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Version 0.8.18



  • Maybe it's an idea to create alpha, beta and stable channels. 

    Alpha = few times a week very early small updates 
    Beta = once 1 or 2 weeks a update with all previously alphas 
    Stable = once a month all betas 

    So every user can decide how often  he wants to receive updates and what risk he/she wants to take. 
  • @MarcoWijk This question does kind of not belong in this thread. I would post it in an other thread so it does not get lost between the discussion about the firmware.
  • MarkVanWindenMarkVanWinden Member
    edited February 2016
    PimMeijer said:
    Don't get me wrong, I do support the athom team in facing the struggles they run up against. We do need however some form of reliable expectation management on next release dates. Especially when current released versions are under development now as well. E.g. I was only to find out that output speech had a bug and was doen after reading a specific post in a specific discussion on a very busy athom forum. All the best!! Do your thing! But please communicate and manage expectations here since evryone is excited 

    Neh,  asked for some more communication, you can forget the expectation management.
    It seems to be a kickstarter must.  As a startup it seems to be Oke to just stop telling your backers what you are doing.

    Seriously I want this company and product to succeed, but advice form and commitment with their customers seems to be irrelevant.

  • Uranday said:
    @MarcoWijk This question does kind of not belong in this thread. I would post it in an other thread so it does not get lost between the discussion about the firmware.
    @Uranday Sorry but i have to disagree. The kind of security i'm talking about, should at least be in Homey's firmware, maybe even hardcoded in Homey. Therefor my question in this thread.
  • MarcoWijk said:
    @Uranday Sorry but i have to disagree. The kind of security i'm talking about, should at least be in Homey's firmware, maybe even hardcoded in Homey. Therefor my question in this thread.
    Your question is completely unrelated with firmware version 0.8.18 so I agree with Uranday. 

    Furthermore I find the question a bit weird. 
    Do other controllers have this functionality? Does your tv or hifi (that cost a lot more than Homey...)? 

    Maybe they can implement this in the future but for the moment, they have way more urgent things to address. 
  • Fire69 said:
    Your question is completely unrelated with firmware version 0.8.18 so I agree with Uranday. 

    Furthermore I find the question a bit weird. 
    Do other controllers have this functionality? Does your tv or hifi (that cost a lot more than Homey...)? 

    Maybe they can implement this in the future but for the moment, they have way more urgent things to address. 
    @Fire69 As 0,8.18 isn't released yet, and Emile was able to completly rewrite the speech-out on the day of the prognosed released date, so an early version could well be implemented in 0.8.18.

    I understand you (and many ohers) are anctiously awaiting the 'first' update for the new owners and don't want it to be delayed by any new requests and I'm sorry for such a request at this time, though i find it leggit.

    To answer your question about my TV and HiFi. Yes, my TV has an unique ID number which can be tracked. My HiFi is from an era that IR-remote control was the bomb, and there was no internet. But pardon me for asking. Your phone, tablet, computer aren't secured? So when stolen anyone can acces, use or sell them? 

    I'm just asking for somekind of safeguard to be implemented, and if there is a chance to implement it in firmware version 0.8.18 it would be apreciated.

  • MarcoWijk said:

    @Fire69 As 0,8.18 isn't released yet, and Emile was able to completly rewrite the speech-out on the day of the prognosed released date, so an early version could well be implemented in 0.8.18.

    I understand you (and many ohers) are anctiously awaiting the 'first' update for the new owners and don't want it to be delayed by any new requests and I'm sorry for such a request at this time, though i find it leggit.

    To answer your question about my TV and HiFi. Yes, my TV has an unique ID number which can be tracked. My HiFi is from an era that IR-remote control was the bomb, and there was no internet. But pardon me for asking. Your phone, tablet, computer aren't secured? So when stolen anyone can acces, use or sell them? 

    I'm just asking for somekind of safeguard to be implemented, and if there is a chance to implement it in firmware version 0.8.18 it would be apreciated.

    They were bug-testing .18, found a bug and are trying to fix it as fast as possible so it can be released to fix a long list of existing problems..
    To me, it seems very unrealistic to think they would be able to come up with such a security feature AND implement it right away in the next firmware.
    Don't you think so too?

    Sure, my phone and other stuff is 'protected' (with a pincode, if they wipe it they can still use/sell it...)
    But I was able to set up that protection because the feature was already implemented.
    The manufacturer probably didn't program those features in just a couple of days either.

    That's why I said they might be able/willing to implement this in the future. If you want security, don't ask for them to do it quickly, ask to do it thoroughly  ;)
  • @MarcoWijk ;

    This question does not belong in this thread. I would post it in an thread in Ideas & suggestions.
    We all want some feature because I have this device / problem / worries .... 
    Track and trace was never mentioned as a feature beside maybe the postal delivery. In the worst case yours is stolen and no one can use it without registering at, I guess they can check it at the MAC address and maybe serial number. So if you call the police they will maybe hand over the registered email adres or IP adres to the police.

    I agree with @Fire69  and @Uranday  pls dont hijack a thread because I want something badly.
    Designing, developing and programming testing etc takes time.

    We all wait patient and full of anticipation for the next release where a lot of bugs are smashed and again some new promised features work (and don't forget the new bugs we will discover!).  
    I guess we will have to do that several times the coming year.
    So create a feature request and describe what feature you want, take the credits for this fabulous idea and wait...

    And yes, I have a powerbank to feed homey and take it everywhere like my smartphone, tablet and notebook ;-) 

    O, and Emile told at Tweakers (Video) everything in data is encrypted, so no worries unless your enemy removes (solders) the memory chip from the pcb.
  • spamenigmaspamenigma Member
    edited February 2016
    It would be nice to know what is going on and not some cryptic message leading us wonder if .18 delayed or a fix delayed? with no .18 appearing the assumption is this output speech bug has postponed the .18 experimental release.. my point is that hasn't explicitly been said!! the fact its not happened though makes me annoyed why the speech output 'bug' takes priority over all other 'bugs' that could have been improved that currently cause bigger issues!?

    Sorry to come across as an annoyed 'customer/backer' but the fact that I wasted time with speech commands not working, zwave not working, IR not working, flow not working (at least my first attempt with a device to turn on/off at sunrise/sunset??'..

    A decent heads up would have been nice, along with a heads up now as to what's happening with .18 and beyond!

    I'm not asking for an overnight fix, I'm asking for better communication as to what's going on. Thanks!
  • i also have speech output issues with .17 . Homey ussually sounds like a stotteraar when having to speak more then a few words. So how bad could it get with .18 ;)
    Hope it speech hey homey detect ges better to.

    Was watching Flikken Rotterdam and the orange ring and white search ring showed up at least 20 times during that hour.  It usualy also response when my sons is talking and not saying snyting close to hey homey.
  • Any News on the release anyone? Or is 0.8.18 the release date?
  • PimMeijer said:
    Any News on the release anyone? Or is 0.8.18 the release date?
    It's weekend Pim, give the guys at Athom a break ... :smile: 
  • PimMeijer said:
    Any News on the release anyone? Or is 0.8.18 the release date?
    Well, humor is cheering us up.
  • Finaly i got something, and it was realy funny. Radio was playing the song "Mag het licht uit"

    Guess what happend..... Nowhere in the song they said hey homey...

  • mruiter said:

    Finaly i got something, and it was realy funny. Radio was playing the song "Mag het licht uit"

    Guess what happend..... Nowhere in the song they said hey homey...

    Nice AI!
  • BumblezBumblez Member
    edited February 2016
    According to the kickstarter update, 150 issues were closed. I wish the people at Athom would take a little bit of time to also assign the correct milestone to those issues in github, so people can see what to expect in the upcoming 0.8.18 update. So far the 0.8.18 milestone only contains 3 issues...✓&q=is:closed+milestone:0.8.18+

  • Emile said:
    @jorden could be, I've done a complete rewrite of the voices output :)

    @MennoVanDerAat A few days!
    Just a curious question;
    Is there already a release date picked for beta .18? 
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    I hope today!
  • Emile said:
    I hope today!
  • Emile said:
    I hope today!
    So do we!  :#
  • Well , do not forget to put it on the server when you put on youre jacket to leave office at 17.30
  • Hah, leave at 17.30 xD
  • I guess u guys from athom have beds @ the office
  • Beer time!
  • TarikFaikTarikFaik Member
    edited February 2016
    D :D :D :D :D

  • Haha one day we can tell all our grandkids how long we waited for 0.8.18, but that it was worth the wait  :D
  • Missing here the step before grand-kids. ;)

    Hopefully there are now some improvement for me too since version 0.8.5.  o:)
  • tik tak, tik tak..... ;)

  • mruitermruiter Member
    edited February 2016
    Tiissss Stillllll aan de overkant, Tiissss Stillllll aan de overkant, etc etc. You all know the song
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    edited February 2016
    Aaaaand 0.8.20 is out in the bèta (experimental) channel!

    Please report any bugs you found here:

This discussion has been closed.