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How-To - Aeotec MultiSensor 6



  • @jon, to me it looks like you didn't create the variable in the Better Logic settings (Go to homeys settings and scroll down on the left. Click Better Logic and type name, select the varable type and click Add variable)
    In your second flow, you use homeys internal logic, not Better Logic so the first thing to get it to work would be correcting that.
    Please also note that the luminance is only send at the configured interval, which would be every hour at default. Changing that will not easily work due to a bug in handling set parameters but this should be fixed in 0.8.33 (no ETA yet) 
    In this version I also havn't been able to have reports send when reaching a set threshold, most likely because of the mentioned bug.

  • JonJon Member
  • cautje said:
    Nice, can it be updated by homey? Thx!
    Here is the link detailing the upgrade process :

    i have the aeotech z stick so was able to upgrade , and I was successful on both the sensors I purchased last year , However as Jon has mentioned you may be able to contact the retailer and request a replacement or firmware upgrade 
  • cautjecautje Member
    Thx! I Hope to do IT by homey. Maybe IT will be add in the future.
  • JonJon Member
    edited May 2016
    Anyone know how to calibrate the sensor's measurements? Temperature is consistently a few degrees too high now.
    Perhaps @DaneeDeKruyff ?
  • DaneeDeKruyffDaneeDeKruyff Member
    edited May 2016

    @Jon, Yeah, I've been succesfully testing that over the last couple of days, use option 201.

    The length of option 201 is 1 byte (eventhough some documentation says 2)

    You have to multiply your desired correction by 10, so if you want to adjust by 1.2 degrees, the value you need is 12.

    If you need a higher reading, just use the desired value, so in the above example you need to enter: 201,1,12

    If you need a lower reading, you need to substract the desired value from 255 so it would be 255-12=243 which leads to: 201,1,243

    After saving the value you need to press the Action Button on the sensor, just leaving it and wait for the scheduled wakeup doesn't seem to send the value to the sensor.

    Also, patience is needed again to see the effect of your change.

    (I will add the procedure to the first post later)

  • JonJon Member
    okay cool! Now the challenge is, how do I get the most reliable temperature. I know it's too high by some degrees but do not have another calibrated temp sensor. Oh well, will find a solution for that...
  • Ah, ok, yeah, that will be a challenge.

    I have 4 sensors, 3 on batteries and 1 on USB. The one on USB reports a way higher temperature, caused by the USB converter probably. I exchanged them and still had a higher reading on USB and the then battery powered showed the same reading as the 2 others. I am now doing a test run over a longer period to determine the value most likely needed to correct for USB power.
    After that I'll also recalibrate the humidity on the USB powered sensor, that's also different when powered on USB.

  • JonJon Member
    okay, so you suggest to use battery instead? How many degrees appr. is the difference in your case?
  • No, USB power should be good, you just need to adjust the reported values.

    At the moment I lower the reported temperature by 3.9 degrees (201,1,216) and it now reports the same temperature as the other 3 sensors.

    (btw, I posted about this earlier in the thread, with a screenshot:

  • JonJon Member
    By the way: where exactly in Homey's interface do you set the option to 201 ? It's not in 'devices' > 'sensor settings' right?

  • You need to set it in the sensors settings, in the data field.

    (Use a ; between the settings)

  • cautjecautje Member
    I can't get it connected...
    I dont have a aeotech z stick to check het firmware, i got the sensor from ebay germany.
    How long do i need to put in the little hole/button on the back?
    Homey keeps saying afther  some time, 

    Er kon geen nieuw apparaat gevonden worden. Het apparaat resetten en opnieuw proberen zou kunnen helpen

    The led on the multisensor is slowly changing collors like the Homey ring.
    When i press it goes off, then amber and then the diverent collors.

    Help is appreciated!


  • cautjecautje Member
    Got it!

    I has to be a verry short klick!
  • DaneeDeKruyffDaneeDeKruyff Member
    edited May 2016
    Yes, one short click will add it non-secure (Green led), 2 fast clicks will add it secure (Blue led).
  • JonJon Member
    edited May 2016
    Okay, so I don't understand yet how to program a deviation of - let's say - minus 3.4 degrees. What do I put behind the 201,.... and more important: how do I calculate this myself. In your case, minus 3.9 degrees ended up in 201,1,216, but why oh why... @DaneeDeKruyff ;)?
  • JerryvdvJerryvdv Member
    edited May 2016
    Jon said:
    Okay, so I don't understand yet how to program a deviation of - let's say - minus 3.4 degrees. What do I put behind the 201,.... and more important: how do I calculate this myself. In your case, minus 3.9 degrees ended up in 201,1,216, but why oh why... @DaneeDeKruyff ?

    255-(3.4*10)= 221
    Hence: 201,1,221
  • JonJon Member
    edited May 2016
    Jerryvdv said:
    Jon said:
    Okay, so I don't understand yet how to program a deviation of - let's say - minus 3.4 degrees. What do I put behind the 201,.... and more important: how do I calculate this myself. In your case, minus 3.9 degrees ended up in 201,1,216, but why oh why... @DaneeDeKruyff ?

    255-(3.4*10)= 221
    Hence: 201,1,221
    Oh wow, how easy it sometimes can be...
    Last question: why the '1' in between?
    EDIT: oh, let me guess: is that '1' for 1 decimal ?
  • DaneeDeKruyffDaneeDeKruyff Member
    edited May 2016

    No, no chance to win the 'koelkast' ;)

    The 1 means that the value lenght for variable 201 is 1 byte long.

    Here's an how-to with more general information on z-wave devices: (scroll to the top for the first post)

  • so 08.34 just became available - lets see if we get more frequent updates out of the sensor  (more then 1x an hour)
  • Am on .34 so far no luck of changing the parameters; I'm getting a " Cannot read property 'id' of undefined " error message when I try to save my settings. 

    Will try to re-add the sensor tomorrow, see if it will help.
  • Jerryvdv said:
    Am on .34 so far no luck of changing the parameters; I'm getting a " Cannot read property 'id' of undefined " error message when I try to save my settings. 

    Will try to re-add the sensor tomorrow, see if it will help.
    Same problem with my V2 smooksensor, even after re-adding the device. I give up on z-wave with Homey. At least for 2 months until stack is rewritten.
  • same here with my Fibaro door sensor.
    LOG : 25B98EADBD
  • I'm out off town this weekend so can't test anything. I will redo all steps and update the first post where needed later.
  • I'm out off town this weekend so can't test anything. I will redo all steps and update the first post where needed later.

    My AEOTEC is now in his Box to "Cool down" had to restart it to get it to work. Now waiting to get the insights back online.
  • casedacaseda Member
    @Jerryvdv ;
    You can still change the parameters with flows if you really need/want to, see my post(s):
  • JerryvdvJerryvdv Member
    edited May 2016
    caseda said:
    @Jerryvdv ;
    You can still change the parameters with flows if you really need/want to, see my post(s):
    Thanks, will use that for now!

    Good news the byte bug has indeed been fixed, my test is working like a charm! Also selective reporting (at least on luminance, did not test others) seems to be working.
  • Jerryvdv said:
    Thanks, will use that for now!

    Good news the byte bug has indeed been fixed, my test is working like a charm! Also selective reporting (at least on luminance, did not test others) seems to be working.
    so how often do you get luminance / etc updated now? (instead of 1x hour)
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