within the group and does the communication with one in path to the Vera. If I accidentally remove the "distributor", then it could mean the 4 others go "offline". Its a small chance, but to prevent issues like these and not waiting on the mesh repair.

    What would you suggest to avoid the green led's blinking, other than the 255 value? My node 6 has been running smoothly (in Homey and one in Domoticz), after adding the 1's I have blinking Led's lighting my house. Perhaps some black tape....;-) 
    The black tape is the way to go ;)
    My wife put some folded paper on the Greenwave's which are in sight and blinking annoying.
  • nicornicor Member
    edited August 2016
    Still struggling a lot to determine a stable Z-wave mesh, fully based on Fibaro. Homey's HEAL function seems to do it's work overtime, but still some blind spots occur. I know that Domoticz and other controllers support this function by displaying a mesh table or diagram. Testing the network range from the Fibaro device isn't very helpfull, looks like this is a Fibaro only functionality?

    So, I'm very interested in how you guys experience this and if there is a way to actually diagnose the actual Z-Wave mesh or any best-practices in placement of the nodes? 

    Thanks, Nico.
  • MarcoF said:
      The black tape is the way to go ;)
    My wife put some folded paper on the Greenwave's which are in sight and blinking annoying.
    I disagree with this. As long as you set the keep alive time parameter  of the greenwave powernode higher then your polling parameter there will not be and green blinking lights. I'm running two 6-node and two 1-node blink free for some time now using this setup.

    Do remember that it can take Homey up to a couple of hours to built it's mesh network during which you could indeed see blinking lights.
  • @Phuturist ;
    Sorry, but the lights are still blinking (occasionally). Think because of the Z-Wave chip issues. 
This discussion has been closed.