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Support Toon from Eneco (dutch)



  • I saw on GitHub the app is updates 2 says ago. Can we expect a release of the app soon?
  • I heard today from some one working at Quby that the new Toon API is released last week. 
  • @Robin Do they have to distribute a new firmware towards the Toon devices in order to support it?
  • @Robin Do they have to distribute a new firmware towards the Toon devices in order to support it?
    Ik heb gisteren versie 3.4.4 geïnstalleerd. Ik weet even niet hoe lang deze update al beschikbaar is.
  • Hmmm stil on 3.3.8 and not yet update available...
  • Hmmm stil on 3.3.8 and not yet update available...
    Same here
  • Just installed the Toon update. Unfortunately no access to the Toon API yet.
    I hope Eneco activate access to these API's soon so we can experiment with another device with Homey!

    After accepting voice isn't working on this moment, I'm enjoying Homey big time!! Created some nice flows.. Now searching for a good way to detect who is at home and who is leaving so flows can activated automatically...
    But this is all offtopic sorry about that! :)

  • I installed the GitHub version of the Toon App.... Also registered to the Toon API (not sure if that is needed)..
    I thought I could put in the key and secret. Unfortunately no party at all, when I add a Toon to Homey in the device manager, I get a login button. After I click the login button it redirect me to the Toon API error page with the error "Cannot find an application associated with the given consumer key : undefined".

    Can I test the app somehow? 
  • EvertorNEvertorN Member
    edited July 2016
    Martijn said:
    I installed the GitHub version of the Toon App.... Also registered to the Toon API (not sure if that is needed)..
    I thought I could put in the key and secret. Unfortunately no party at all, when I add a Toon to Homey in the device manager, I get a login button. After I click the login button it redirect me to the Toon API error page with the error "Cannot find an application associated with the given consumer key : undefined".

    Can I test the app somehow? 

    The Toon app uses environment variables. Those are typically variables that are secret to the end-users. Developers can supply values for these variables when they publish their app to the app store. If you want to run an app that uses environment variables locally (by downloading it from Github), you would need to:
    - Create a file called 'env.json' in the root directory of the app (next to app.js)
    - Add the variable and value as content. For toon this would be:

    "TOON_KEY": "your personal api key here"
    That should do the trick. Of course, don't forget to reinstall after you added the env.json file ;-).
  • Clearly I'm not a developer... :(
    After two nights puzzling, changing and trying I don't get it.. 
    Even with an env.json file, with or without token and secrets in the node file, it doesn't work.
    The last error is "Registered callback does not match with the provided url." I changed the callback url in ToonAPI site... 

    Waiting is the best solution for me...  {Note to myself, wish for more programming skills after seeing a falling star} :)
  • @Robin: is the app gonna be released soon or is it still in test?
  • This morning updated my Toon to the latest software, so now awaiting the app...
  • fiekfiek Member
    Also eagerly awaiting THE release of the app
  • fiekfiek Member
    edited July 2016
    I installed the github version of Toon, but still get an error:) I read that Triggi ( already connects with Toon through the API. I feel the release of this app is close
  • p0ntsp0nts Member
    fiek said:
    I installed the github version of Toon, but still get an error:) I read that Triggi ( already connects with Toon through the API. I feel the release of this app is close
    Api signup seems to be for company's only is that right? Why cant i create an api user for myself?
  • This is what Emile says on Slack: toon is mostly being toon (they're slow)
  • RobinRobin Member
    HansieNL said:
    @Robin: is the app gonna be released soon or is it still in test?
    App is 'finished', waiting for testing by Quby/Eneco and production API credentials.
  • Robin said:
    App is 'finished', waiting for testing by Quby/Eneco and production API credentials.
  • And now wait for the Eneco company.... snik....that should take some time...snik...
  • I'll think thats great News..

  • Looks like it's going to take a wile.. They first need to find an api specialist...
  • update on status?
  • Is it possible to give an ETA? Can we expect Eneco review this app before next month?
    Is Athom in contact with Eneco, or did you guys post the app to them en sit now (for this project and working on all other projects) with crossed fingers waiting for approval? 
  • Any update? Didn't heard anything since the review proces is "started" by Eneco.
    Is there another way to activate the app with Toon?
  • I'd like to know the status too!

    @Annemarie ;

  • The app is going to be tested by Eneco/Quby soon!
  • > soon
    ReferenceError: soon is not defined
  • Haha. I am sorry, but the ball lies with the third party at the moment. Little I can do.
  • Share your contact person with us so we can nag him/her to speed things up!
  •  sj3fk3 said:
    > soon
    ReferenceError: soon is not defined



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