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Homewizard and Homewizard process monitor

Hi all,

In preparation of getting my Homey I started automating stuff using the Homewizard.
This is a commercially available products which lets you automate stuff in your home.
Initially I was very enthusiastic until I discovered the limitations of the product.

After investigation I discovered the HPM Homewizard Process Monitor which extend the functionality a great deal.
Only (major) drawback is that everything in your home is controlled by an external server, not a pleasant idea I would say.

I just wanted to share this information because it contains some very useful use cases which I hope we will be able to implement all on our own Homey :)

Regards, Bart


  • I'm a big HomeWizard fanboy myself. Although I think HomeWizard is a great product, it has it's shortcomings. HPM or scripts on a raspberry pi can enhance it a bit, but I believe Homey is the next level of home automation.
  • EmileEmile Administrator, Athom
    Most functionality you see there will be possible with Homey!
  • I have also a HomeWizard, but will have more control over when something goes on and off,
    example: i have a light in my house that I will activate with a motion sensor, but only in the evening hours.
    if the homewizard is working with the sensor than there is a 1 a 2 second delay to activate the light. this is too long.
  • And you need a working internet connection because al the If/then/else logica runs on their servers.
    No internet, no action.

    Not a prefered security situation...
  • All modern systems are expected to Be connected to the internet. They rely on phone Notification (or sms) via internet. Or are linked to a control room via internet

    I'm using the hpm and the hpm is informing the owner of the homewizard when the connection is down to take action. Especially the integration with (also a cloud service) or geofencing functionaliteit to manage switches based on location are interesting features. Last but not least. Using the email or sms gateway of the hpm makes it possible to connect a real alarm system to the homewizard to add extra functionality like switching on lights and open/close automatic shutters etc)

    I hardly experience downtime, the hpm service is always available

    Note that the homewizard is an "awareness product" that can improve security
    But Should not Be the single source of security
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