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I'm a regular backer and not afraid of bugs!

the moment I feel the need to confess. I'm a regular backer, working in the ICT
sector and... not afraid of bugs.
I hope to
receive a small update from @Emile this week with a
shipment date update. So before this moment I wanted to ask this: Is there a
possibility to send me a "buggy" homey? I don't need a bug free
device! The reason I backed Athom's Homey is because I really believe in this project.
The same as when I backed the Pebble Time project. This watch was buggy and
awful! It just nearly worked. BUT when you look at this original Pebble then
and now this is a world of difference.
I firmly believe that Homey will be the same
project! But give me the chance to be part of the testing/bug finding/sometimes
frustrated community. Just to help Athom to become better!
So my question to @Emile
and the Athom team is to give regular backers the chance to be part of the
Homey owning community. I have this gut feeling I'm not the only one.
Looking forward to receive an update. +1 of you
have the same feeling!
I didn't get that detailed info. I asked for "splitting the groups", but that was impossible.
Also asked of I could get some sort of guarantee that i would receive my Homey as Early bid on/before 18-3-2016 but that was also impossible.
I have asked here why they still misleading the new customers with the March delivery. Total ignore and still no change on their website... And than wondering why people get aggressive. I can`t back the guys on this, it is totally in their control.
The KS group won't be split and my question was why Pre-order is split and the KS not.
Also asked why the won't ship and/or on which point in time the want to ship OR which bug(s) need to be fixed before the want to ship and i didn't got (clear) answer.
The only thing that was clear that the want to wait with shipment until homey better meets Athom's standards.
So also devide the early birds and regular backers.
For me it's a question to become more involved and participate in the Homey Community. It's about a positive sound (the're are already enough people who are complaining).
+1 If you like the idea!
Friday is another Kickstarter update (we aim to do bi-weekly now). As of now it seems we're going to make the promised shipment dates mentioned in the previous update. Count on 2 to 3 weeks from today, it depends a bit on how the update we're shipping today will be received.
And don't worry, there'll still be bugs ;-)
Stay positive guys! It's the last mile (that allways hard to take).
-edited a typo-
More = Less, Less = More
"depends a BIT on how the update we're shipping today will be received." Back to the fog.